Is this fucking scam coin going to continue to fall? Fucking dumb piece of shit!

Attached: icx.png (200x200, 6K)

Hey bro, remember allllllll those ICX scam threads months and months and months ago? You didn't listen? Listen this time faggot, ICX is a scam you fucking dense moron. Will you sell this time or keep holding a scam coin like a literal fucking retard? My guess is you'll probably keep holding

what evidence do you have that it is a scam, people like you did nothing but shit talk ETH when it was sub $10 too

The proof is in the puddin young buck

>missed all of its deadlines
>sold their reserve
>not giving updates at all

>your coin wins
>HAHAHA get TOLD I told you to buy lol
>your coin loses
>wtf how could this happen?! scam piece of shit FUCK
swallow your loss with dignity.

you dumb faggots called EOS a scam for like a year straight. Now its #4 in the world. Eat shit and die.

It's renowned as the Ultimate Buttfuck Coin for a reason.

Where have you been for the past month? There have been several /ultimate buttfuck generals/ discussing the extents of the true power of ICX - The ability to rape your cryptoasshole raw.

I mean come on now, how dense do you have to be?

Attached: ICX-UBC.png (1024x576, 151K)

Give it like 9 months you impatient fucks

they gave an update like 3 days ago user.
they are quite consistent now actually.

EOS is slowly dying user

F off retard

It is in fact growing.

I didn't ask when it was going up, I just want to know if it's going to stop bleeding. Because all it does is go down ffs

Anything about staking yet?

Top kek, here user I'll tell you what you want to hear. ICX is the next eth! 100$ when staking arrives! Woo-hoo we moon soon

No it's not

yeah, you are just talking out your ass and actually know fuck all

nah op. it's not the coin that's a dump piece of shit. it's you. they have gook devs and no one will even use the coin. have fun holding to 0 u absolute brainlet

it's still overvalued it's still 2x ico price for the public sale. People that got in at the private got in even lower, it started off at binance 2 or 3x ico price so don't use the starting price as a good mark of how low it can get

Attached: 1542256541872.jpg (400x400, 49K)

Can't blame them for holding when they can't even sell these bags for peanuts. But these retards must give up all hope and accept by now that they bought into peak delusion and lost all of their money.

Those people are gone user, sold their bags for 200x

ICX fudsters are confirmed racists who dont actually know shit about anything!


this is NOT true. We are to busy being ANALY RAPED by MIN'S HUGE HYPERCOCK to be doing that!

Haha! Here it cums! Min's "New ledger" being rammed right into my tight crypto asshole! A whole new kind of rape! Yahooo!

yeah theyre gone, but icx is probably the only coin at the top 100 still above ico price besides for link it's not done getting raped yet

I'm hoping for a huge red dildo myself, I just can't get enough of Min buttfucking my ass! Hooray for ICX, the ultimate buttfuck coin!

no only some of these with retard tier ICOs would be under, who gives a shit anyway ICO price is meaningless

bro, why would you be in this thing? everything else has been pumping for 2mos, trx, hot, and now btt...do you hate money? stop trying to do value investing in crypto...it doesn't work. on top of that, s korea came out as super bearish on icos about week ago.

Yah I bought like the day before that, at what I thought was dirt cheap, but no. These Koreans gotta fuck with the market as usual

Hey man, easy come, easy bum, my ass will keep gewtting fucked all day and night by ICX. I just bought some more with the remainder of my money! With any luck, I'll be homeless very soon!

That's the power of ICX! no I can get raped on the sidewalks too! Can't wait to get raped some more!

*whap whap whap*




It is

Get off this board you disgusting bag of trash

Only after I get raped to death by ICX! Yahoo! Here it comes, another red dildo for my bum, all thancs to the ICON team! Thank you min for this special anal treat!