Is enlightenment the meaning of life...

is enlightenment the meaning of life? Purging all desires and ego to transcend into a higher dimension and stop the process of reincarnation?

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Yes, take LSD

technically you are a prisoner of your body and used a logical unit to ensure its survival, if you do so you are rewarded by chemicals or punished if things are wrong.
You will find enlightenment when (you) understand that you are small part of the being you see in the mirror.
Do what is reasonable to keep the being well but remember you are not it, you are just inhabiting it temporarily.

what happens when technology becomes so advanced that you can "trap" the consciousness and transfer it into a new vessel?

Does that mean the path to heaven is forever cut off from your soul, unless the person controlling the technology permits your transcendence?

with that, wouldn't earth effectively be hell?

you are misunderstanding heaven
the (you) can only change if it is in a vessel, what Jesus is promising is a new glorified body to be the vessel

the code(word) that is (you) need a computer to run, if Jesus who is the judge likes your code he will make arrangement for it to run forever since he loves it

however judgment will happen on judgment day, till that days comes you will be "storage" heaven or in hell that is not eternal

Reincarnation is a retarded concept.
There's a reason only pajeets and insects believe in it.

>doesn't remember past lives

not gonna make it

those lives probably are not yours
you are being tricked by a demon that wants to use your vessel

>not knowing the difference of a past life and another being's projected memories/emotions

not gonna make it

What is tge ultimate redpill here? What should the focus of your life be if you are not you and your body will no longer exist in


ancient hindu mythology and architecture is surprisingly mysterious and full of hints of advanced technology, on par with the pyramids and incans/teotihuacans

It does make a little sense, because if consciousness originates from a "source" and is merely inhabiting a body temporarily then it has to go somewhere after the body dies

I mean look into all the DMT users, they all talk about how we're all "connected" and shit. Not to mention some quotes of Tesla, writings of Walter Russell and also anecdotes of children remembering their past lives

all these info by its own bears no weight but when looked as a whole a trend emerges that could give you a glimpse at a truth

what you're saying sounds like stoicism but what's the next step after that?

Except there is recorded evidence of children remembering their past life and it turning out they have accurate memories of a person who did exist. One girl was murdered by a killer and burried in a ditch. In her next life she found her real patents from her past life and showed them her grave and helped authorities catch the killer of multiple childen.

you are free
God will never ever ever infringe on that
satan has to be very very careful when he tries to use you because if you see the devils you will unequivocally unironically become a Christ follower

the short of it is
God made this universe with certain parameters and he wanted to see what will happen, then eventually humans happened and God fell in love with them, he could not stand the injustice against the pure of hearth

God is interested in his crops of souls that he likes, you can do anything you want and be cool, as long as you don't infringe on his crops

on another note, you might want to get to know him, and you might like him for he is so absolutely fair and just, you just will like him for what he does and is not to suck up to him

all kidding aside, I can tell you my opinion desu. We are all composed of a..god particle so to speak. We all have that in common. We're all spiritual beings experiencing a physical life here on this plane and planet.

Our "essence" here is a tiny fraction of our "higher self" or spiritual self, that self comes from the original architect as well.

The bible states "God formed the first humans in His own image and after His own likeness." The source/the original architect/god is eternal, immortal, ever lasting. Therefore, we are as well, but not here physically, that's meant in a spiritual way. Death isn't the ending.

I'm not religious but religions tend to have points in which they connect. You can find truths in all of them. Rn I'm studying some kabballah and it's really fun.

I personally believe humans are capable of so much more. Maximizing your true potential, helping others and living a peaceful life,while being appreciative of your time here is the ultimate redpill.

well theoretically it is possible to put an old soul in a new vessel
but must be rare, as God's main interest is his harvest and that will not be yielding a new soul

maybe it is some sort of special case, but that cannot be the regular

Gues (((who))) is gonna control that technology

if you could have any dream you want you'd eventually choose one where you forget you're dreaming

yes dont take lsd take dank field shrooms
lsd is man made bullshit
if you want true enlightenment consume a fuck ton of natural psilocybin

enlightenment is like depression only you understand there is no depression, others will deem you mad, but as long as you know the truth, nothing matters

yeah but the kind of dreams where you realize you're dreaming, take control and do/materialize whatever situation you want are the best.

That can be done with life as well. The ego is important if you wanna be "in the game"

overcoming true challenges are the best

thoughts on frank yang? Just looked back at this fb profile after awhile and kinda understands what he's talking about now. Prolly the start of schizophrenia kek

here's a theory:

>smart contracts and storing value on the blockchain will shift society into a cashless one, creating a fuckload of (((big data))). You think shits creepy now? Just wait another 10 years when everythings logged on chain and kids born >'05 slowly turns working age with their jewgle accounts holding their entire youtube and google search/play history since they first held an iphone. The surveillance will all be normal to them, making this generation the perfect breed for ((them)) to shape society as they see fit.

>All of this will be building up to the releasing of breadcrumbs about our true origin, existence of aliens, previous civilizations on earth, all before the climax of project bluebeam where a charismatic individual will unite humanity under a one world government and propel us toward spiritual enlightenment, fulfilling all guidelines on the georgia guidestones and preparing us for entry into the galactic federation

>personally im all in

then you wanna be in the game, fren. that's fine too.

Personally I think “purpose” is a personal choice. But enlightenment is certainly a fulfilling thing.

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googled, watched 30 seconds, this guy is insane

I studied religion in college and spoke to some rabbis on campus and for Judaism as least they believe that when you die if you were bad you go to a dark place (not hell or heaven) where your soul sits for a 'year' in gods time which noone know how long that it. Your soul purifies itself over that 'year' before you go to heaven (not like the heaven in christianity). There is a messiah which has yet to come (not jesus, jesus did exist and was jewish) the 'deadline' by which the Messiah must appear is 6,000 years from creation. The jewish calendar year is 5779 for reference. The messiah will end all wars and solve all najor problems. Many jews believe there will be a final war that will kill most people except a few and after tge messiah comes there will be a reincarnation where everyone will be resurrected from the dead in a new earth and everyone will live happily. Your level of happiness will depend on how close you were to god in the life you lived

>281 more years

With the speed of technological advancements and all the ooga booga shit I've read this is very believable

is it written that the new messiah will be jewish?

I am that I am.
How could it be otherwise?

Earth is mainly purgatorial according to Dr David Hawkins. Become integrous and when you die you move to a heavenly realm. Love everyone and everything without exception and you go to Heaven. Unconditional love.

That's a good question. They definitely believe the messiah will be jewish but i don't believe it is written that the messiah will be jewish. (Could be wrong) I'd have to ask.