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Yeah, wow. Facebook and all other billion dollar internet conglomerates build there own unique blockchain, and use it as an underlying currency for the internet. Perfect auditing records for government.

Guess what, they don’t give a fuck about anything else ;)

Facebook would only build a blockchain if it made it easier to harvest your info and sell it to the highest bidder.

> centralization will fail
> read Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data
> feel good that the Jews will lose

>implying thats not exactly why they WILL

"Hey Facebook, can I delete my data"
"lol sorry it's part of an immutable blockchain can't delete your info without deleting everything"

>hexagon logo
>hexagon logo

Evan Cheng is FB's head of Blockchain development. He is also an advisor for both LINK and ZIL. Smartcontract team specifically built a Chainlink adapter for ZIL. Something is cooking in the kitchen.

>Chainspace was building a decentralized “smart contracts” system that could facilitate payments and other services through blockchain technology.
Facebook is now pushing ChainLink's competition.

unironically bad for bitcoin

This actually makes me nervous

Still gonna need oracles kiddo

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how is this bullish? if FB makes a coin, it would be 10000x better than any of the amateur projects you bought a bag of. also FB’s coin would definitely be regulated tightly enough that people would be allowed to deposit/withdraw to their bank accounts directly. it would absoltely destroy all crypto except maybe BTC.

See: 1000. End. Of. Year.

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Oh shit i planned on chainspace to be my next long term moon mission after Zilliqa, now they're shutting down. Being part of facebook plan it's horrible from investment perspective.

Lol faceplant is dead in the water.

i fucking predicted this would happen
why would billion dollar companies ever use blockchain other than ones they create themselves, as if they cant just copy chainlink and give it a new name? Absolutely bearish for link.

Go to Chainlink's website and look who the tech advisor is. Then go see what his dayjob is/position is. Then get comfy.

Agreed friend. I sold all my LINK long ago. Scammy

For anyone genuinely confused: these two are not your friends and likely inhabit the same pooing street of a discord channel.

Just looked at it and it'll be interesting how the Link-ZIL-Facebook/Chainspace connection will go, First chainspace proposed innovative cross-shard consensus, then Zilliqa's head of research refer to Chainspace as potential solution to their vacuous epoch static state (transaction can't proceed for a window of max 5 minutes every hour) but said it's still not concrete solution yet, now we've the evan chang connection to Link and ZIL and recently Link made an adapte for ZIL before Zilliqa's mainnet even released, add to that the zilliqa facebook rumors (which they denied but it doesn't mean shit, if they had something with them they won't reveal it and remaining silence about it just prove the rumors right), I don't know how hiring chainspace employees relate to that but all of this can't be coincidence at this point.

>create in house crypto
>need some decentralized way of linking all these blockchains

If you are still confused, this guy isn't your friend either. He wants you to keep holding your soon-to-be worthless internet coins, so that he himself can find a better exit.

based and BATpilled

Honestly that was a pretty shit book for clueless boomers. And I'm pretty optimistic about crypto.

What is the liklihood they have a good general solution for cross shard communication?

Nah I enjoyed reading it, silicon valley isn't going to know what hit them, all their value will be going to decentralized protocols instead of centralized applications. Just like how the beginning of the internet was decentralized

I won't tell anyone what to do with their coins; that is the difference between you and I. Oh and you take dicks up the ass, I don't.

Facebook is working with Stellar and Keybase.