Unemployment rate at 4% and climbing. Bulk of job growth was in food service yet again

Unemployment rate at 4% and climbing. Bulk of job growth was in food service yet again.


Also violent crimes such as ARMED ROBBERY are also on the rise. Surely the two can't be related...

Not looking good fellow burgers. Of course the media will always say it's great.

>inb4 but i live in a gated community and everything is looking great from my rocking chair

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do these statistics really matter? The rich have gotten insanely richer and there was a huge bullrun whilst the poor got poorer. Seems like as poverty increases stocks will do great. Many more good years to come I suppose

Trying to scare us into thinking an economic collapse would be bad for us. For 90% of the population a total financial collapse/disaster would be the best thing to ever happen to them.

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the bls numbers are and have always been inaccurate but by reading between the lines you can get an idea of what's happening. The job growth sector numbers are accurate and by looking at WHERE the jobs are growing you can see what sort of "Recovery" is really happening.

74,000 jobs in food service is BAD. When other sectors on average only added 30,000 or less.

Well that sucks, but what do rich people care? What does the infinite money supply care?

I don't think more middle aged people working at Subway is good. I haven't seen any positive real world changes honestly. Stuff seems to get more expensive.

According to the book of Revelation, the age of Bitcoin will last 1000 years.

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I don't understand why people don't want to tax the rich. human population is growing at an exponential rate and wages don't pay for fucking anything anymore. we are just working in a world were slavery is redefined.

i agree it will be great for most but i'm just pointing out the media hypocracy. They are literally on the air right now on live tv praising 74,000 McDonalds jobs. Just let that sink in for a moment.

Just buy the dip before ((they)) do. Its easy. Forget complicated statistics and economic growth. Its an infinite ponzi. Free money for everyone right? Its Capitalistic socialism

>unemployment is only 4%

people actually believe this shit?

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because literally everyone thinks taxing the rich means taxing their future selves, even the degenerate NEETs and toilet scrubbers here on Jow Forums

>Of course the media will say it's great

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More than ever, skilled desperate individuals are filling up 'entry level' positions and the vast majority of >$100k/yr households owe more than they can pay off in their lifetimes.
>inb4 inflation is doing this
There are too many people stocking groceries and camwhoring while Übermenschen are building rockets to get themselves off this gay earth

what the fuck are you even saying

Yes. It's kind of funny that people think economic collapse is bad just because the talking ((heads)) on the tell-lie-vision told them it would be.

Isn't this what everyone expected of the future? I don't see the point. Just buy the dip. In 10 years from now being a sex slave will be considered a career

Too many talented people are toiling at Subway and we stray further from space elevators every day

Call me a brainlet, but what would the benefits of an economic collapse be?
Erasure of private/public debt?


political upheaval hopefully for better

Because "tax the rich" translates into "Tax everyone except the rich".

Politicians need money, politicians get money from the rich, ergo politicians (y'know, the people who make tax laws) do what the rich want. The rich don't want to get taxed.


The entire world is fucked due to Jewish influence. We really are fucking doomed.

You think it's bad now just wait till a Democrat president gets in. We're heading for full blown bread lines and 90% taxes on the middle class

I know a guy with an electrical engineering degree working for a grocery store. It’s all fucked.

Who actually has money? Who doesn't have money? Now who would be affected most in an economic collapse? The fucking jews you idiot.

What can I do to prepare for the financial collapse?
Is 1 BTC enough to survive through it?

It's not rocket science, just BTFD on $SPY $QQQ it's free money.


Because they're the one with the power, writing your laws, and buying your politicians. How do you force tax on them when you're powerless? This isn't even a matter of capitalism vs socialism, as corruption exist in every system and is almost inevitable, unless your country is too small to matter.

All tax the rich means is tax the middle class to nonexistence, while the rich get to exploit loop holes they bribed politician to leave in tax bills.

It is simply human nature. Until you figure out a way to deal with the prime motivator of humans, greed and fear.

Atleast someone gets it, this thread is litterly that conversation. Bunch of people freaking out about statistics whilst the market just keeps going up and up.

