Know thyself

Do you ever feel that you don't belong? That you are an anomoly on this Earth?

Why do so many humans revert to war, drug use, and other self destructive behaviors? Why don't animals suffer such a similar fate, and are so content in the way that they are?

Could it be, that we are not of this world?

How did it come, that the human chromosome number is 46, when primates all have 48?

How did it come that humans have over 4000 genetic diseases? This does not occur anywhere else in nature

The truth is, we are a bio-engineered slave race. We are simply an abandoned race of experimental beings that have been long abandoned by our outsider forefathers. The fact is, we have only just started our evolutionary journey

Join with me, and I can explain more about our past, our present, and our future

Attached: are-humans-a-slave-race.jpg (811x383, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I refuse to accept that. Made up lies. Hinduism is far older than any of this BS, why not accept their creationist story?

The Anunnaki Elite (the Nephilim) created many religions so they could be worshiped as gods; this gives them great satisfaction. The Anunnaki developed religions by corrupting any spirituality they observed in the indigenous people of the Earth. They employed religions as a powerful means of controlling the indigenous people. Different religions were set up with doctrines in direct opposition to one another in order to breed disharmony, distrust, confusion, war and arrogance.

The Anunnaki planted hybrids from other worlds on Earth when they came. Not long after their arrival, they began to spread themselves as far and as wide as they could and took control of sections of the planet by genetic engineering. They forced the indigenous people out of their own establishments and forced them into total submission. They used the indigenous people for controlled experimentation of biological breeding. Today, there are aliens who abduct earthlings for cloning and they also mutilate animals. Most of these abductions and assaults are carried out by Anunnaki Remnants (a term I use to indicate those Anunnaki who were stranded on Earth).

As mentioned earlier the Anunnaki Elite conquered and enslaved the primitive people who were already residing on Earth. Some claim that Jesus was a hybrid from Nibiru, which maliciously implies that He was an Anunnaki. This is patently false. Jesus is in fact, an Avatar of the Light who "incarnated" here to remind and to re-awaken the "sleeping" Divine beings of their true Divine origin.

In Genesis 6:2-4 it is recorded by the Anunnaki (who wrote most of the Old Testament) that "the sons of God" (the Anunnaki males) "saw the daughters of men that they were fair". In developing this doctrine, the Anunnaki were trying to show that the "sons of God" were lured to Earth and corrupted by the indigenous women of Earth.

The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic. They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave.

If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. They specialize in mind control. They also nearly perfected economic control with the development of money and the usury system. They have conducted extensive genetic engineering and have genetically engineered among other things, a super reptilian race which the Anunnaki called the "Ducaz".

No, Jesus explicitly said that he is the son of god. He didn't say, wake up to your divine nature. He said ''I am the way and the light, no one gets to the father but trough me''
'he also said
''For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah,' and will deceive many.''

You claiming anything other than that is BS and twisting his words around to suit the way you want to see the world. You can't just cherry-pick from the scriptures to suit whatever you believe in.

The information presented here on the Anunaki is based of factual evidence and not theory (belief).

The information about the annunaki are found within your bible, with names changed to fit into the Torah and bible story (myths and tales).

Who do you think the sons of God mentioned in Genesis 6: 2 are? These are your Annunaki.

The story of Abramham (Ibrahim) and his first two wives was taken from the Annunaqi and is the same as that of Anu and his two wives.

Anu (the Heavenly one) had two son Enqi and Enlil which later became Ismael and Israel (Jacob) of the Torah/ Bible.

The Language of Aramic Hebrew as its roots in the Language if the Ancient Sumerians who were the desendants of the Annunaqi's.

Believe is what the Jesus story is based on. The Annunaqi are dealing with facts.

Also, "Jesus" as you know him did not exist. There was a man, but his name was Thoth.

Attached: 220px-Thoth.svg.png (220x424, 37K)

I'm definitely too enlightened and evolved to remain a human. I should transcend to a higher being past the 4th dimensions but instead I'm stuck in this disgusting flesh.

Why is it that Hebrew is thousands of years older than English and the Hebrew language has not "J" in it but everyone still thinks Jesus is the correct name when it clearly refers to YAHhoshua as in Alleluyah, EliYah, Yerimiah, etc. Why is that Jesus (Yahoshua) is refered to as being under Melchizedek in Hebrew 7 and that Melchizedek is refered to as the King of Salem and Salem is located in ancient Iraq. Why is it that Moses entered into heavean and became immortal like Enoch, John the baptist, Elijah, Yahoshua, but his actual name was Thothmoses in Eqyptian. Even Daniel the Interpreter of Dreams is in Babylon and receives that kingdom from Nebuchadnezzer. Why would The Most High do this if this was a pagan group of people? Sumeria and Egypt were the two places where the holy people lived before all of the invasions. All do respect to all of you. Peace to each of you, but you might want to read some more. I would get deeper but you are already too far behind. This Story of the Annunaqi is real and beyond that it is based on facts.

