/smg/ - Stock Market Ghosty

dead during the weekends edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101

Suggested books:

Past life of /SMG/:

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Other urls found in this thread:

content.equisolve.net/_61e106bbacb4b4e025d778c66ea9fc92/magnegas/db/184/282/pdf/Taronis Presentation Q1 2019 v6.pdf

To make things even more insane, the day that it popped 20%, luckily the day I sold, is the day they filed for the reverse split. Again, I only put 8 dollars into it. If my memory is correct, this is the day that everyone was gloating about the MNGA positions finally turning green.


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They filed on the 28th, though the paperwork says the 29th. It was available for viewing on the 28th on the SEC's website as well as other sites that track filings.

fucking check em

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How to buy individual bonds, not ETF

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Ally Invest allows you to search through buy bonds through their fixed income section, I believe,

Assuming you mean corporate, agency and muni bonds. Federal govt bonds can be bought through the treasurydirect website.

Ok so after we caught wind of the magneshill's apparent suicide via his stocktwits account. I decided to look into this company. Turns out these scammers are changing their name to Taranis or whatever.

Check this out

content.equisolve.net/_61e106bbacb4b4e025d778c66ea9fc92/magnegas/db/184/282/pdf/Taronis Presentation Q1 2019 v6.pdf

A weak ass "presentation" about their tech lol. They expect big wig investors to dive into this scam? This shit is going back to .20 soon.

Thx bby. I'm using TDA and I think they have an equivalent. I'm using JPST as a savings account but wanted to diversify that

are you suprised that a shit penny stock is going back to pennys after a r/s?

why didnt she become as popular as bowseretta

Jow Forums needs to make a free API that allows everyone to track posts and do analytics
thats what will bring Jow Forums back

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This is a really dumb question, but how to corporate bonds pay interest? Yearly or lump sum at the end?

Is DRUS back? Who here /DRUS/?

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Not at all. I just want to see what schemes these scammers are going to use to try to swindle these careless newbies. It's fun to watch if you're into that sort of thing lol.

Can someone explain to me what happened to MNGA

reverse split

There's all kinds. Some pay yearly, some monthly some quarterly, and some at maturity.

gomfy why have you started zizekposting? Can we watch a perverts guide to ideology tomorrow?

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Is there a DRIP equivalent for bonds?
Thank you for your help, have an extra (you)

I know there is for treasury bonds, but no idea about others.

Found a dumb dumb with an average cost of .41 on MNGA.


It's actually far worse, she bought more. Lowering her average, but her whole position is fucking destroyed.

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what if i told you thats a fake account that was made just to play with peoples emotions?

It's $.41 a share and the V-GO is pretty bad ass. I heard they're releasing V-GO Slim soon. You know people are only gonna get fatter and end up with Diabetes and your government will give them all socialized healthcare and they'll be getting V-GOs for free paid by your tax dollars. This is a power play opportunity and I'm providing it right here for free.


I'm not patient enough to sit on it.

>Ok so after we caught wind of the magneshill's apparent suicide via his stocktwits account
whats his stocktwits acct?
i mustve been away. when did this happen?

no. i dont think he is

you read about all that crazy shit going on
reverse merger meme doesnt even sound so ridiculous, and even if it is, it should be good for a pop

this week was the best week its had since decades. cant believe im saying this but im glad i held

I'm long $VSTM as well, but that may be a better short term play. Earnings come out in March.

What the fuck happened to mnga?
Why does robinhood only give me useless push notifications on fluctuations in price but not more important things like my position being absolutely ravaged

i disagree
while that stuff youre saying is all too common, this actually looks simply like a very stupid thot

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its free. I love it.

god so many people bought MNGA it unbelievable
why dont you guys buy GPRO -_-

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I'm only aware of the new CFO, but I read about the reverse merger on this facebook post linked from ihub. I bought 150K shares today. If it doesn't pan out, I'll be out about $300 bucks. Not a bad gamble, I guess.

oh shit it reversed split


don't worry it will be back under $1 in no time

Buy dgaz

told ya
everyones fuckng retarded

do you know what a reverse split is?
THATS wtf happened to MNGA

>I bought 150K shares today. If it doesn't pan out, I'll be out about $300 bucks. Not a bad gamble, I guess
thats my philosophy on it
for a pink its got a lot going for it
and a ride like today, on friday no less, is a good sign for OTC memes

Can you guys please give dude weed your energy over this long, cold weedend?

Based GPRO waifu :3
He's a funny little man! I hate listening to him speak, but reading him is enjoyable

Found another dumb dumb. Holding 100k before split. Their average is around .24-.25 based on their posts.


I can't see dudeweed doing anything but dipping next week. But then again, I've been wrong every single time this week.

>tfw started DCA back in August.
>Now only 1% down.

I actually want it to crash again cus I want more "cheap" while my pot is still small. Am I crazy anons?

Now that I have nearly broken even I almost want to put less in.

>100K at avg 0.25

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you said you buy GPRO before earnings, you better no lie -_-;

dont think these people are real, they bots

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Seems like a lot of work for bots, I'm only looking at people that are showing actual screencaps of Robinhood. There's plenty of broken english posts talking about it going up or down, it's very hard to achieve schadenfreude with these.

its actually pretty easy to make bots have natural looking spelling errors
pretty standard actually nowadays

yea now that im looking at it, their join dates compared with the stocks moves are pretty suspicious imo

are you scoops

>20k in just MNGA
Who are these people and why are they all young-ish attractive-ish women? That’s one of the last demographics I would have pegged to take an interest in finance, much less volatile penny stocks. Who the hell told that lady about magnegas, and what’s her conception of the company and their situation? It seems like they’re just posting robinhood charts so I doubt they’re doing analysis of any kind. Is this like those “forex trader” girls who just say they’re traders to justify being basically unemployed?

