I unironically think Quant Network should be top10 cmc

You will too, if you do your research.

Within a month, quant network will have partnered with IBM, Oracle, Google or Amazon aswell have a contract with the European Commission for cross border trading in the EU.

Not even Ripple compares with what Quant network is doing with Overledger. And definitely not Chainlink. HONESTLY

Do yourself a favour and research! Start with a quick look at the CEO Gilbert Verdian LinkedIn page, that should give you some initial interest.

And no, I dont want to dump my bags on you. Quant network will make me rich and you might miss out.


Attached: images.png (356x142, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Well its not been top 5 on idex for no reason. OP is preaching to the choir on Jow Forums. Gonna be another story convincing plebbit.

> finds guaranteed moon mission
> tells everyone else in the hope that they will buy
> meaning that he has less time to put more money into it
> make less profit as a result

Moon is within a month, i have no fiat left

IBM, google, nope.

All youll get next month is ukcloud.

Stage 5 delussions

Buying QNT now is like buying HOT when it was on idex.

>Moon is within a month, i have no fiat left

It could more likely take all year to break the top 30, desu. Depends on overall market

What tier holder are you, OP? Top 20, 50, 100?

Most here have been accumulating for months on idex. If you haven't then u are probably new.

Gilbert Verdian:
Yes, we are delivering Overledger as a Service initially through AUCloud, we're announcing one of the biggest cloud providers we've partnered with in February who will also be delivering to their customers globally.

Gilbert Verdian:
We are very connected with the NHS, as I chair the Government's Health DLT Committee which NHS England, NHS Digital are also part of. We're working on use cases for DLT

Actually in a couple of months the teams tokens are unlocked and IF they are counted as circulating supply then we already will bounce into the top 100 at current price.

>Within a month, quant network will have partnered with IBM, Oracle, Google or Amazon aswell have a contract with the European Commission for cross border trading in the EU.
I know some of you are dumb enough to believe this, which is ok, we all do dumb things sometimes. But please, do a little thought experiment. If you knew these things for a fact, as OP is claiming to do, would you post them on biz? Why would you do that? How does that make sense?

Gilbert Verdian:
HMRC are in the PoC stage with the Future Border program which we're looking to assist with. We're also looking at it from the EU side. Separately we're going to start work with an international trade body to use Overledger for cross-border trade

Gilbert Verdian:
We're happy to announce we're working on Digital Clinical Trials with a Government Health agency and we can announce the work and client in the next 2 months. It's our way to help innovate healthcare and access to medicines

By the way, why would i not share this? I dont mind you guys making money. I am impatient for moon.

Jup, ukcloud.

Just like the exchanges. Were having ONE OF the top 10 exchanges. A legit monster would just arrange the big boys and dont hype this.

Did you guys read the tokeneconomics? Annual abonements, payed in quant. Pegged to a fiat amount.

Which legit company would actually buy that crap?

>Most here have been accumulating for months on idex. If you haven't then u are probably new.

I made the VERY FIRST quant post on this forum,after buying at ICO and then all summer. Foolish move, but luckily no one listened anyway.

I still want more time. Every month is another £2000 I can chuck into crypto. I luckily got one more chunk in last week just before the current pump.

Only kids with microstacks wants to shill their bags.

Reddit calls Quant a shitcoin. If that isnt enough evidence to buy then probably u weren't meant to be in biz.


Or men with big stacks..

Yeah mats, using AWS isn't a "partnership with amazon". I guarantee none of the companies you named will ever EVER announce a "partnership" with your shitcoin.

sorry. IBM have already partnered with Stellar for cross border payments plus a few other things..


and then

People aren't very clever sometimes when it comes to shilling user. With the excitement people get carried away.

Do more research user. You're missing a few important details.

Be honest. IF u knew for sure Quant was partnered with a top 4 bank in the UK would u buy?

Doubters, promise me to look back here in march

how do you guys find out such good coins before the ICO, or when they are still microcaps? could you help a fellow user?

>how do you guys find out such good coins before the ICO, or when they are still microcaps? could you help a fellow user?

I heard about the ICO through a pools group, looked into it and immediately knew it was fucking incredible, something new.

So I guess it was "luck" that I found it, but by keeping my eyes open and ears to the ground. The hard part is not completely losing your mind (literally) whilst still exposing yourself to new/relevant crypto info.

Listen you can post as much assumptive detective links in your telegram circle jerk group about ibm, barclays, corda, hsbc, google, amazon, the list goes on.