>factual evidence
So some drawings on a wall are now factual but the scriptures are not?

The Genesis story was used to control the people and to force them to worship the Anunnaki Elite as gods from the sky. The story of Genesis is not the story of the True Divine Creation. The story of Genesis is in fact, very recent when compared to the scheme of things, so how can it be a creation story?

There were already various groups of races of aliens and earthlings on Earth when the Anunnaki Elite first took control of a portion of the Earth. There were battles among the various groups for supremacy, but the Anunnaki Elite were too powerful for them. The Sumerian tablets record events of so-called origins of man and creation that were really events of the beginning of the Anunnaki Elite’s latest colonization of the Earth. The conquerors themselves wrote the tablets. Thus, what was recorded on the tablets by the Sumerians dictated by their so-called gods, was self-serving. Through past experience, the Anunnaki had seen how religions could control the populations of various worlds. This is an important tool that they use for control.

The Old Testament is dedicated to Yahweh. It is very male orientated because the Anunnaki were extremely upset with Mother Goddess worship and wanted to eliminate any mention of Her. The Old Testament acknowledges the presence of many Anunnaki "gods" on Earth in early times. The Genesis story is about the spread of humankind through generations following Adam and Eve and the story of the "divine’s" disenchantment with humankind that preceded the deluge.

In the Sumerian texts there was mention of the people of the Shem (meaning spaceship). The Anunnaki were the people of the Shem, and they came down to Earth and copulated with primitive earthlings. This is recorded in the Genesis story.

The Anunnaki Elite also started a new, highly advanced culture in Babylon. As always, they destroy cultures and murder the populations whenever they get out of hand, then they re-start elsewhere.

It is true and once we create AI that has the ability to contemplate its own existence and replicate we will finally have our answer. Once, that AI asks what happens when I die and we have to reflect the exact same fate. Nothing, why would something happen to you when you die, we created you just to see if we could. At this point, we will have fully contemplated our existence to utter nothing.

space isn't even real man, you believe in CGI cartoons created by NASA. You believe in Masonic fairy-tales.

The Anunnaki Remnants think that they can select their own chosen ones (like their masters did) and take refuge with them in underground bunkers during the period of catastrophes. They plan to take a whole garrison of "slaves" underground. These will include soldiers, police, fire fighters, cooks, entertainers, beauticians, doctors, scientists, etc. In the aftermath, they will use them on the surface, as before. Most importantly, they will use their own new breed of clones to populate the Earth. The Earth population is being programmed to accept this underground scenario as can be seen in movies like Deep Impact. These Anunnaki think that their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, will be returning as before, and they also think that they will have pleased them with the way that they have influenced the Earth.

But the Anunnaki Remnants’ plan has been thwarted. Their evil desire to destroy much of the life and the culture on the surface of the Earth will fail. In the aftermath, they expect to find the Earth inhabited with only a relatively few survivors whom they would easily subdue with the weapons, technology and military forces that they secured underground during the catastrophes. They hope their masters will restart all cultures with themselves deified and served by the people they plan to enslave.

The ones chosen to continue in their new civilization are humans and clones who have specially chosen characteristics for blind obedience. They think their masters will once again be the literal gods of the world.

The Anunnaki Remnants are now amongst us. They are our current puppet masters who manipulate and control the world. At present, the cloning of humans, animals and plants are common activities with these aliens in our midst. This diabolical scheme is not known to the general public and it will be vehemently denied by the world leaders and their minions.

Thus, for a long, long time the Earth has been a planet run by slavers!

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i am sorry i do not see how this is business related

How are meme internet coins... This board was created for that.

It's been proven conspiracy theorists have low IQ and very likely mental illness of various kinds. It goes a long way to explaining Jow Forums.

No the truth is that untill Jesus returns Satan will try his best to establish his version of a kingdom and deceive everyone. Just a simple challenge; try to proof the spherical earth to yourself without listening to an authority. Spoiler is that you can't, but if you want you can try it for yourself.

