How would you manufacture and sell genetically engineered clones without having it labeled as "slave labor" and made...

How would you manufacture and sell genetically engineered clones without having it labeled as "slave labor" and made illegal?

Attached: jinteki.png (1000x552, 288K)

Insert enough dna of dogs and other beast of burden type of animals so they could not be labelled properly as humans

Legally that would probably work, but the average person is going to need a crutch to look at these things and think "that's not a person". Or their behavior is going to need to be overtly inhuman.

Not slavery if they consent.

If the government is your customer then it's not illegal.

Anyway, hopefully everything just gets automated so slavery stops making sense.

Can clones consent to grossly unfair labor contracts?

So you're saying sell to the government first so that the allow it in the private sector?

we are talking about the n*ggers isn't?

We're talking about clones.

holy shit if I could make clones of myself I would unstoppable

think about it, it would be like having an identical twin. we would be a hive mind

this is the future boys. no roastie with questionable DNA needed. I could lead a cult of my own clones. we'd all the same interests so it could work

this is fucking ingenious

See, this is the guy who's going to get cloning b& before I make any money out of it.