Nobodies buying it.

If things are going SO well. Why would shilbert even bend his ass over to get the 'community' on board.

If the value of the token is based on abbonements. Why would they even prop the price for a license.

Scam all the way

You know a lot about the Telegram group considering you think its a scam...lol

Hahahaha, see you in a month, pal

Stay away from Quant if you hate money

Exactly. These are the worst type of people.

I've just told you you retard. People get impatient and too excited. It happens on here all the time. The OP even said that himself.

Don't buy it if you don't want to.

PS: It's painfully clear you have no idea about how the tokenomics work. Do more research.

Go through all the CMC listings. Research every site and every whitepaper.

Those who put days upon days of effort into this game get rewarded. Those who can't be bothered (or let their ego get in the way) do not.

>Go through all the CMC listings. Research every site and every whitepaper.
>Those who put days upon days of effort into this game get rewarded. Those who can't be bothered (or let their ego get in the way) do not.

Don't give the guy bullshit, whitepapers are a fucking meme. I have not read a single WP in my life and I've been in crypto since 2013 and made multiples you can't imagine on dozens of winners. In fact, I have never picked a non-winner.

I haven't read Quant's WP and never intend to, really. I bought it based on these factors:

1) Exceptionally well-connected team
2) Clear manipulation on IDEX
3) Evidently very ambitious project with a lot of "life"
4) Unfuddable, squeaky-clean image

And, since September, additional factors:

5) /biz is all over it
6) extremely high volume on the best-known "incubator" exchange (IDEX)

Muh WP is irrelevant, they all say near enough the same shit.

Sounds like John Smith. Didn't you say that you lost a shit ton of money in 2017/2018 gambling on Bitmex?

I'm John Smith and I wish people would stop shilling quant. Yes I did lose everything last summer in the 'mex. Lost my mind, suicide attempts etc etc.

I'm a boss at shitcoining, though. Got myself a retirement stack of QNT now so I don't bother with new coins any more.

Basically agree with the above, frankly. There are some things that matter in crypto and some things that don't. In the end "hype" is 95% of it, and hype can be detected in various ways (including TA)

Everyone has their own method. I'm simply suggesting one of them.

Whitepapers offer the information about what a project is, how it works and what it does. From there, it's up to the person reading to decide what value there is.

The trouble is that this market does not very accurately value value, so to speak. There are tonnes of incredibly innovative projects out there which have shit valuations and are basically dead, because the team don't know how to shill, they don't know how to market, they don't have the clout and connections, they don't know how (or are unwilling) to manipulate the price and create pumps, etc.

So it's other factors like trading volume, sentiment and hype which are much better predictors of success.

Sure thing. We're on the same page.

But when it comes to actually FINDING the possible gems in the first place to do more research on, there are either two ways: luck, or hard work.

Shillbert extremely well connected business Chad. Not Asian.
Project that actually does something companies are actually using.

Anything good is shilled here early on. You just have to wade through the 95% of the retardedness in here. Let biz autists research for you.

checked and quantpilled

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What a load of bs.If you have been in this game since 2013 and are never picked a bad alt, you should have been retired by mid 2017.Also its well know in the quant telegram you were in some dogshit wallet coin on idex, after you jumped off quant because you thought it had pumped the most it would until dec/jan.This was before it pumped to near 4 dollars from 80 cents.Face it, you are a shit crypto trader/investor.You also spam Jow Forums threads with multiple ips talking to yourself.Drop the delusions of granduer.



Think about it this way shilling princesses;

If google, amazon, IBM would have been a lock CZ would have been all over it allready.

Yet chinkz lets trex and idax have the premium

Just stop allready

>.Also its well know in the quant telegram you were in some dogshit wallet coin on idex, after you jumped off quant because you thought it had pumped the most it would until dec/jan.This was before it pumped to near 4 dollars from 80 cents.Face it, you are a shit crypto trader/investor.You also spam Jow Forums threads with multiple ips talking to yourself.Drop the delusions of granduer.

Ah, you mean when I sold QNT at 60-70, bought MAS for a 40% pump (and TRXC for a 7x), then rebought even more QNT back down near 40?

Yea, what an idiot I am.


Nice revisionist history.Anyway these coins make all their money on idex, its now on bittrex and barely moving.Like any coin, the closer it gets to a product, the less to speculate on and less the price rises.The tokeneconomics are dogshit and the money has been made.People need to learn the closer these coins get to roadmap goals, the closer everyone gets to the reality that none of this shit will be used,Buy the rumor, sell the news.And if you dont believe any of that, you literally learned zero from 2017.