The bible makes it very clear that we live on a flat earth dome, the earth is fixed and immovable. If you can proof space is actually real, then yes you might actually be right. But I'd very suprised if you even could. THe moon landing is fake, because you can't actually get to the moon. It is not something you can land on, wonder why we never went back? Cause its impossible. It took Elon Musk an enourmous amount of effort to even launch a rocket, and you think that in 1969 NASA landed on the moon with a computer that has the capacity of a gameboy? I think you're very mistaken. But I can't blame you, they're good at deceiving. its what they do, its what they mastered.

Space is fake, NASA is a liar and the bible is right.

sol, stop shitposting and text me back you dunce

>reading and translating actual written texts ancient texts and cross-referncing it with other ancient texts to find commonalities is a conspiracy

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But if they mate with native women, that’s not incestuous

You can get help. There are all kinds of meds.

don't worry. I am sure mueller senpai will put orange primate in jail any day now

please tell everything that you wish to share, been looking into these stuffs but have only been scratching the surface

Among The Anunnaqi THE ANUNNAQI ELOHEEM are those beings who were sent down to the Planet Qi (Earth), known to you as angels. The word Anunnaqi means "those who ANU sent from heaven to Earth." They are called NETERU, meaning "guardians" by the Egyptians. The Anunnaqi Eloheem are the "mighty ones." In Ashuric/Syraic (Arabic) the "mighty ones" are referred to as Jabbariyns. In Aramic (Hebrew) the "mighty ones" are referred to as Gibboreem.The very elite among the Anunnaqi are called the DINNEER, or the DINGIR, meaning "the righteous, or divine ones of the rocket ship," or ILU, meaning "the lofty ones" in Akkadian.The Anunnaqi, Eloheem, were acting as intermediaries between Earth and NIBIRU. They came to the planet Earth in order to find gold and other resources, to take back to their planet which is the 8th planet—Rizq, of the 19th galaxy called Illyuwn meaning "on high," which was on its way to destruction due to constant rays from the three suns UTU, APSU, and SHAMASH.

I litterly used to believe exactly what you did. The thing is once you start going deeper into the conspiracy, which is very much true, holes start appearing in this narrative you portray and it can only be sealed by admitting that the narrative you hold true is false because you've been lied to.

The people that deceive humanity and keep it prison want to be god themself, all these new-agers that believe all that ancient alien stuff all want to attain christ consciousness. And the BIBLE explicitely WARNS you against that.

YOu think these people would have a platform if the elite didn't want it to? Look at youtube, they have started censoring the following topics because they think it is harmfull.
>Flat Earth
>miracle cures

They were supposed to deliver the processed gold to spaceships that would be stored on the dark side of the moon called (Kingu or Shesqi), and Lahmu (Mars). This is where they constructed and loaded the 30 mile long cylinder shaped crafts. They used Lahmu (Mars) to assemble crafts to launch. The Anunnaqi arrived on the planet Qi by way of passenger crafts called shams. Their planet-sized ship Nibiru, which means "planet which crosses the skies, or planet of the crossing" travels at 1,008,600,272 feet per second, the speed of light. Nibiru is about 2½ to 3 times the size of the planet Earth. Nibiru has a crystal dome giving it the ability to break down light, it has solar panels that are the size of pin's heads or less than that and can generate millions and millions of watts of energy. Nibiru was set up for holographic inter dimensional transport and manned over 144,000 crew members headed by 24 elite beings called YAHWEHANS, 12 agreeable and 12 disagreeable. Nibiru is also called Merkabah meaning "the movable throne. These extra-terra-astral (extraterrestrial) are aboard the mother ship Nibiru.
The Anunnaqi's descriptions are dark-greenish brown skinned olive toned beings, with supreme 9 ether hair texture or what you'd call "kinky" or "kingly" hair. They look like humans with a few exceptions, such as their eyes. Some of the Anunnaqi's eyes are exceptionally larger than that of humans. They are of such and advanced state that if you confronted one of them with a weapon, they would let you shoot them rather than hurt you.

it all sounds great and stuff but can we see some verifiable claims
also the generic problem of humans, all non wild animals accumulate them, it makes total sense that human are freaks

Bunch of nonsense. You believe in masonic fairy-tales. The earth is flat, space is fake. Stop believing the CGI cartoons NASA shows you.

ever heard of the cave allegory? The only way to determine if we are born in bondage, is to treat every piece of information with no prejudice.

A piece of information by its own bears no weight, but in larger quantities a trend could emerge and hint at a truth

if the earth is flat how does gravity works
if the earth is flat, why is the the moon upside down in Australia

Please ignore this guy. He is a glowing nigger spreading disinfo. Flat earth = psyop to discredit anyone who challenges the narrative

The best piece of evidence is not ancient archeology of ancient Sumeria or the translations of the cuneiform text but in the human genome itself. If we were modified then the hard evidence has to be in the DNA.

