Free money

If you think your "financial advisor" does anything but talk to you, you're wrong.
It's all automated, and actually extremely simple.
As far as I know this is a huge secret, but fuck them, they fired me.
Do you want to follow the "investment strategy" of one of the biggest mutual funds / investment companies?
Your investment is non-transparently spread into 30 CFD contracts.
>Weekly investment.
>Monthly investment.
>Yearly investment.
These three are pretty much the same algorithm, just working with a different interval, at the same time.
So, for a weekly "portfolio":
>Script scans for the 10 best performing stocks from S&P500 - averages the performance of the last week and the performance of the last two weeks (last period, two last periods) to determine the best performing 10.
>Script buys a CFD for these "best" stocks with leverage 2-5x.
>When the period ends (week), script sells the contracts for companies which fell out of the recounted 10 best performing stocks; if some stocks are still in this roster, their contract lasts.
>Pretty much rinse & repeat forever.
When you spread the investment between 30 contracts based on week/month/year, it's extremely low risk. And it gets us regularly around 140% of profit for an investment a year. The client only gets 5-10% of that, depending on how generous the management feels that year. So you see that your investment made 5%? That's great, but it's made 100% for us already.
Do whatever you want with this knowledge.
It's not machine learning, it's not technical analysis or work of some extremely talented specialists, it's just betting on that what was doing well recently will keep doing well in the next period, leveraged to increase the profit and with a minimized risk.

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The biggest red pill is that when an elite makes a trade, its only done if they are 100% aware of the outcome of that trade. So essentially the only way to make money is to follow what rhe elites are doing

Can I use the same method for simple stock trading?

The past decade the Federal Reserve has been propping up the market by buying stocks and other even more ridiculous schemes. It's all fake and it's going to end. Take solace in knowing that these people will lose it all.

Be careful when others are greedy

Yes. No part of OP's strategy requires any sort of data that isn't publically available. You could even program an algorithm to automate most of it if you're a half ass capable code monkey.

Sure. It's the easiest shit ever.

>it gets us regularly around 140% of profit for an investment a year
this can't be true, or even if it somehow is, it's not sustainable.

I've worked there for 5 years and each year the profits were like this.
This is literally the only source of income for a company that hires 500+ people and has HQ's in every state.
It is sustainable.

do you really believe that more than doubling your money every year without doing anything can go on forever? Why isn't everyone doing this if it's such a sure thing? Just goes to show how delusional the sentiment is on the boomer market.

Well, there's a matter of how safe would you feel doing this on your own. There's always some risk, although not from my experience.
This averages to some less than 0.2% profit every day, but compounded. Many day traders manage to gain more, but they don't have a consistent system of this sort.

are you the user that made several brag threads about travelling business, eating good food etc. because you made it?

also this looks like it only works in a bull market. i will try this strategy out once crypto goes bull again but with smaller time periods like past 12 hours days instead of weeks bcos of how fast crypto moves

Certainly not, my life is absolute shit at this point. If wouldn't break my NDA if I wasn't at least considering an heroing.

Some companies are bullish even with bear market, and that's why you select the best performing ones.

Well in crypto everything falls when btc falls. There is no bullush investment during those time frames except for ultra low cap coins. I can see how this would work really well in bull markets though. Maybe shorting over timeframes would work really well in a bear market.

So it's that simple
The 10 best contracts from each interval longed at 2-5x
Rebuy the best 10 at the end of each interval

How do you determine 2x or 5x

Frankly we had it based on how much money we needed to make any given month to cover the operation costs and that was it.

Wow that kind if makes sense in the simplest way
I'm wonder if it's so simple why have tons of employees and operating costs

What did you get fired for?

The people are hired to personally suck money out of people by pretending they're their friends. Clerks, "investment advisers", consultants and lawyers. You need locations because people with money need to physically enter your company's palace and be wowed by the riches that await them before they throw their money at you.
Getting more clients means more money to invest, more profit, it's all striving towards some sort of equilibrium I assume, but I hadn't had a lot of meaningful ties with the management so it's just my guess.

I wasn't needed any more; they wanted to try out machine learning for both trading and communication with clients (using BERT), but it didn't really lead anywhere.
Only good thing that came out of it for me was that I learned that you can't use AI for predicting the markets. And I got some experience with Tensorflow I guess.

