How does it feel to know we're on the brink of the largest economic crash in Human History?

>EPS at decade lows.
>Trade war fiasco
>World Economic slowdown
>Chinese economy built on the largest housing bubble in history.
>U.S. in political turmoil
>News outlets screaming nuclear war.
>Interest rates already near zero
>0.25% rates increase cause massive corporate despair.

Someone please tell me how we're not on the bring of the largest financial meltdown in the history of the planet? This isn't a shill, or a doomsday post. This is real shit, we're literally standing on the edge of shit creak.

Attached: WorldCrash.jpg (3411x1638, 536K)

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pic related, its you.
in all seriousness though, the Fed seemingly capitulated to donald trump, and agreed not to raise rates anymore. trump wants a weak dollar so stock prices continue their endless clinb to the moon. it could go either way. But i think we are going way, way up.

Attached: c81.png (680x680, 204K)

I concur with your analysis, although I don't believe the fundamentals look too hot.
If this dead cat bounce doesn't go over the prior two highs, we're likely to see the start of the recession, which should cascade into the rest of the collapse abroad.

you forgot:
>waging war nuclear against Russia
China and Russia would probably team up against the US... so there you go, that's your "financial meltdown" right there.

and btw:

I want the crash to happen as much as you do, as it MUST happen for our debt-based system to be replaced. but there just isn't a fundemental reason for that to happen yet, even as most stocks are down over 20% already. Selling is not enough to change anything, there needs to be a black swan.

All I see is the entire system (us gov, fed, banks) now coming together and agreeing to continue this system of endless lending FOREVER, and to hell with the future generations. And they can continue it, as long as the population trusts them.

People want their 1.50 mcdoubles and free sodie pop, also what new netflix show is on tonight. Nothing will change unless a huge event happens. Total US debt more than doubled in our lifetimes, no one gives a fuck.

Thinking about how miserable the situation is really makes me feel quite melancholy. Clearly this can't go on forever, I just don't understand why anyone can think this is okay with their heads in the sand.

Still believes nukes are real. You will never make it.

This is why Bitcoin is expected to moon HARD AS FUCK in 2021-2023. A crash will happen when the banks, Rothschilds, and all the elite have their bags ready. We all have to prepare mentall,y physically, and start self sustaining ourselves.

I hate the thought of riots and intense despair when all people have to do is do their part. Grow your own vegetables NOW. You can do it indoors with LED's and CFL bulbs. Start saving can goods, water, water purification kits, 10-20 shelf life food, ammo, learn to livestock with chickens, and many more things. Don't wait and say it won't happen. The world is running off the last breath of the U.S. Pay attention to strange things happening in the country.

yeah it's very tiring, and I was absolutely positive the depression was coming until Powell came out and capitulated to Trump for everyone to see. There's just no way a crash could come now because it's on this Fed's watch. even if a selloff begins they'll just lower rates, this shit truly might be too big to fail.

if you have any refutes to these points please shoot them at me, like I said I want this collapse as much as you do. And many other anons.

dow 30k

Attached: powell.png (673x526, 143K)

Oh people give a fuck, but what can the average person do? Protest? Psh. Can;t do shit or you get killed by the ones directing the show. You can just choose not to star in that movie. Start thinking about what you can do to be prepared even if it happens in 10 years. I wish people would stop wasting money on the stupidest shit and try to live frugal, even if you feel you deserve the things you want. Not the time to spend your money like that. The less dependent you are on the government, the better off you are if you can handle the responsibilities.

Lol the crash isnt going to cause the debt system to be replaced. Itll just reset the credit-debt cycle

good luck paying for goods with those slow tx times

Pic related

Attached: 4d5ea4274bd7c8d00a020000-480-323.jpg (480x323, 36K)

((they)) economy will crash once all resources have been accumulated. Accumulation of paper money is a joke, ((they)) know that. It's the accumulation of resources that ((they)) are after.

>too big to fail

It is and they know it. Now that the energy industry is facing diminishing returns to the point of being unprofitable at $100 oil they NEED debt to keep functioning and if the financial system fails the energy system fails and then you have deindustrialization, gigadeath wars, and depopulation

Attached: Thermodynamic oil hypercollapse.jpg (952x8657, 2.69M)

Average Eps on the spx is at all time highs, are you retarded?

Sage and hide all commie threads boys

Started years ago. Stockpiles my fren. Can goods are $0.50 at Wal-Mart. Wait and it's too late.

Unironically this. The good thing is that the collapse usually has deflationary effects at first. If you are sitting on cash stacking T-bills for 2.5% yield you will be fine.

When we are down 50%+ and mass foreclosures start, make sure your credit is 800+ and leverage 50-57%+ Debt to Income to buy rental property. Of course if you're frugal and stay employed, you can easily cover the costs even if your tentants never pay a cent.

Then when the inflation finally kicks in, your debt on the rental property will erode, your rents can rise substantially, and your equity will skyrocket. You will see the type of boomer gains that they had in the 80s if inflation gets out of control, and if not your payments are fixed so you should be ok.

I unironically have 260K sitting in a mix of gold/t-bills and will be going balls deep and buying rental properties when the crash hits. I will max out my loans and even try to cosign my parents if I can. If everything works out, and it will because I worked in construction through high school/college so I can save a lot on repairs and shit to keep cash flows high. I'll be able to control millions worth of properties before we rebound and if inflation hits hard, my equity could go into the 8 figure range.



No one ever mentions these on Jow Forums but that's where I'm at too, a few months ago I went 90% t-notes 10% cash.

I hope the economy crashes. I want some FUCKING HAPPENINGS

nobody mentions it because t-bills return will go up with inflation. If you wait a few more months you will get +1% more return on investment. Why would you go 90% in at all time low? You could get better at high yield savings accounts.