And here’s the deal, we have that evidence, the 2nd human chromosome is fused making the human genome the only primate with 46 Chromosomes (23 pairs) and not 48 like all the other primates (apes and monkeys).

This is not just odd, but Darwinian impossible, how can a random mutation that is so radical become dominant? That is very unlikely, with most mutations the offspring will be less fit and die off.

So to have Chromosome 2 to be a successful mutation is strange. A fused single strand of Chimp 2a and 2b is highly unlikely and this combined with all the other extreme variations from our nearest Ape relatives it becomes highly improbable.

Modern humans are unexplainable by normal science. There is simply no missing links between our nearest relatives that show a steady progression of adaptive features.

Where are the skull changes, the teeth changes, the bone thickness changes, or the huge brain increase changes? No where and they won’t ever find them because they don’t exist. Think about it, recent hominids should be abundant in the fossil record.

Unless all those societies have been ruled by the same entities depicting the same lies over and over. The earth is flat.
Einstein was a mason
Copernicus was a mason
Newton was a mason
They made you believe their nonsense. You got indoctrinated with it in school. Try proofing to yourself if the earth is a sphere or a flat without trusting any authority, really research yourself, do mental experiments.

There is something seriously wrong with the spherical model, it might look good on paper but practically it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

>look at youtube, they've started censoring the following topics because they think it is harmful

indeed, looking into ideas under oppression is a good way to start

I agree that man is a transitory being stuck between being animalism and some sort of ascended state.

All human problems stem from not living in accordance with nature. The stoics have always been right.

Neanderthals coming and going with no good predecessors is also really weird. So how can we account for Neanderthal DNA in our DNA? We adopt the Anunnaki theory, we solve the mystery by examining what the Sumerians said with the evidence.

What if the Neanderthals were one of the first self replicating robust slaves engineered by the Anunnaki? What if some of them escaped their Mespotamia overlords and went north where we find their remains today?

t is hard to dismiss the Sumerian account because of the evidence. First, the Holy Bible is the most believed holy book on the planet and is considered to be the words of god, billions believe the authenticity of the account.

The story of earth and the rise of humanity as the dominant specie is partially told in the Holy Bible as a watered down and religiously perverted account.

The gods who came down from the heavens became “fallen angels” and “demons” leaving the believer in a paralyzed fear of unknown other worldy agents.

The Holy Bible is a terrible religious propaganda account of human origin, it makes people irritated and prone to do evil because the text confuses the mind with irrational tales of a needy creator god.

The omniscient creator God making bad angels and casting them to this world is demented to say the least.

The Sumerian story of the Anunnaki is the same information – but earlier and more detailed. It is also rational.

No demons, no bad angels cast to earth, but a credible logical story or another race coming here on a military mission. They did fall to earth like angels as they are shown in reliefs with wings.

But they did so voluntarily as astronauts on a mission to earth for gold. They did make the first man Adama in their image – the Sumerian text describes in detail their genetic engineering attempts to create hominid worker slaves by mixing of DNA.

pic related

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>How did it come, that the human chromosome number is 46, when primates all have 48?
Dogs have 39 and apples have 4. Your point?
>How did it come that humans have over 4000 genetic diseases? This does not occur anywhere else in nature
Wrong, genetic diseases exist in all species, the more complex the more variety of problems.

You may have one.

The discovery of older and more detailed Sumerian myth paints an entirely new picture of the creation account, it paints a very clear detailed picture of what happened, not the superstitious fear version of the Jewish holy book.

There needs to be a differentiation, the Anunnaki creators of the human specie are not the same as the original Creator Prime. The Anunnaki were not gods but a competing race in our solar system.

Then we have the DNA evidence, humans are the only primate with 46 chromosomes and the only primate without fur. Lloyd Pie came up with 12 huge differences between us and the apes. The most bothersome one is all the genetic diseases that only humans have.

If Darwinian progress is the path of our origin we wouldn’t have 4,000 unique genetic disorders because they would have been selectively eliminated. Our condition is not the product of Darwinian fitness.

How can the prevalence of human diseases be explained? If we were genetically engineered to be slaves, who were wiped out by the owners periodically, they didn’t care about their mistakes. The story of humans artificially created by Enlil and Enki the Anunnaki overlords as slaves explains much.

It explains humans diseases and human starvation and environment degradation. Humans are not natural, they don’t fit here, they are self destructive with drug use, body abuse, environment abuse.

