>Swift, Docusign and Salesforce will risk billions to use an unproven technology espoused by neo-nazi neets
Swift, Docusign and Salesforce will risk billions to use an unproven technology espoused by neo-nazi neets
see now you're starting to get it user
fucking idiot link is a scam
That's because there is no risk.
>unproven tech
Thats why it's taking so long. They're doing proof of concept, testing it, auditing it, working out any possible bugs, and will roll it out when it's ready aka proven. Fuck face
>a real estate mogul with a reality TV show will become president
imagine crawling out of discord to make this thread
Jesus the FUD is getting so bad, I might just sell because of how weak the FUD is becoming
>Swift, Docusign and Salesforce will save billions for using about to be proven technology espoused by neo-nazi neets
fixed it 4U
in how many years tho?
at least 1 but probably 2
You think the quality of the content around the link has ever been particularly high?
We had a great 2017
>2 more years of wagecucking
Ig Ill buy some more than. how much longer before its more than 50 cents?
Can someone post s larger file
Dogecoin, a fucking memecoin, has higher market value than Chainlink. This board is so fucking retarded, you are literally doing memeconomy but taking it seriously
Only thing unproven is the exsistance of your brain.
Interstates were invented by literal Nazis, and billion dollar companies use them.
That's just how it works in crypto. There are coins that have amazing dev teams that have been in dev for over a year but stupid ass ICO's get listed on Binance after being out less than a month.
We are not fucking degenerate neo-Nazis we are Nazis. There is a big difference between the two.
You aren't Nazis. You wouldn't be in a Malaysian rat chasing forum posting 2D lollis if you were.
there is no difference fag, all of you are gays. germany isn't known for their sausages for nothing.