>Nice revisionist history

Trades available as evidence whenever you like. I told you plebs exactly what to do at the time but you got upset and banned me instead of increasing your QNT stacks.

Like you say - buy the rumour, sell the news, right? That's what I did in September. Now I have enough to not need to flip in and out any more.

Quant is at, what, 21mil cap currently? It is destined for a spot in the top 20-30, and it will still 10x from here under its own steam.

Whether it will survive until the next market-wide bull (which could be several years) I don't really know.

>wont ever be used
>one of top cloud providers is client to be announced this month
>top uk bank confirmed as client.

Please try harder.

Define ‘client’.Also define how this bank will use it.

Also literally the whole world can buy it now apart from usa on bittrex international.The volume?A whopping 1000 dollars in 24 hours!


This is literally jibrel part 2.Promise the earth, but in reality none of it will be used by anyone.Learn from this, buy whats hyped and is way off anyone realising its another useless coin going nowhere.

>Also literally the whole world can buy it now apart from usa on bittrex international.The volume?A whopping 1000 dollars in 24 hours!
Bittrex is legit almost the same thing is idex, there's literally no difference. And their fees r outrageous so might as well still use idex. It's exposure tho


most still just use IDEX, as it is currently the most liquid option.

You would think it would be on a decent exchange then.

Why is it destined for a spot in the top 20-30?The coins in the top 20-30 got their marketcaps by luck in the crazy price discovery year of 2017.Even nem which just announced they have no money, hasnt dropped, because nobody gives a fuck anymore.Everyone knows none of this shit will be used and nobody wants to use it, this space is literally just day and swing traders, deluded hodlers from 2017 who wont capitulate, and the exchanges seliing the shovels.Sitting around meming what a great coin this is, or that is is just a way to generate hype so people can dump on new bagholders.Go through the top 30 and tell whats actually being used?The cat is out of the bag, and expecting a coin to 10x based on 2017 is madness.

How can you be so smart yet so fucking retarded and short sighted and the same time?

Bittrex would be the most liquid option if the coin had the hype to get liquidity rapidly.Hot on bittrex would have been jumped on like crazy had it gone on there before binance.You are all getting memed.

And yet here we are at 25x since August.

That one was priceless as well. Sheik connections, SEED group. Big bank licenses in the works. Fucking tapscott doing a presentation in korea.

Yeah those scummies did well too.

Army of telegram shillers who never believed the scam.

History repeats itself in a new coat.

If i gave you a car in the year 1750, as amazing as a car is, it would be useless as the world wasnt ready for it yet.The same is true of blockchain right now, connecting blockchains blah blah.Newsflash, nobody is using any of it, all these clients, partners are just name lending, or companies hedging their bets in to it, like they do every little piece of tech, small testing etc.

If you believe some groundbreaking “coin” releases on bittrex to a whopping 1k volume, then you have some delusion that you need to address going on.

jibrel was a joke, lol. Impossible to verify any of the connections, just like all the chink scams.

These guys are FINMA-regulated, based in London/Switzerland, and verified working with the govts and banks they speak of.

There are ways Quant could fail, but the veracity of their claims so far can not be denied.

Let me tell u what happened in 2011 to 2016. Most of the top 50 projects died..u probably never heard of them. Its called evolution..the good stuff rises.

Here is why quant will grow. It doesn't depend on its own tech. It runs over whatever chains are made in the past, now and in the next decade. It simply is a connector in the way the internet connected seperate closed channels. It will be around for a while.

Why am i even on Jow Forums biz fucking talking to u fuckwits? The CEO is the founder of iso blockchain standards and works at the fed and boe. You need to listen or u lose...i dont care..

It was a great buy back then, now its hit that wall where everyone will start jumping off in to the new coin of the season.Like i said, buy early when there is tons to speculate on.This will be like all the rest and used by nobody,

Until in the next 6 months another 10 coins copy and improve its idea, and all the quant hodlers dump in to those.Literally have you learned nothing from the last 2 years?SPECULATION AT THE EARLIEST STAGES IS WHERE THE MONEY IS MADE.Early isnt 25x in a bear market and already released on bittrex to no fucks given.

You know what, you're right, project is dead. Sold 100k. Thanks.