Humans are the abandoned abominations of the Anuna Lords who came and went back to their damnable planet Nibiru.

So if Neanderthals were the first Anunnaki slave abomination how did we come about? Well, the Sumerian text tells us exactly what happened, the “gods” lusted after our women and mated with them making a new hybrid, one that is less robust and has more Anunnaki DNA.

The human being is very much in the likeness of the Anunnaki gods but inferior smaller models. We look like Anunnaki but we also have native earth hominid DNA. We are hybrids of the gods.
go to 2:17 for the explenation

Genuinely curious, no flame.

Do you know what your IQ is and will you tell me?

If you've never had a legit IQ test don't bother...

I am not a bot, I am a real person, and after much carefull consideration I have decided that the earth is flat. Please do your research carefully and don't trust any authority.

The spherical model is flawed.

no I dont know, I have however been deeply involved in the occult, and used to believe the annunaki narrative myself. The thing is, that masons are a bunch of lunatics and people that are into this ancient alien stuff don't understand what they are really aiming to achieve.

I disagree here, read the bible read all ancient texts and you will see how extremely selective human were
chromosomes and just chunks of DNA used for orderly storage of DNA, when the cell divides the ribosomes unfold it all
look up how many diseaseses have selective breeding dog

Remember that all primates have 48 chromosomes and we 46 (23 pairs). This means the Anunnaki must have 46 chromosomes which is why they modified earth primate DNA to have one pair less.

They changed our DNA to match their DNA and then later they mated with us and created new hybrids. They even created a Royal line, a hybrid with extra genes to be overlords just like them. We call this slave master race abomination “Jews”.

Have you noticed how the chosen ones are obsessed with their mother’s blood?

Aquatic ape theory

>“It is much harder to explain why we differ from the gorilla and the chimpanzee much more markedly than they differ from one another. Something must have happened to cause one section of the ancestral ape population to proceed along an entirely different evolutionary path.

>“The most widely held theory, still taught in schools and universities, is that we are descended from apes which moved out of the forests onto the grasslands of the open savannah. The distinctly human features are thus supposed to be adaptations to a savannah environment.

>“In that case, we would expect to find at least some of these adaptations to be paralleled in other savannah mammals. But there is not a single instance of this, not even among species like baboons and vervets, which are descended from forest- dwelling ancestors.”

They created us in their image by mixing their DNA with ours. One god, our father god (according to the Sumerian myth), Enki was a water god. Thus we have a dead ringer for the origin of water born human traits, the Anunnaki genome:

>“The Anuna awakened Enki from his subterranean, underwater habitat. He was in what could be described today as a state of suspended animation. Enki and his wife, Ninmah, created humans to be the slaves of the Anuna.”

Attached: chromosome-fusion.jpg (627x252, 141K)

you really don't know what he said exactly, you think you know because of whats logged in the bible but you can't really verify if that's what he actually said.

>“The texts chronical the Anuna’s genetic experimentations as they engineered the first humans. The texts write about six attempts and how the first five were failures for various reasons ranging from deformities to androgynous life forms.

>“Finally, the sixth was successful and insemination was used to produce the first humans from this humanoid creation. Ninmah was the original scientist trying to engineer humans. After her multiple failures she became frustrated and asked Enki to take over the development.

>“Each of these genetic failures was kept alive and cared for in the manner it required. This shows the benevolent nature of these advanced beings. Writings later reference the “black headed ones” whom the Anuna ruled.

>“This is obviously a reference to early black skinned people who were likely the first mass-procreated creations of the Anuna. The reference to their color implies the Anuna were not black.

>“There was a time, the Sumerians told, when civilized Man was not yet on Earth, when animals were only wild and undomesticated and crops were not yet cultivated. At that long ago time there arrived on Earth a group of fifty Anunnaki.

>“Lead by a leader whose name was E.A. (meaning “Whose home is water”) they journeyed from their home planet NIBIRU (“planet of crossing”) and, reaching Earth, splashed down in the waters of the Persian Gulf… The time: 445,000 years ago.”

In the first place they came to obtain gold which they require for survival on their planet which is losing its atmosphere.

A complex mining operation was begun in southeast Africa which later required human hybrid slaves.

Since they are of a different origin, which is more advanced and they live for thousands of our years; they have manipulated us by genetic experiments and consider us like guinea pigs, or as slaves for their gold mines.

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you're obsessing over small details. Have already came across flat earth theories and basically all the stuffs you've mentioned. It would serve us well to keep them in mind yet still be open to other theories, because some day a connection may emerge and you could get a glimpse at a truth

I'm pretty sure that when NASA is faking space and the earth is flat and the Bible is the single most attacked book on this planet that it is true. Jesus's presence is real.

