Massive Lies from DAG Constellation


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Raphael did this

No, is that the idiot with the fake and planted crack cocaine rumours?

When Constellation went public, they made fantastic promises.

Constellation is an unbounded blockchain with microservices.
Horizontally Scalable - Fast Transactions - No Fees - Truly Decentralized - Mobile Compatible - Smart Contracts

Can still be found in the description box of their truly great introduction video:

This is the holy grail in crypto and if even they fullfilled a fraction of this, DAG would be a top ten crypto. If they managed everything, Constellation would easily have a trillion market cap.

Attached: DAG start.png (1157x567, 243K)

>DAG would be a top ten crypto.

It was a shit coin honestly, they just had good marketing

However, these promises have been totally scrubbed from their internet pages. If you click "technology" you will see that not a single initial technological promise is there, not even a link to the white paper, but just some weird glossary and their product description is now a pitiful word salad (see also pic):
Providing an enterprise software solution for data provenance and integrity at scale.
Our framework ensures your data is notarized and validated. It's secure, cost effective, scalable, and easy to integrate.

Attached: Dag Goals.png (1324x616, 26K)

They had great marketing and actually a good solution, with their gossip consensus, to spam attack on feeless DAG networks. Even if they were scammers, they should have been able to make this a 60 million USD market cap. Instead they started to dump heavy bags on the investors right away. Lying about some Japanese whale that did not get insider information, and just continue to dump bags on investors into oblivion. Extremely immoral and idiotic even for scammers.

In their video "Constellation End of Year Update and Q&A with CEO Ben Jorgensen", they give the impression that they are in partnership with, or soon will be with Bosh, Goldman Sachs, IBM, US Air Force etc. One investor with 10+ Million DAGs truly believe(d) it and posted pic yesterday. However, the wording from Ben Jorgensen is so blurry and not legally binding, that it could involve anything. Even just a phone call to the secretary of some Goldman Sachs investment banker, or IBM engineer. It is also never clear what is Constellations partnerships, contacts etc and what is via the various groups they are part of .

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That DAG Constellation is working with these 10 companies in any way portrayed in the video seems like a fabrication. If they did, they would be on the front-page of their internet site. Instead these total BS companies/organizations are highly promoted on their very front page. Pic.

Especially this one is total BS:
SutherlandGold is a PR agency dedicated to the art of storytelling and the science of inspiring action.

Attached: DAG Partners.png (1254x735, 72K)

If they lied about their technology, they can be sued and held personal liable. To strip their technology from all advantages a few months after going public sounds like scam, and if they had no intention or willfully mislead, they should be sued. Either that, or they truly have/are pursuing this technology, but their leadership/markting team are on crack.