

I want you all to look out for this one.

Attached: FUN.png (300x300, 69K)

that's one of the dead coins

Good to hear.

Attached: funfail.png (821x516, 41K)

whoever screencapped this with the low contrast highlighted post is a dumbfuck lol
saved anyway

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Attached: fun.png (718x476, 674K)

I have over 1000 funs

How many fun to make it?

Attached: 1549228527962.png (806x487, 41K)

Literally 0.

I remember when I almost bought this once, but then I didn't LOL! Good times!

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i was one of the funlets at one point but this is absolutely exactly why funfair or any other crypto will never work or be successful unless it is literally a one click normie experience. the normies are the ones that funnel billions of dollars into companies pockets so it needs to be idiot proof to get money.

>upload my passport

Attached: 1363530261484.png (520x500, 526K)

Funfair is perfect example why crypto is dying

me of not worried about FUN for a once
2019 year we collect our lambos

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/rkg/ ?

What's happening in this thread?

Attached: SlowFUN.png (788x740, 236K)

Thank you.

Thanks. Just bought 100,000

Wagerr has almost a million bet on the superbowl tonight. No one wants your casino tokens.

Thsnks. Just bought 100,000

ATH: 0.20 USD
Now: 0.004 USD
Less than half a cent. The FUNUSD log chart is particularly gruesome.

Thanks. Just bought 100,000

What did that cost you, like 5 bucks?

It still hurts a bit, an irl friend of mine shilled this near ath, we are both still bagholders