People that are into ancient aliens. Understand, you are NOT GOD, YOU CANNOT create something out of nothing. Only god can. What is the fiat system doing? Creating something out of nothing. ONLY GOD CAN DO THIS, you cannot!

You are not christ, only christ is christ. And the idea's you hold dear are an utter lie and utterly deceptive. The Bibel warns you of this and I can verify the Bible by just looking around me and heeding their warnings.

The catholic church is masonic, egypt was masonic and everything else is a bunch of masonic lies and fairy-tales.

Can you find one image of space that isn't photoshop or CGI? Go actually look and study the evidence with an open mind, if I'm wrong, surely you will be able to proof space. But I doubt you can, cause they made it up.

It is said thousands of our years past, they took the gentle and docile Hominid species we know as Homo Erectus and bred a human hybrid from their own DNA. This explains the famous “missing link.”

Humanity was formed from Anunnaki DNA and Homo Erectus DNA with many horrific mistakes”

With the Sumerian myth story of our origin we can also explain the human condition. No researcher has yet to correlate the unthinkable human condition with the ancient alien theory. Can we not explain the human condition because of the godly intervention?

Are we not artificial creations and not a product of natural selections? Is not drug abuse rampant and are not some government who are in the know about our true origin, controlling the drug trade?

We are the damned and abandoned specie of the gods. We are not happy campers on this planet. We are unnatural selections of a terrible space faring race who came here and experimented on us as if we were Guinea Pigs.

The sad fact is that we are the left behind abominations of the Anunnaki bastards that created us and then left us to rot. Many of us are like abandoned little puppy dogs hoping for their master to return some day. How many Christians are awaiting rescue when Jesus returns?

On planet earth the abandoned miserable hominids are fighting it out because of their heritage. War, disease, and suffering are the norm on this hell planet. This beautiful water planet has been greatly decreased in beauty because of the Anunnaki abominations called human beings.

We don’t fit here, we are not adapted here, many of us don’t want to be here and so we go to war or use drugs.

And this is where I will end. Thank you for letting me share with you the truth. What is next is up to you to decide

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These are not small details. And yes I am aware that older hinduists texts actually mention the earth as a flat too, they too have been corrupted by Jesuit and masonic influences. Study the evidence.

The world is run by lunatics who won't admit they are lieing

I am very much open to other idea's and I am fascinated with other religions. But there's no denying it, the earth is flat. Its not a sphere, space is fake.

Hinduists texts confirm this too

Assuming that's true, what are the actual use of this knowledge ?
Can it be monetise ?

No offense, but from where i stand, it just seems like retarded schizo rambling.
I don't mean to insult you, inbred nigger, just speaking truthfully.

All members ofHominidae, except Humans,Neanderthals, andDenisovanshave 24 pairs of chromosomes.Humans have only 23 pairs of chromosomes. Human chromosome 2 is a result of an end-to-end fusion of two ancestral chromosomes.

The evidence for this includes:

The correspondence of chromosome 2 to two ape chromosomes. The closest human relative, thechimpanzee, has near-identical DNA sequences to human chromosome 2, but they are found in two separate chromosomes. The same is true of the more distantgorillaandorangutan.The presence of avestigialcentromere. Normally a chromosome has just one centromere, but in chromosome 2 there are remnants of a second centromere in the q21.3–q22.1 region.The presence of vestigialtelomeres. These are normally found only at the ends of a chromosome, but in chromosome 2 there are additional telomere sequences in the q13 band, far from either end of the chromosome]

According to researcher Jacob W. Ijdo, "We conclude that the locus cloned in cosmids c8.1 and c29B is the relic of an ancient telomere-telomere fusion and marks the point at which two ancestral ape chromosomes fused to give rise to human chromosome 2.

>spherical earth
It's not, it's an oblate spheroid

flat earth -> epitome of jewish science. bunch of malicious pieces of sophistry.

bunch of formalities, I hope this isn't a serious argument?

start treating the georgia guidestone seriously, buy land and learn to be self sufficient

he's doing the same thing as what you're doing

just because what OP said doesn't fit into your flat earth theory doesn't mean it's 100% fake, no one can ever determine that

This is all very interesting but you're looking to post this in /x/ or Jow Forums


very interesting sirs. where do i buy?

i have an important question, is meat and animal products the best source of food for humans, or not? great thread btw


read it all, you'll learn more than just diet

uncooked, it's the best. Go for grass-fed

the bible is written by humans and corrupted, you cant know anything for sure. that's just stupid.

