>those rainbow pins
If I claim I'm gay, will I increase my chances of fucking the broad on the left?
she's definitely not white, a nordicists would say the same about both of them.
>strong, fertile mother on the left vs sterile, goblinoid desert on the right
girl on the right is actually attractive and cute, ""girl"" on left looks like a 40 year old mother with big gross tits.
This was what we were saying when it got stuck at 6k.
Her complexion is basically the same as the girl on the right. The word 'shitskin' used to actually mean something before you muh blonde hair incels started posting
She has clear jewish admixture
>Another nordicist LARPer sees brown hair and starts accusing people of being Jewish
Go back to listening to neckbeard Viking metal and incel forums
>big gross tits.
Somebody has to tell you, user. Sounds like you might be gay.