I can't do it anymore

I can't do it anymore.

I've tried everything I can think of to make more income.
I started Matched Betting, but it wasn't enough - £300 per month if I was lucky.
Tried trading and investing in crypto for 2 years, but all I've done is lost most of the money I had saved up (£2k), and lost another £5k in hodls - that one is on a credit card, so I get to pay interest for my stupidity.

My partner and I both work full time. Combined we pull in like.. £55k pre tax (I lose about £1k per month will tax and student loan payments). It sounds like a lot, but it's really not. It's mostly just the mortgage and bills, which are going up faster than any pay rises we might get.

I've been off work for a couple of weeks with an illness - nearly died a few months ago (still get paid, thank fuck or we would lose everything we have), and have been searching everywhere about a side hustle. But it's just not enough. People filling in surveys for £0.50. There has to be a way out.

The whole system is shit. I don't want to work until I'm too old to enjoy myself. We both get home from work and are too exhausted to enjoy ourselves - which would only be watching a film on Netflix, because who can afford the cinema?

There has to be a way out. I just can't wage slave for the rest of my life. There's just no point in it otherwise.

We have thought about investing in property, but even that has a huge cash gate to access. I want a car that is not a heap of shit, I want my house paid off, I want to see what there is in other parts of the world.
I got lured in by some hype YouTube videos about how people make £10,000 per month by renting out houses, but it's all a scam - too good to be true.

What can I do? How can I escape?

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You've been doing what millions of others tried. What you gotta do is what nobody/only a few have tried. As for crypto - this is a long term game and not something you put on your cc

I got FOMO'd hard

>crypto on credit card
>can't manage on $55k a year
>no savings
You're too dumb for this
also buy chainlink

Shit's expensive in the South of the UK!
Small house that we live in has a £265k mortgage on it!

Not my problem poorfag, you knew beforehand how much it would cost and you went with it anyway. Wait for the housing crisis your house will be worth 1/5 of that lmao.
Now buy chainlink so you can lose all of your money again.

Not everyone can choose where they get to live. Ill parents to look after.
I'm done with crypto - future or not, you'll only get rich if you've got the money to start with now. Too late in the game for that to happen.

You'll be buying my bags next ATH

Bustabit nigga.

>you'll only get rich if you've got the money to start with now. Too late in the game for that to happen.
this has seemed true at any point in history except in retrospect

>crypto - this is a long term game
Found the "hodl"-loser.

>Small house that we live in has a £265k mortgage on it!
Why does it have a mortgage on it?

Also, make a cost plan for everything and post it. Otherwise, this thread is not really going to help you, as you wont get any suggestions what would be good for you, apart from the retarded memery of the neckbeards.

>I started Matched Betting, but it wasn't enough - £300 per month if I was lucky.

You did something wrong then or you just didn't bother to do it with a high bankroll. You can make between £500 and £1500 if you spend 2 hours a day everyday with a high bankroll (2-5k).

That's reasonable. Imported labour voters have decimated the housing and Labour markets

Couldn't do it at work, and by the time I got home all of the good events were pretty much over. Is what it is, can't do anything about that.

Thank you.
Have a mortgage on it because we don't fully own it. We used to rent, but felt like it was throwing money away, so we lived on a field in a caravan to save up a deposit for a mortgage. Mortgage payments the same as the rent was, but we have gained a bedroom, parking and a garden.

Our costs look like this:
Pay: £40k combined after taxes, student loans, pensions, etc...

The house all in for a year (mortgage, water, utilities, council tax, internet, insurance) + car payment come to about £18k per year.
Personal stuff for myself and wife (Netflix, phone, gym, union for our jobs) are £1800 per year.
Food we spend about £125 a month, so £1500 for a year.
Running costs of the car for a year: fuel, tax, insurance, maintenance, etc... about £1.7k per year. We have another car, which is a shit-box for just doing tip runs and a short commute, but it costs more than the less shit car, at about £2k per year.

That puts us on about £14k left over a year. Which sounds like a lot left DESU, but all of that is so that we can eat and go to work, it hasn't accounted for any form of entertainment / day trips / home improvements / repairs to our old house / clothes. I find it hard to believe that we are spending that much on any of those things, we certainly don't have anything to show for it if we are - that's accounting for a recent pay rise though, so we haven't actually had a year of being on that much money - if that makes sense.

>My partner and I

Correct English, my friend.

What is your and your partners profession?
If you just recently entered the working population, you can expect your payment to rise quite good within the next couple of years.

Also, it sounds like you have a very long commute to work.