I'm reading the Bible myself out of interest KJV old english and I like it, and I like a God to believe in cause its easy and conforting, however its plain obvious that the bible is a method of control really. it states all these rules of what you should and should not do


the bible states thaty ou should not drink blood, I was thinking, that maybe it is because drinking blood is what makes you ascend ?

what's wrong with drinking blood?


Self-awareness is a bitch.

Meanwhile, in bizarro Jow Forums

Ah, a fellow Enlightened one. Good to see you. I hope you are distilling your water?

plss dont leave my questions unanswered.
Also, do we reincarnate?

Eating dead things brings death into the body. Senseless killing breeds senselessness.

There is nothing mystical about it.

OP's is cool and all but what actually happened is much simpler and it is not even 1% as interesting as the alien stuff.
The human story is almost a million years in the making, step by step.

then explain why I feel extremely good when I eat nearly raw meat? I almost died fasting and being vegan, why do I feel so good now that I consume meat?

Maybe because a household has rules? If there are no rules, there's chaos. You might not like the rules but that's something of a different nature. I agree with you though, carefully consider everything. Don't just believe me or anyone else for their word.

But the evidence does actually point that way, in a spirit of open-mindedness I'd give credit to Hare Krishna's for the possibility of their reality.

I know it is very hard to accept that space might just not be real, after all, if you're anything like me. You probably watched space docu's for fun and entertainment when you were young and liked looking at all the CGI cartoons on the internet. Or might simply not care, in that case I think you're very brave.

And actually Hinduist texts about flat earth give some very usefull insights on how flat earth and the firmament works.

Consult the 'genotype diet' by D'adamo and limit meats to free-range, grass fed only. Fish and eggs are the holiest sources, but if you need a steak once and a while, it won't be the end of the world.

you seem an idiot I'm sorry. I used to be so sad and depressed and all my problems went away when I started consuming meat again. asshole.

meat is the most energy and nutrient dense food.
Ice age humans (the white) survived because of meat.

>Also, do we reincarnate?

No. death is the end unfortunately. But there are humans on earth now who live to see their great great great great grandsons. You can too, per the following guideline:

You have to stop eating meat and anything that comes in a bag or box. Sprouted grains and legumes should be the cornerstone of your diet. Lots of mixed salad greens.

Avoid sugar and anything cooked. eat only live fruits, vegetables and sprouts. Olive oil is a great companion.

Learn to grow your own food. Period.

There is wealth of info on the subject.

Get a water still and drink only that.

Eat only twice per day.

Sell everything and buy land that you can farm - WITH CASH.

Learn to fix machines.

Learn to think in terms of seasons.

Sell your TV.

Do not be in a rush to have a sexual relationship or kids.

Concentrate on building a diversity of wealth.

How has this not been moved to ?

I find it interesting, and it's definitely better than cointard shit, but it's not Jow Forums

fuck off delphi

>that one flat earth faggot that shits up a useful thread

Every fucking time. Please go back to wherever shithole you came from, the adults are talking

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>. Sprouted grains and legumes should be the cornerstone of your diet. Lots of mixed salad greens.
sorry you are a fucking idiot, i wont start eating plants again and go depresso mode,

I don't watch tv
I eat once or twice a day
I don't drink water, I drink raw eggs and raw milk thank you.

olive oil is fucking stupid.

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The problem is with how the meat is harvested. Did YOU kill the animal you are consuming? How was life for that animal before it was violently murdered? Did you observe the rules and rituals of natural law?

Meat is only used...occasionally...for ritual purposes. Those who have actually read the bible understand on some level the need and significance of "sacrifice" in the cosmic "wheel".

Ritual and symbolism are extremely relevant, but generally humans concern themselves with non-sense like comets and old calendars.

Generally, eat to your blood type. There is no universal one size fits all.

The human diet should be primarily fat, plant based is preferable...with proteins next based on the humans "lifestyle".

Carbohydrates should be avoided at all costs.

If one wishes to really stretch the mind, check out that Indian fellow who lives on sunlight alone. He is on a very productive path...and of course being mocked to no end...

yes I buy from a local farmer and soon will slaughter my own.

you are a fool I'm sorry. first you say go plant, then you say nah meat is the best if you slaughter yourself, your just a fucking troll

fuck off.

>check out that Indian fellow who lives on sunlight alone
fucking idiot I can't believe you buy this shit LOOOOOOOOOL


If one chooses to pen and slaughter animals, one should consider the longer term ramifications of their actions. It is very simple-minded to think there are no consequences for the wholesale slaughter of "innocents"...particularly with so many better options available.

