is this guy trying to scam me
Is this guy trying to scam me
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Looks pretty legit, go for it
epik XD
>impeccable English
>offering a large portion of the return
looks legit
no really, is this a common scam going on around here? That they make you receive BTC or something on your coinbase account? And will eventually trick you into giving sensitive info?
Give him a clean address to send to and NOTHING ELSE
I mean NOTHING ELSE. No collateral, no name, no email, NOTHING except your personal word you will show him the money once he's made the transaction. Maybe ask him to make a small transaction to test with. He's tryingf to scam you, at least make a few sats off him
just take it and dissapear?
I have a Ledger Nano. should I use one of the BTC addresses on it, or is there only one BTC address on the Nano?
nah, I am not that kind of person. If anything I would only accept the 0.4 BTC. I am not a fucking Pajeet or Chink. I am a proud wh*te man
jesus fuck just create a random bitcoin adress send it to him and see what happens
guys, how do I open this website without risking my PC getting filled with all kinds of porn virus that leaks all info of me
Should I open it in VirtualBox?
Exactly...what's your fear here. Just create a new BTC wallet and give him the address and that is all.
if hes from china or india: yes
Linux VM probably the quickest and best way.
That's why I said "clean" - as in, newly generated and never used
this is how it is:
he wants me to register on that website. Will probably just use 10min mail or something
Then he will transfer with his account to me and then I withdraw to his address because apparently he cannot withdraw according to his story
I haven't opened that website yet as the name screams virus or scam, but if it turns out to be legit, then I would like to open it in the safest way possible
if you counter scam him you'll be a legend
I have Ubuntu on VirtualBox for my Computer Science degree. I have all the files backed up so nothing severe. Should I go for it from there then? I heard some say virtualbox isn't 100% isolated from viruses but it generally is
Scratch that. I have a crappy laptop I can use
I don't understand this. He wants to give you ALL of his BTC then thinks you'll send it to his personal wallet address? Why would he trust you? See if maybe they want information from you like IP's and login info
That is also fine. And an Ubuntu VM should be more than fine too. If they were that smart to find a way to exploit a host through a VM, they wouldn't scam random people on the internet, there's not fucking way.
Yeah, this screams like low key scam from a mile away, but I'm curious how it goes.
that's why I'll try out with this shitty laptop with no personal info
theres deposit fee needed to his shit gambling site
lmao you checked out already?
pls update us fren
Reply to him and tell him that there is a deposit fee required for that site and you will need him to front you the deposit, but you will pay him back once you have been sent his BTC.
lul, scam plan busted
there's no way he'll even be willing to front you the fee. the whole scam is harvesting the fee from you.
i dont get it
>take my money then give it back ok?
I know, but I want to know what he says in response.
kek /bix/tards can't detect a scam even when its eating curry and pooing in front of their face
following potentially epic bread
just a prank bro
kinda expected it to end like this when you said you had a comsci degree
the pajeets and nigerians that run these scams always have some excuse, it's a waste of time to even engage with them
u have aids now?
where can i find such people that sent me their btc
Does he happen to be a member of african royalty in desperate need to flee the country?
Actually scratch that, it's probably Maduro trying to sneak money out of Vuvuzela around Trump's bank wall. Tell him I have my cape on and that there's no need to panic, the helicopter is on its way.
When I said a clean address I didn't mean so clean you delet the priv key
I don't know how to react to this thread anymore.
it was just a prank dude. ANd I wouldn't need an address. Just make a user
So you're going to jew him now? Shame he's probably some poorfuk. 0.4 btc is still a lot
man this guy is adorable. I doubt it's a scam now. I probably trust me because I am active in some telegram group.
He seemed suprised that there's a deposit fee, so now he said I should wait as he would "ask his mom"
no, I will not be an asshole
One of us. Don't trust him, but don't fuck him
where do you find these people user-san
send it here OP
quick before she hacks SHA666
I had someone trying to pull this scam on me. HE IS PHISHING YOU.
Just whois the shady exchange you've never heard of where he tells you he will send it to
turns out it's a 15 year old Canadian kid with dyslexia.
this thread is part of a SCAM and OP is a SCAMMER.
Now you will be given the chance to profit.
Dont fall for it.
Go for it. But if he says you wants you to send money tell time to fuck off back to his shithole country.
Yeah I wondered
>hey anons some retard gave me BTC but I forgot what block number and my address so there's no way you can verify. You want in on this? Here, use my sign up link and deposit $50 to open an account on, then hang out in this telegram group full of retards who want to gib you dem cones
what the fuck are you talking about, is this board full of schizophrenic retards?
gl op, how are you going to transfer the money now? via link mainnet?
btw, they just jelly, they'll be alright once they forget
if it's so easy to make a new account and transfer it there why didn't he just do it himself? the people on this board are so fucking retarded it's laughable. you are all peasants to me
Can no one acknowledge that this is a phishing attempt? If you fall for this I have a nigerian prince that wants to do some business with you
I actually got 0.4 BTC faggot
Domain Name: 7XBIT.COM
Registry Domain ID: 2356718365_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server:
Registrar URL:
Updated Date: 2019-01-30T15:16:57Z
Creation Date: 2019-01-30T15:07:51Z
Hope you didn't use any useful information on a 4 day old website
he's the scammer you retard
noshit faggot
I cannot withdraw
I just checked and ther
Fuck I got JUSTed. The Javascript literally just gives you an error when you click withdraw. And the website's wallet shows suspicious transations
I am fucking retarded. $200 gone for nothing
Wow what a rollercoaster. So in the end you did get scammed?
Don't worry I lost $25 trying to buy drugs. With dealers that "don't take cash for my safety", "gift card first time only", "only do cash app". My first encounter with these pajeets was truly the worst scammer ever but I humored him and nibled his bait just to see his process. In the end i had two gift cards with $50 each that I had sent the code to this scammer over pics but the shit head must've had slow internet because he kept trying to verify the cards and took forever. Trying to figure out what the fuck was taking so long I accidentally claimed the cards to my Amazon account so I ended up going home and calling him a pajeet shit skin nigerien princess.
>We exchanged a few insults that ended with him threatening to kill me n shit but I called his retarded bluff asking if he even knew waht I looked like or what state I was in. No reply
If there's anything I hate in this world it's cheaters and scammers
P.s. if you're dealing with anything online and anything on this list checks off call them a scammer shitskins and move on.
>Doesn't accept cash; one time introductory gift card
> Broken english
> Wants you to hand over goods/payment over phone/pic without being able to physicaly see them
>They get defensive when you ask for more info/pictures.
>There inventory is too good to be true; huge list of drug menu with better prices than your area.
what the fuck is this thread even