My pay is pretty much capped, there is no more progression for me. Partner will catch up in a couple of years time.
Commute isn't too bad, but the shit-box car is horrific at staying in one usable piece - trying to save up to replace it, the ongoing maintenance is nearly the price of a cheap car loan. Vehicle costs are all in mind, not just fuel.
So, the only thing I can think of doing is changing career, but somehow without taking a hit on my pay. My job isn't too bad, it's varied so I can tolerate it - despite the long, long hours. I couldn't hack being at a desk, even with the shorter days that it'd bring.

>I've tried everything I can think of to make more income.
>tries matched betting
>tries trading crypto
OP, what the fuck are you doing? You realize the biggest shot you have at making income is starting a business, right?

Stop being a teacher and get a real job

Well, you could place your bets days before the events. Did you sign up for one of those services like OddMonkeys? Also Profit Maximiser specialises in casino offers so maybe try that instead of sports. You are in the UK, best place for matched betting. The money is tax free and there are shitloads of bookies to exploit. Try it more often, even if it's just £300, that goes a long way.

Shit advise. OP needs capital and sure as well, wagecucking won't provide enough capital for that. Crypto and especially match betting are the best ways to make money online.

What i studied - tourism pays not enough to live.
Now im looking for something else to start from scratch.
Will probably be tech sup if i even pass an interview for this shit and if i learn german ( at least to b2) in less than a month before i fucking starve.
4wangs is helping me crash my life with no survivors my further making my schedule completely unbareable with mindless shitposting and endless browsing for keks.

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Stop living above your means faggot. Sell your house and downsize to a small apartment. That alone will give you thousands in extra income per month.

>Shit advise. OP needs capital and sure as well, wagecucking won't provide enough capital for that. Crypto and especially match betting are the best ways to make money online.
Many businesses can be started without capital.
>Crypto and especially match betting are the best ways to make money online.
Haha no, at least with a business you have a 2/10 chance of coming out alive.

Your outlooks are far away from "bad", because you are unlikely to become unemployed and (very, if not most important) you seem to be happy with your job.

You however either:
a) cut short on work to live a better life at your own conditions
Not always possible, but you seem to lack the general energy to enjoy your own life. Especially if you plan to have a family, this is very important, because otherwise you might raise another NEET.
b) try to handle it
Especially when you are not long in this career so far, maybe you need to get used to it first. Not having the energy apart from doinh Netflix in the evening can evolve into going out (btw.: make a monthly budget for that). from there, you likely will develop habbits which will make your life more fulfilling.

I would suggest a). What you have right now is the goal of many people in the younger generation and the majority of the older generation never achieved this. Yes, you have problems. And you have to deal with it. But you also need to enjoy your time, so you realize that your life is not shit.

Business fags are worst than gold bugs because at least gold bugs can be right whether business fags keep preaching their "just be yourself" tier advice of starting a business without considering all the personal traits and luck required to succeed as a businessman. And yeah, you do need capital in a way it another if you want to have the slightest chance of succedding. In many cases, businesses won't be profitable for months so you would need money to at least survive.
And I guess you don't even know what match betting is if you think it's more risky than starting a business

I have heard that making a business is a good idea - if you can make one that lasts - most fail within their first few years.
Literally have no idea what I'd do as a business though, all of my interests are pretty much saturated. I'm open to ideas though!

My job isn't the worst, although the days are painfully long. No, I don't really get all those weeks off, because I work them too. But, it's better than sitting at a desk.

I used to be with Profit Accumulator - before OddsMonkey had even come out. Some of the returns placing days before were just pitiful, so I started doing horses and arbs, as the return vs my time was much better.
It is something I can get back to, have to build up a bank first.

It's all about the memes.

I have direct experience of this. We used to live in a 1 bed flat - it was £675 PCM. Our mortgage is £800, but we have more space, an upstairs, parking, a garden, etc... all for only £125 PCM more.

We do plan on starting a family soon-ish, and making time for that is very important for us - providing we can afford it.
We are both about 10 years into our careers, granted, not long. Maybe we need to look at work-life balance.

I understand that we could be in much worse circumstances, and there are a lot of people who would probably be very grateful for what I have. I've worked hard for it though, and (other than the mortgage), it's all been done off of my own back. No inheritance from family, no money or loans from family or friends. It's all been us. And I'm proud of that. We have done better than a lot of people have, or ever will.
But... I still want more. I'm just bummed out that work takes up so much of everyone's time, and there's only little sprinkles of happiness in-between. It just all seems backwards.

>It's all about the memes
Not very convincing.

>But... I still want more.
Well, what are your options to make it "more"?
And what is this "more"?

First define your goals.

If it simply is "more money", there seem to be no alternativ to switch your profession or maybe move into a position with more responsibilities (hard to combine with more time, though).