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no, i am ron watkns, the hapa mutt son of jim watkins, owner of 8gag, of which, i am admin of

2^3chan was a lot better before hotwheels left, imo

I dunno dawg, that girl has a linkedin page and a seemingly active instagram. Looks like she's a registered nurse, probably makes more money than I do. The ghoasts they're making on that secret barge are getting pretty complex if she isn't real

youre right
i have no idea what im doing and am now pandering to schizophrenic boomer QLARPers in an effort to get my dads edgy drudge report reskin (le pisswater™) more traffic

yea it could go either way desu, and i initially was thinking the same thing, but thotbots are definitely a thing too



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Dude weed feasts off your negative vibes
Wood pecker = dude weed stocks
Dove chick’s brains = you


Unironically starting a project applying Pythagorean occultism and holy geometry to options trading
It will take me 40 years, but I will perfect it

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Are you sure that's the best use of your time? For all you know options trading might not even exist in 40 years

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Vaginas won't exist in 40 years but I'll still try to have sex

I need to know if acrl is a scam or not, they have old papers that say they have record breaking gold amounts but I need to know if it’s too good to be true desu?

Well the Jews do it and they're rich so maybe there's something to it.


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I'm so ready for 2020 and the hate speech laws.

>tfw you made back 10% of losses in 1 month

I wish I had bought the dip tho

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I'll let you guys know when I buy calls so you can short

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For a limited time, Del Taco is selling jumbo Shrimp tacos and burritos. if you are hungry, this is what you need

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the grilled chicken flat bread taco is pretty good


Good cap to end the week for REFR

More interesting stuff to people interested


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I will expect pictures of triangles painted on your basement floor with a number of candles in a circle around them. Picture of George Soros up on the wall in the background.

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I'm gonna be dead in like 2 years lmao.

>perfectly predict the bull flag pattern on SPRWF after the breaking of the bullish descending wedge
>perfectly identify the key resistance that SPRWF is moving towards aggressively
>pull out impulsively anyway
>miss out on over 16% gains in 2 trading days

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Sell your fucking MNGA NOW, it's going to fucking tank hard.

If youre done investing in “memes” and want to invest in memes:

newfag question, but what do investors see in companies like uber or to a lesser extent amazon if their business model of "get more users at all costs" doesn't scale after you've hit peak?

in the case of uber, they aren't even making a profit, and everyone in research already knows that level 5 autonomous cars won't come out in at least 20 years, even if they do.

so what's with the hype?

Read Intelligent Investor, I'm about halfway through it and it explains this quite well.

What is their moat against chinese knock-offs ?
It doesn't seem to me their technology is unique.


Most of these are overbought. This is a terrible time to start positions in the dude weed. You buy the dude weed after the bi-annual wholesale massacre when everything is way oversold. Right about now is profit taking and looking for potential short opportunities time.

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Poor guidance meme

remember what i said about link like 2 weeks ago.

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Actual shill bots and people are still dumb enough to lose money on this shit.

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Watch that video

They have 500 patents on there tech. Gauzy mentioned while ringing the bell it's working w/12 auto OEMs. Mercedes luxury models alone using SPD as standard would mean 94M a year.


In the video linked in the other post Eyal Peso CEO of Gauzy mentions he has hope for big things this year especially with new factory being built in strategic location in Stuttgart, Germany

REFR is a good buy

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I am actually interested in the idea you have been shilling here.
I am doing DD and REFR's products has nothing unique.

Think this shit can pump GE? I have 37 calls on the POS. It dropped after the market closed for the weekend.


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I don't understand, you are interested in it yet you say Research Frontiers has nothing unique?? Then you mention DuPont??

What the fuck does DuPont have anything to do with this are you retarded? I know this is Jow Forums and people love shitposting MUH LINKIES but still

I'll let you do your research

Buy my atacama resources bags pls

Anyone here got anything on TEVA? Thinking of shorting it. Just waiting for confirmation candle.

DD is due diligence m8

The smart glass meme is interesting but there are competitors.

REFR looks like a somewhat decent company at glance, but holy fuck is the stock overvalued. I'm honestly looking to pick this up once it crashes back down to earth. Gonna have to do way more DD on this.

Please share. Im lazy

Just on the basis that the company seems to have a somewhat good product at first glance, but the valuation is insanely high for nothing but whatifs and what could bes. I've been listening/reading The Intelligent Investor a lot lately, so my judgement might be clouded by Graham's opinions and stories about stocks skyrocketing plummeting and then finding a reasonable valuation. If I do any DD I'll post it though! I'll definitely look into this more.

I am looking into the overall market's data: competitors, size of the market, CAGR etc
As for REFR itself, you can estimate its potential sales by assessing its own production capacity and the growth of their license fees

After losing 25% of my portfolio and climbing my way back every single day now I'm really hesitant to buy anything that I don't fully believe in. I'm really sticking to the fundamentals on securities. If you find anything interesting please post! We can save the weekend threads from shitposting one post at a time!