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Good luck finding one with Quants connections. But does it matter if another project connects up real companies as well. Quant is first to add big companies which has a major advantage over later projects. Big companies wont just disconnect.

>IBM, Oracle, Google, Amazon, European Comission
>He doesn't know ChainLink and Overledger have different niches.
Stop spreading rumours you absolute retard and first learn how your project works. The absolute state of normies on biz, just kys already faggot.

you're right depending on stack size. QNT will still 10x from here and that's enough for me.

It will 50x if there is a bull in time.

Otherwise, yes one needs to stick to microcaps for the really big gains.

Also buy Nano lol

Why will it 10x from here?You still seem to think 2017 prices are a thing.The WAY more likely option is btc continues to drop, so qnt dollar value drops, and 10 new coins copy the idea and improve on paper the idea and everyone jumps ship.Worst thing you can do in this space is become emotionally blinded by a coins telegram in to believing its the next big thing.I made 8x on qnt, but these threads literally sicken me now at the delusion.It tells me the believers need to walk away from the pc for a few weeks, clear the head, and think about the % chances rationally of it not being eclipsed by the new coins of the season.

Also the only 2018 and up coins above 50 million are pundi x,zilliqa and hot.Basically the rules are the same as the have ever been, the only outliers now that have any chance of breaking the top 50 are the big blockchain projects.The copies of eth, nem, stratis etc.

I don't go on the TG at all, but you're right that one can be blinkered in echo chambers like that.

>10 new coins copy the idea and improve on paper the idea and everyone jumps ship.

There have already been 1000 new/improved bitcoins and the same for ETH, but neither dethroned yet. Quant, I believe, has the connections and entrenched strength to withstand competitors (of which there are none on the horizon yet).

Maybe BTC will drop more, in fact it probs will. Who fucking knows? That's a cypto-wide risk, though, and not related to Quant.

If you don't believe in the crypto market overall, long term, then that's one thing - but QNT is really about as safe a bet as you can make right now, realistically. The chart is pure chad step.

You out a lot of effort into your fud. What's your agenda? Are you trying to save us from wasting money? Thank you, savior.

The safe bet is the same bet its always been, stay in tether, watch the trends, buy whats getting hype AT THE EARLIEST STAGE hold for 4-8 weeks, sell then be patient again look for the next hyped coin.It helps to look at this like pokemon cards more than the joke of an “industry” it actually is.Your odds are dramatically higher doing the above than all inning a coin thats already 25x in a bear.


This thread is crazy. Every post someone feels the need to fud it down..so bullish.

Pretty much agree, the weeks-to-months time period is usually the most profitable.

I, however, lost all of last year (and very nearly my life) to obsessive crypto-watching so I can't do that any more, despite having quite a talent for it. I have too much ETH to easily get into coins low any more so would take a 10x after several years without a doubt, no prob with that now.

But, as it happens, I think Q1 and Q2 will still be massive for QNT this year.

Why?Its just going to be software linking blockchains together, which nobody will use, with tacked on tokeneconomics.Only things sniffing a 50 million plus valuation in the short to middish term are big blockchain projects.The bittrex volume needs to be a big wakeup call to everyone here.

I mean look at the coins with similar volume...

Attached: 4A636464-15D0-416D-8CE4-1F5494D2AE5E.jpg (1992x814, 656K)

Are you familiar with the names Wim and Bosch?


The wakeup is no kne outside the Telegram knows about Quant. They all bought on idex and most cant register on Bittrex

Lol no.The rules dont change.It isnt a large blockchain so it will not sniff a 50mill marketcap.great to hype at 2 mill mc, not so much at 20-25 million.

One thing ive never done....sit on threads for coins i think are shit and post incessantly. What drives u man? I literally ignore 95% of projects posted here. If you are posting i can only assume u like quant and want it cheaper.

Seems John Smith has left quite an impression on the project.

A lot of strange myths surrounding me, desu. It's not nearly as exciting a story as people like [removed] tend to make out.

I was just an early QNT shill and a price realist.

All coins are shit.Its just how early you buy them and if they can make you money.Im literally just reading on a saturday afternoon and im perplexed as to why this is still getting shilled so hard.It made its money.

been shilled to death by twitter you absolute mongoloid

Might be worthwhile rejoining the TG. There are a few people claiming to be John Smith in there.


tbf, there never really was a John Smith. I mean, I am the guy who used that handle in there last summer but the idea of him is mostly fantasy now.