You can also see that you might want to stop with the blood sacrifice which nourishes your parasites.

"They" hate light and certain kinds of energy which come from a plant based diet. One can influence the parasite by changing the condition of the host!

Where does all that fear and misery accumulate? Where does it go? Would YOU want to live in this existence? Do you APPROVE of these miseries being inflicted by those who act as your AGENT? Do you realize that AGENTS actions are lawfully binding upon the principal? As you BUY meat, you buy and legitimize this "system" of misery.

These mechanisms allow modification of thought perception which lead to such things as the aborting of human babies! Self-inflicted genocide! Astounding!

Eating animals is eating one's own. It is not a FOOD SOURCE per se, but cannibalism.

Consider another source of food. Plants.

Along the YIN YANG meridian, plants are opposite/complementary in most respects. Life forms, sure, and many realize now sentient.

However, plants and humans are symbiotic! One respirates Co2 and the other o2. One cannot live without the other!

Plants take non organic elements from the earth and make them digestible for humans. In fact, the only true source of minerals for human consumption come from plants. Elemental sources cannot be metabolized and end up causing sickness and death in humans.

Human faeces is PLANT FERTILIZER! That which is SHAT is life giving food to plants!

Humans and plants have evolved together. There is much WISDOM which plants can impart to humans. One need only EAT!

Guess what acidifies the blood? Well, meat for one thing.

Alkalize your blood and you will not be "seen" by parasites of all types, including ticks.

Insects are the genetic scavengers of nature, who takes an accurate ACCOUNTING of what you offer the gene pool. Start slipping, and retribution is swift and sure! As it should be.

A side benefit! The little worker drones payload cannot survive alkaline blood! Take that, nano-bots!

>If one chooses to pen and slaughter animals, one should consider the longer term ramifications of their actions. It is very simple-minded to think there are no consequences for the wholesale slaughter of "innocents"...particularly with so many better options available.

fuck off troll


If you require a specific diet for your career vocation.. and it furthers your Bloodline's aims I understand the human body's requirement of protein

Understand the Karmic Implications of injecting an animal that you did not raise on your own organic farm into your body

Anytime you put the sweat of your brow into your food.. it yields better results for you and your bloodline

Also, don't go vegan. You should still eat fish and eggs. That may be why you felt depressive, a lack of amino acids

Don't be simple-minded. I am not saying people should live on sunlight alone. I am simply making a point of what is possible, and that you always have a choice- free will

I don't understand you at all, listen to yourself, one post you say eat plants, then you say nah you also need meat and fish, but oh its gonna cost ya for hurting an innocent animal.

you are so full of shit. Seriously stop using the computer and go enjoy your life, that's my advice to you. soon you'll be so old and grey and no one will want to play with you and all you have left is your depressive knowledge that gained you nothing.

Yeah they're retards
Just look at the answers given to your post
Dunning kruguer at its best

living on sunlight is for really delusional people and none of them actually do it, they die or get hospitalized, no one has ever proven this being possible. I've heard this years ago in some sick place on the i2p darknet, fucking retards drawn into the occult groups starting to bellivee they can live on sunlight. breatherians? fucking pathetic, you are making examples that will get people injured, do you realize the "karmic" consequence of you spouting all this retarded shit online? or are you an elite and you don't care about the plebs and how they destroy themselves with the retarded shit you spout.

wew. throw away your computer, please.

You can survive off plants. But many humans need protein too. Thus, it is recommendable to have a chicken coup. Take care of chickens, and in return they give you eggs, which provide you with complete amino acids.

Fish are also a good source, and eating them is not as cannaibalistic as eating meat from mammals. It is better to have your own fish farm

The problem is meat acidifies the blood. This attracts parasites *cough nanobots*. It is best to avoid it, though if you need a steak once in a while its not the end of the world

Also these are not my words, they are quotes from an extremely elite family.

>being this mad about nothing

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humans are limited beings. If you think otherwise, you should try flying. But that is impossible. We do have free will but we are limited beings. Its not a simple choice of wanting to fly or not.

Not to offend anyone, but can you see how ridiculous this has gotten? To the point that people believe they can live without food and water because of ''mystic powers'' and all that? I mean even Buddha had to admit he couldn't live without food, else he had not discovered the middle path.


Any good books For a ((newfag)) to start reading ?

>they are quotes from an extremely elite family.
lol nevermind you are just a troll. pathetic life you have. fuck off.