Redpill me on the future

Redpill me on the future

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I'm going to die with my passwords too. Fuckers!

I lost 50k trying to cash out.

>paying someone to hold your money
>they lost it

that's not the financial future, that's what banks do..

iExec is the future.

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lmao, crypto is retarded.

Why does his thing say twitta? I want mine to say that

That guy fucked up. If you're going to hold that much crypto then you'd better have a dead man's switch.

i have free checking that's FDIC insured up to $250,000

Are you fucking retarded?

He enables nigga mode. It's Twitter's pathetic attempt to pander to blacks

>unregulated market caused this
This is the equivalent of a US congressman doing an international trade deal with a briefcase of cash and dying in an airplane crash with said briefcase.

> saying password instead of private key or passprashe

> absolute state of wagecuckery.

much believable, such embezzlement

i think i know who you are

It's more like if that same amount of money was always in a briefcase held by a single travelling man for years.

unironically believing 'your' bank account is insured!
Go look up the funding cap for FDIC, in the UK its £4.03B! or about 50k accounts @ Maximum pay out!
My fuckin accountant tried to use this BS about it being insured! Lucky i have it in writing so i can go after there insurance (if its still around) for gross incompetence!

It's the owner's fault for not activating multisig for the cold wallet.

Retard that means it’s insured in the case of minor loss aka bank robbery type shit. NOBODY can insure your dollars


>omg this automobiles are so fucking dumb!
>can you believe what happens when the driver forgets to change the oil!
>horses are sooo much better!

Well then what are you suppised to fo yo keep your money safe no matter what happens to you. If i hit my head and get amnisia all of my crypto money is gone. If i have my money stored in a bank and have amnesia all i have to do is call around banks near me and use my ids to see if i have accounts with them.


Well then what are you supposed to do to keep your money safe no matter what happens to you. If i hit my head tomorrow and get amnisia all of my crypto money is gone. If i have my money stored in a bank and have amnesia all i have to do is call around banks near me and use my id to see if i have accounts with them.

Wow great argument.

was for you!

>If i hit my head tomorrow and get amnisia all of my crypto money is gone.
How fuckin dumb are you?
You leave you funds on exchanges don't you?

Of course not because exchanges are not safe. They get hacked all the time.

Guessing you think that that 'money' in 'your' bank account is yours! its not , its the banks!

Well then figure out a way so that if you hit your head/fire/you die...ect, you can recover your funds! How difficult is it!

Here is mine.
Multiple HW wallets
stainless steel plate with seed engraved on it in a very well hidden safe, that my family knows about.

If a random family member is subjected to a $5 wrench hack, then all your funds are lost too.

Wow who would have thought!
Whats more likely?

Family member getting wrench attacked

FYI You can have passphases on your seed i.e the 25th word...

A smart contract fixes this.

Exactly this.

Humanity has no future.

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>Humanity has no future.
Yea the Zoomers are proving that!
Never has there been a generation with access to so much information, yet arrogant of their own ignorance!

>lets put all our money into something that anyone can take if they have your private key
>theres no way to get the money back if its stolen
>also, the "money" takes 45 minutes to buy stuff with
>also, the "money" takes up a fuck tonne of energy to use

crypto is fucking retarded. the fact people here are deluded enough to think their shitcoins will moon is both sad and pathetic. normie money is never entering this scam.

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You mean chainlink fixes that

insurance is a tax on idiots who can't do math

My exit scam senses are tingling.

Agreed. It’s a bit of a techfaggots mental masturbation job

Tell that to all the Venezuelan and African people that saw their entire bank accounts dissappear because of inflation. Fiat is a huge ponzi, you can't trust banks, you need a place to store your wealth and a way to perform trade that doesn't involve bartering physical goods for services, since we needed that as a society we endured banking because it was the only way.
Now it's not the only way.
And the private key issue is because we have brainlets getting into crypto. If you have any significant amount of money in crypto you just make a hundred addresses and split your wealth across them. Make stainless steel engraved plates for each and cuck the bank by letting the store them for you. Keep duplicates in other banks.
Have a throwaway address for everyday use and in case you get kidnapped that's the address you cough up
The only scenario you end up with nothing is the banks actually fucking you over by stealing your private keys which can actually be bypassed by making a passphrase and randomizing your seed

Crypto isn't the future, it's the past we desperately need to get back to, where we didn't offload fiscal responsibilities onto megacorps who then manipulate out economy and start proxy wars in the middle east on our dime. Anyone keeping 25k+ on an exchange deserves to lose it.

FDIC insurance doesn't cost the depositor anything. So yeah, it's worth having the insurance you dunce.

This is basically why my boomer mother won't touch crypto

Good goy, keep buying my funny fairy money

lol imagine thinking that the masses will use this garbage. nonstop hacks, exit scams, zero recourse for fraud or theft.

whats the problem?
if quadriga lost their crypto they just have to pay their costumers back in crypto, fiat or fucking gold I don't care.
If you put your crypto on an exchange it is not your crypto, the deposit is only a record of the exchange what it owes you. Just like when you put money in the bank, your deposit is just a deposit of what the bank owes you, but it is not your money.

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Buy gold.

based and redpilled

theyd print the money if needed

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BULLISH as fuck
it demonstrates that crypto is unceaseble

Canadas future is a the lovechild of the UK and Brazil. A police state enforcing superficial politeness onto its populace of mutts and shitskins.

nice bait

>angry old man yells at clouds.jpg

Nah millenials were just as bad, they're like boomers but instead of selling out their country they give it away to browns and demand you give it away too. I live in MA and the human soul is real but it's not here.

We cant trust banks and it's hard to trust your family to learn multisig wallet recovery
The real redpill is establishing tight nit communities that look out for each other no matter what
When a group of people exceeds a certain number we no longer can keep everyone accountable
Blockchain can change this but only if we really push for it and prove its efficiencies

Not going to lie I get nervous holding crypto and gold
Would feel more comfortable having a armed village where we all have each other's back

This could've been prevented just with a multisig wallet

Well ain't that about a bitch

Well, yes, but you get my point. Fully regulated exchanges would have, by law, checks and stops to prevent this sort of thing.

imagine being dumb enough to think this is really what happened lmao