>>When the period ends (week), script sells the contracts for companies which fell out of the recounted 10 best performing stocks; if some stocks are still in this roster, their contract lasts.
>it's just betting on that what was doing well recently will keep doing well in the next period, leveraged to increase the profit and with a minimized risk.
sounds extremely fragile. can't wait for this whole industry of grifters to get BLACKSWANNED

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lol wut? the strat is just to look up the performance of S&P500 companies. that's public knowledge. I doubt this really gets 140% returns but it might net a whole lot (thanks to leverage) for a while until it doesn't, that's when they end up on TV and people jump off buildings.

Nice gets
That makes sense man
Dont off yourself if these financial frauds are anything like the movies or what I saw in sales they're stupid faggots
Smoke some weed and eat some mushrooms there's more to life than money
I've made and lost life changing money holding bitcoin
As long as you're not low iq you can make it to sustain yourself and everything else is bonus points

you are a programmer or data scientist? what degrees do you have to get that job?

You know, the problem is, that I can't really use this strategy, because I would be quickly found out. It's a mafia, they know everything, if they saw that a neet such as me started taking big loans or making big investments, they would know that I breached the NDA, it's all public knowledge for those people, they know your credit history, they know everything.
I don't really have much going for me at this point; I'm a big data specialist with some experience in machine learning. Sounds good? No, it doesn't. Maybe if you're a pajeet who's number one goal in life is to validate themselves in the eyes of their parents. My best option is to get hired in Silicon Valley, in one of these "10000 monkeys writing Shakespeare" companies, and live in a car drinking $25 coffee to survive. I have too many friends that went this route to delude myself that anything else awaits me, and they're all miserable.
General computer science degree, but at a very renowned UK university.

if those dumb fucks knew how to make money by investing they would all do it and retire on summer fucking island by the age of 30

anyone who thinks they are worth anything are dumb as fuck

so how come your whole company doesnt just quit and do this by themselves and make 140% forever

They know, at least the ones that work on this system. We can't use this system for ourselves, there's an NDA. If we use it, we'd be easily found out, they would know we broke the NDA. Financial companies know everything, banks know everything. I'd destroyed financially, removed from all financial instruments, possibly imprisoned. If I shared this info with my parents, they would find out. If I shared this info with my wife, they would find out. There's no way to hide.
Sharing this shit on Jow Forums, eh, I don't think they care. But they would care if they looked into my bank statements, because they know everything about the bank statements.

>It's a script that does all the work
>a script you don't have access to

So you're basically choosing between 5-10% return and 0% or less return.

seen something similar posted a few times before. probably copy pasta.
Simple enough to work, dont see why would it be such a secret

ok so... have any anons backtested this strategy yet?

Thanks for the tip.. I will try this one out!

Good strategy doesn't have to be complicated. Sometimes the simple ones are the best.

I use a similar strategy which gives me great returns also, much more than any bank or investor can give//promise..

It's also selection of funds with certain criteria and high volatity, Invest over period of time in parts, when they hit xx% sell, divide ur capital in parts and invest again over time. It's quite safe with very good returns.

If that was then why Bill and Bezos aren't trillionaire yet?

Why did they fire you OP?

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Literally move to Dallas, TX, NW Arkansas, Ashville, NC, or Nashville, TN and get an 80k a year comfy job in data science or fintech.

You'll have an exceptionally good quality of life in those areas on that salary, and all the pain will subside.

>that's public knowledge.
Yes, that's what i said.

how old is the company? There's been a huge bullrun, if its an old company then it could be sustainable, if the companies strategy soley depends on market conditions, it isn't.

>Literally move to Dallas, TX, NW Arkansas, Ashville, NC, or Nashville, TN and get an 80k a year comfy job in data science or fintech.
>You'll have an exceptionally good quality of life in those areas on that salary, and all the pain will subside.
Literally, the advice that everybody else gives everybody. I tried this route back then living in Austin, TX and the job market there is brutal. You think you're special for parroting this, but this is what everybody else thinks and what everybody else is trying and vying for.

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this sounds great but it only works because of leverage.

and CFDs are margined, when a trade goes wrong, the leverage will cut you as much as it profited you.

>minimized risk
options limit risk. i don't know enough about CFDs. what CFD related instruments can limit risk?

probably just another firm thats making it because of a bull market, won't last, will get liquidated and all their money goes to Rothschild

>buy the top of every pump
This is sure to work in crypto