Do you faggots see the light now?

Do you faggots see the light now?

LTO network.

Attached: 46AC0803-CF87-4F5E-BA6F-ADAD5014D196.png (750x1334, 222K)

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>twitter never lies!

Good sound financial investment advice as usual internet random.

30 million dollarydoos? I smell bullshit.

Obviously you retards having been paying attention. FYI, there contract with the Netherlands government is stipulated and shared in a transparency report.

Get a clue, moron neets. Same type of FUD with XRB, HOT, CHX and quant.

Stay poor.

Attached: 6751255B-182D-4D79-81EA-D24AC5C894D3.jpg (750x384, 74K)

>just dump your money into government endorsed scams
>I mean it's related to government can't possibly be a scam!
Can you pay some celebrities to endorse your shitcoin too?

You are a poor money hating idiot. Lto is going to keep rising

>Is gonna keep rising
Yes you get 12 magic beans instead of 6 now, you're gonna be rich.

Where can I buy?

So they have a mainnet but its an ERC20 token i dont get it.

>i don't get it
Congratulations on winning the I didn't get scammed competition