Does technical analysis even apply to crypto or is that just a meme?

Does technical analysis even apply to crypto or is that just a meme?

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There is no trading day in crypto so the point at which one candle ends and the next begins is arbitrary.

>technical analysis of 3 candles

It applies even more to crypto since the market is entirely speculative


lmao if it were serious business there wouldn't be those meme names for the patterns.

(there is actually ways to paint in the chart using algos and this brainlet thinks its arbitrary)

Yes, it applies, but not in low vol coins.

support and resistance works in every coin.

Now for real, why would you trade shitcoins when btc its about to plunge? (next 2 weeks)

It will never work for you.

Any asset within any market containing enough liquidity is going to demonstrate patterned and coordinated distribution and consolidation of price by the Market Makers whom are moving shit tons of liquidity each day.

That said, most conventional retail TA is horseshit in terms of reliably identifying levels of support and resistance, or, for that matter, when price will breakout of consolidation to the up or downside.

If your TA ain’t shit, then it works in any asset and in any timeframe.

It doesn’t work. You can look at any chart and see these patterns come up at some point and it’s a 50/50 chance that the price reacts according to these “rules”

It applies the best to underdeveloped markets of any kind. It breaks down in legitimately rigged nightmare markets like U.S. markets where, knowing this, the regulating bodies have worked tirelessly to conceal volume, consolidate participants and strategies, and make the most legitimate aspects of TA either invalid or needlessly inaccessible/complicated. Concealing volume comes to mind. Dark pools are your glaring red flag that the regulating bodies hate you.

It doesn't work for anything

It's a complete meme, humans try to find patterns in things that doesn't mean the patterns are there or that they can be relied upon.

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The obligatory 'I want to say something smart, yet don't have anything to contribute' response.

Everyone in this thread who doesn't believe in TA is down 95% whilst anyone who isn't braindead made a fortune shorting the market in 2018.

Everyone stop what you're doing we got a NEET who dropped out of highschool and can read meme lines. Tell us your secret to becoming a billionaire.

>being this butthurt, confirming the truth of the assertion
Enjoy your pretend-smartness.

You'll rather use a crystal ball than meme lines, OP.

What TA fags do is trace lines, they are wrong, trace another line, they're wrong again, trace another line while they already fucked up multiple trades and somehow it's correct and go here and there saying that they're professional traders.

TA doesn't work yet I consistently make money with trend lines alone. Guess I've just been getting lucky all year. Notice how every retard refers to TAfags as "they". They haven't tried it themselves. They are full of shit. Ignorant and retarded.

wouldn't the candles change based on the time window used

>using different time windows
>using anything but the 1 minute chart

Nothing i said was even remotely smart you're just a brainlet. I'm sorry your mad at me making fun of your meme lines.

I fucking hope so. Finger on the trigger as we speak.

Technical analysis applies and truly works ONLY when there is extreme fomo or fear. Only these two conditions. When there is a lot of volume going through a coin and its pumping, or a lot of volume and its panic selling. Such as BTT a couple days ago, I sold the very top at 37 sats because of TA. But when a coin is doing nothing in average volume, TA does not apply

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>Technical Astrology
it doesn't even apply to traditional markets. it's a pure meme.

Attached: technical_analysis.png (740x277, 42K)

>thinking astrology doesn't work for financial markets.
Read some studies ignoramus