Thanks alot Drumpf

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> Bulk of job growth was in food service yet again.

that is nothing new, it's been like that past 50 years

but instead of unemployment look at retail participation rate and not politcally adjusted unemployment rate you will get a clear picture, both are still at sub prime crisis levels

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>New paradigm!!!!

A currency shortage is an integral part of their harvest cycle. It's through the currency shortage that they acquire more property when debtors default.



Who wants another recession to happen?

from fed

Attached: united-states-labor-force-participation-rate.png (730x340, 14K)

from statista

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Seriously. It's closer to 25%

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participation rate falls 3%, and you think that explains the 15% difference in your chart? kys retard

you seem very angry for some reason. the truth is your offical unemplyoment number goes after 2009 totally different direction than not politically adjusted numbers

Because the rich can fund PR campaigns and lobby Government to hold their position. Politics hasn't changed at all with the rise of the internet. Just sheep being herded via new methods into believing that the tax man is bad.

what do you do for work

wages have been actually very stagnant past 20 years, in real terms pretty much not change to either direction. however same time housing and student loans have grown exponentially thus the decline in purchasing power and standard of living. technological advanced however luckily some degree make up for it, but purchasing power is definitely down that is why retail apocalypse and rise of dollar stores

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Because some day you will be that millionaire/billionaire and you don’t want taxes ruining your time as a rich individual.

>Because some day you will be that millionaire/billionaire and you don’t want taxes ruining your time as a rich individual.
>he thinks "economic mobility" exists after Reagan?

Shadowstats estimates too high but it's definitely not close to the hopeful 4%. Low unemployment = higher wages due to a labor surplus and increased employer competition for talent. Real wage growth was negative in 2018 so we can safely assume the Fed is lying their asses off as usual. It's probably closer to 10% all things considered.

I've personally noticed more people just giving up and settling for working part-time while living at home or with roommates.

*labor shortage, not labor surplus

Higher taxes on the rich are fine. I'm above median income, I pay a lot in tax, I'd be fine paying more.
the government spent money in a reasonable way.
You give them more money, it goes right to a 300 lb single mother. It goes direct to Tel-Aviv. Billions, in cash.
If the government spent money to enrich the populace and improve infrastructure we'd be good. But they spend huge amounts of money to enable misbehavior of the poor and socially mis-adjusted, or to advance special interests around the world.

Idk, but make sure it's off an exchange

>If the government spent money to enrich the populace and improve infrastructure we'd be good. But they spend huge amounts of money to enable misbehavior of the poor and socially mis-adjusted, or to advance special interests around the world.

Welcome to why taxes end up being mostly bullshit.

Based and redpilled

> or to advance special (((interests))) around the world.


Jews are

so what is the ACTUAL unemployment rate?

please provide data/evidence

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They were the early adopters for usurychain

both parties are under the same control, politics is just theatre, distraction and brainwashing

All these famous zombie apocalyptic movies and series in recent years aren't just a trend - movies are never that simple. They're basically foreshadowing what societies will be like in the future in mental and spiritual terms

Zombies have always been a codeword for niggers.

The issue is that massive corporations and the uber wealthy need harsh restrictions on them, but even voicing the thought gets you shouted down by Jow Forumsdrones and their IRL boomer counterparts spouting "commie".

fuck off commie

>trying to trick us into thinking we want economic collapse

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Tendencies are already reverting in some places though. Having children is so fucking expensive and difficult nowadays some people simply don't do it and populations are aging // shrinking. We will see peak human population by 2050 but if we somehow survive and naturally depopulate things won't be that bad.

That's because you are a fucking commie.

mass media already know and are warning about a probable incoming recession:


If they're talented, they wouldn't be working at Safeway.


jews know how to prepare for the next cycle. who always loses is... us workers.

I think we can get a tax increase on the rich if we have Bernie sanders elected .

I'm prepping for the collapse since my zoomer ass knows the future is fucked no matter what. I'm hoping I can make a woman shit out some blonde children before I do max Payne tier shootouts against the commies

That would be 2020 or 2024 at the latest due to demographic shift. The dems are sprinting towards a full blown kill whitey agenda and at the rate of polarization we're going through it will be legalized to steal from whites in public. If you're a no guns fag you need to buy something because the (((police))) and (((military))) arent going to save you

>the media will always say it's great
unless Trump's in office

Lots of glorious, glorious violence.

