The only good threads on here are the heated debates about Asian women
The only good threads on here are the heated debates about Asian women
Other urls found in this thread:
>idiots shilling their shitcoins
>making money
come on now
Japanese women: they're first cuz you cant go wrong. Probably the smartest of all of them, well-mannered, super freaky in the sheets. Absolute waifu tier.
Chinese women: lots more range and variation here. Great for white guys looking to americanize a yellow woman. Best cuisine, sometimes best cooks.
Vietnamese women: physically some of the hottest but worst food, language, and culture. Pump and dump.
Thai women: not much experience here but I like what I see.
Asian women are great. Burmese women started coming to Oz recently. No pic tho
If you breed with Japanese, your kid is going to be the worst of the WMAF hapa combinations because the cultures are so different between the parents
Vietnam has better food, language, and culture than mainland China, but not the surrounding Chinese migrated nations (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore)
There's a lot of garbage with mainland Chinese women because peasant mentality from all the rich/better looking descendants fleeing to Taiwan. Would only pump and dump
>they r cute n tight asf
Racemixing is peak degeneracy
I'd like to add that there's a lot of really wholesome and good looking Vietnamese women, like a lot of them are in to western spirituality because French colonizers, but a good looking, good natured Vietnamese woman is tough to find
Guys... i have 5 different Asian woman on rotation, with varying physical attributes and a couple more I'm working on. BUT my finances are in disaster.
Am I still making it?
>Best cuisine
>Not Japan
Objectively retarded.