If it is "more time", then you need to consider either moving closer to work to lower time to commute (not possible with a house) or cutting down hours (which often also lowers the amount of money at the same time).

From what i read from your words, you seem to want more time for yourself. Considering you (hopefully) dont have expensive hobbies and your financial situation is actually quite good, you need to search for what you do outside of work. Maybe work a bit on your body. Or read more. But stay the fuck away from yellow press or too much social media - it is not very likely for you to somehow "settle and enjoy what you have", when all you hear is "you are imperfect, you HAVE TO DO BETTER" all day.
This is a path right down the burnout road. I work in consulting and saw many good people burning out, while walking (running) down.

Betting/Gambling is trying to beat the house
Anyone can start a business unless they are pessimistic or stupid. Not my fault if that’s the case for you.

are there any people in your area that hang around outside (park or beach)? than hope for good, warm and sunny weather, user. you can make some bucks with really low effort while half ass working: you need paypal (no cash, too risky you're robbed), a grill (no fancy bbq thing, just for cheap steaks and sausages) and a cooling box. you take that stuff to the beach or where ever people are hanging around and start selling beer, softdrinks (cola, 7up, water) and hot dogs or other things. your prpfits will be great for hanging around on the beach.

>What can I do? How can I escape?

you understand that money has barely any value and should only play a very minor role in your life. there a things in life which you can strive for that are eternal once you achieve them. unlike monetary wealth which can be lost literally over night


>my partner and I
>not wife/girlfriend
Fuck off, homo. Or even worse, fuck off, roastie.

>I have heard that making a business is a good idea - if you can make one that lasts - most fail within their first few years.
It's something like 8 in 10, which if you consider how many people fail in trading and crypto - is EXTREMELY good odds.
Also, it's worth considering that the average person who starts a business probably doesn't spend enough time reading relevant material or doing research. The skills every business owner needs include sales/marketing, and there are priceless books on the subject available for $20. Yet a lot of people don't do it, or if they do, they don't execute.

With a business, you can work on it part-time in your off-hours and make considerable progress. In fact, many business owners suggest that you make at least enough profit on it to quit your job before you pull the plug. Or you can save up a year of living expenses and quit, if you can tolerate risk.

As far as ideas, it will differ from person-to-person. I would recommend starting off with what you're good at already - what you do in your day job.
Now, knowing your skillset, think about how you can offer value to others. Whether it be starting a company that does the same thing, or providing consultation, or finding a way to make the process of doing your work even more efficient.
A lot of people fuck up here because they think of "ideas" rather than trying to find "problems." If you think of ideas alone, you might invest time and energy into building something that no one wants. But if you think of problems to solve, you can guarantee that there will be demand.

One thing to note is that you don't necessarily HAVE to find an idea that hasn't been done before. It's enough to find something that differentiates you from your competition and advertise that point relentlessly.

A book that I'd start off with which gives a good overview is Unscripted by MJ DeMarco. I listened to that audiobook during my commute and it really helped get me off to a good start.

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Don't think that any of it is fast or easy. If it was, everyone would do it. But if you want to get to a point where working is optional, and you want it bad enough, you will be willing to go through the shit necessary.

> We
> We
> We
The fuck.. you are either a roastie or a total cuck.

Honestly OP, you need a budget. Really you needed a budget a few years ago.

A 265k mortgage was always going to be tight on your income and you added credit card debt on top of it.

I think you, like a lot of people, have a tendency to not to do the basic math before you spend or enter into obligations, hoping it will work out.

absolutely based and redpilled

For clarification 'we' is me and my wife. Got into the habit of saying 'partner', weird, but whatever. And yeah, we... because we affect one another's finances.

Lots of advice and truth with the finances. I've taken some things away from this, and my outlook on things is better now than a few hours ago. Given me a lot to think about, so, to those of you who were being wholesome, thank-you for being honest, and helping a guy out. Appreciate it.

Stop whining you took a loan so you can have a house it drains your accounts much quicker than rent, was your choice.

>My partner and I

If we're self pitying, I was 6k up gambling on sports results over a few months recently.

Then I somehow blew 10k on online roulette in minutes chasing a small loss of a few hundred.

It was a moment of absolute madness and I still don't know what possessed me.

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lmao thanks for the lulz

Roulette is absolute cancer. Highly addictive, and I'm not convinced they're not rigged either. Worst thing I ever did was get into the habit of playing roulette with small stakes.

If everyone was rich not much would get done. Your a bunch of low IQ niggers, don't breed!

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>Your a bunch of low IQ niggers

>Your a bunch of

>Your a

The irony is rich

Matched betting is abusing bonuses you retard. Its risk free.

its yer, get with the times ironman