Youre all cancer and belong on /x/

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Fuck off CNN, this has been a long time coming, and the violence will be beautiful.

Sigh.. we already tax the rich you god damn faggots, what you are saying is take even more or all of it.

Stop wanting to steal money from people while claiming to be moral.

Bladerunner 2049 is what our society will be like unless we get rid of 3rd wave feminism and no fault divorce. The Jews have weaponized female hypergamy against us which means even if you're a Chad making 6 figures and are the most loving husband in the entire world it still wont be enough. The US gets a million non whites a year and the vast majority vote Democrat. You should buy silver since nobody can steal that

what are you talking about? every mainstream news source was practically cumming themselves over the jobs report.

I assume this is why most people who aren't rich think its bad but don't they understand that once they are billionaires they can just can get the law repealed? not like that hasn't happened before

Link will automate many professional jobs. Society is more fucked than ever.

We linklets will just have enough time to escape the disaster.

this. except people can and will steal your silver in the event of an economic collapse. i would say america has a few years left before shit really starts hitting the fan. it's not gonna be a fast collapse. it's already collapsing now. things will just get worse as time goes on until you wake up one day and your just can't take it anymore.

actually bladerunner 2049 is way off. the bladerunner world assumed by 2018 we would be living in cyberpunk land with androids and nanomachines. Instead we got what they call VR wich is actually not VR at all. I think we have peaked. The future will look more like brazil i think. You will have lots of gangs. Lots of browns. English will become a second class language used by the remaining whites and blacks. all positions of authority will be dominated by browns. my guess is the cartels may take over at some point. America could become a narco state like mexico where the cartels control the government.

Here's a hint. Money itself is what is keeping us enslaved and no one talks about this simple fact.


the money is debt though.

put spreads, pretty easy to establish low risk positions that have huge payouts if there's a cataclysmic market collapse.

This, anyone talking about some technologically advanced dystopia is an optimist.

Has anyone in this job market gotten a decent job without just extensively lying about everything?

I know people that have gotten far in their business by exaggerating the truth. They seem happy and have made nice side cash- not sure how it will affect them in their long term mental health

>of course the media will say it’s great
Wew lad. What media are you watching? All of the msm say it’s the end of the world. It actually is good but you’re a fucking shill so why do I bother.

Yeah it's good if you've got 3 internships and code and have a Master's in business and a bunch of side projects and can speak Mandarin and Spanish.

>Let me discredit you
It doesn't matter. You need to wake the fuck up

If people try to physically steal your silver you just need to pull some triggers. If the world gets bad enough where they try to steal nobody will come and try to stop the violence they'll be too busy trying to save themselves
I think balkinaztion of America would happen at that point. Actually scratch that it would be a civil war since the commies want the entirety of the US even though the whites just want to be left alone. Once you see whites getting persecuted for doing nothing at all things will get really bad really fast

Out of curiosity, what's the average age of the posters in this thread?
>Economic collapse will help people
>Taxes don't work
>The rich earn their wealth
>Media always lies
>Money and debt is bad

Or is this just what happens when Americans get together and discuss economics? I swear if y'all just read more Smith, Keynes, and Marx, you'd realize your ideas aren't new. And if you even took a little bit if time to MMT, we might actually get somewhere.

Who the fuck cares about Keynes and Marx? The boomers screwed us and are laughing at our misfortune. The media wants all white males dead. We're slowly being invaded by brown people who will tolerate fucking trannies grooming kids so long as its happening to white people. Our futures have been ripped from our fingertips, and there's only one thing left to do when you have no future.

Civil war is never going to happen

>Why yes, I have prepared for a potential economic collapse by buying rural land and developing a homestead to sustain myself while city-dwellers are eating each other in the streets. How could you tell?

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Economy is strong here, jobs fucking everywhere. Maybe it's just one or two cities fucking up the averages here.

They predicted this you dummy.
You're running around in distress, yelling "oh no who could have predicted this" when it all could have been expected.
It's like you're not even aware that your own ignorance is a result of capitalist power reducing the levels of public intelligence to the bar minimum that will keep the system going.

Fuck you, we don't have anything left.