W-what is a tech bro?


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Other urls found in this thread:

nytimes.com/2018/10/08/us/san-francisco-dirtiest-street-london-breed.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

>mayor attracts tech companies to his city
>rakes in the tax money
>cant even solve its homeless problem
tech bro is not wrong

can some sanfrancuck tell me how is the daily life in san francisco with all the homeless?!

Attached: 615C7019-4F2C-44E8-8869-23CE73A66859.jpg (2048x2048, 399K)

It’s a nightmare. My advice is to always wear headphones and move swiftly, but always watch out for shit and needles.

The headphones are so that you won’t hear what they are saying when they shout their crazy bullshit at you. If you don’t hear them, they won’t attack you for ignoring them.

Cartman sent them.

Where are the reddit and twitter cucks crying and rallying to destroy this man's life?

Some tech people might virtue signal against him but secretly they deep down agree with him. Nobody wants to step over feces and needles trying to get to work.

Also, check out this article for some more context beyond "TECH PERSON BAD HOMELESS DRUG ADDICTS GOOD"

nytimes.com/2018/10/08/us/san-francisco-dirtiest-street-london-breed.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

In the Financial District, right when all the normies are clocking out and rushing home, you’ll hear a maniac who is standing in the street, screaming. No one else speaks. The only sounds are the shuffling of feet, car horns, and the cries of the maniac. This is downtown SF on a weekday evening. When I look at the faces of the businesspeople, I see fear in their eyes. I often wonder what boring shit they do all day in the office buildings.

He's not wrong. There is no excuse for letting human garbage pile up in the place where your value is created and sustained. It doesn't matter if they are suffering. The homeless have no reason to be downtown. There is nothing for them there except panhandling opportunities.

Jesus diversity truly is our greatest strength.

Why don't the police enforce the fucking law? I'm Canadian but I have friends who live in the valley and they all moved to San Jose because of this shit, not that that's much better.

i'm in seattle, which is becoming SF junior in terms of the tech economy and homelessness. sold my townhouse last year for $900k. there is a tent city literally two blocks away. i moved out to the burbs because i got tired of trying to shield my son from the vagrants screaming at/fighting each other on our walks to the park.

My favourite is when the bleeding carts cry at the rich/upper middle class tech workers to be more compassionate or that they only care about themselves.

Pretty sure leaving dirty HIV needles on the street and shitting on the sidewalk is a lot more inconsiderate than earning money and not giving enough to charity.


I just love this... in what should be one of Americas greatest cities, the repressed social problems of America CANNOT be ignored even by "the most deserving" of Americas greatness. fucking ironic.

Wait Riff Raff is homeless? How did that happen ? We have to help him.

Attached: riff raff.jpg (1080x608, 69K)

This user cities.

>repressed social problems

retard, america's problem is too many 3rd world savages

>liberal policies create massive swaths of homeless people
>it's their right to be here!
>latte libshits getting triggered

LOL you brought it on yourselves you fucking costal NPCs, I can't WAIT till pajeets and chinamen replace you all on H1B1 visas.

I never wore headphones in the city for situational awareness. Also advertised you had at least headphones to steal.