Who is your biggest celebrity role model, pls no crypto role models in this thread

Who is your biggest celebrity role model, pls no crypto role models in this thread.
Mine is pic related.

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joker from batman

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Why, Mr. Antivirus Man, of course.

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>Be Quincy Jones
>End Segregation with Jazz
>Buy weed from Malcolm X
>Fuck Maralyn Monroe
>Kill your enemies
>Kick Ringo out of Beatles
>Fresh King of Belaire
>Stretch Ivanka's virgin cunt

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Tyler Durden. When I was younger, his character taught me a lot.

pitter patter

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The only real biz choices. Mine is Dwayne Johnson.


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Uncle Rico obviously

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bet you i can throw a football over them mountains

He was good but then cucked hard


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Lol ar worshipping people

This. Hung out with a number of celebrities in a non work setting. Literally nothing special about them.

Why are you guys looking up to artists instead of historical rulers, philosophers or scientists who provided real value to the world? Artists are no better than circus monkeys, only exist to entertain and that's it.

She gets hotter every day
Btw we're making airplanes illegal bc environment

Based boomerdom

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Bernie Sanders hardly qualifies as a celeb, op. Also, fuck your commie ass.

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In elementary school I remember teachers talking about finding good role models for kids, so all you fags with role models are no more developed than children

that's Dennis Reynolds you dumb fuck


My nigga.

>Haha, I'll call him by the name of his character, because I've only ever seen him in that one show! I'm so funny guys, here I'll throw in a swear to make it even more funny!

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Holy fuck he looks like mussolini

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Same OP. When I make it I'm gonna buy a bar for all my friends to hang out and call it "Always Sunny"

Is the Friedman family the most based family of the last century?

>minarchist, public educator on economics, against almost all drug control laws, completely destroys common arguments for minimum wage and anti-discrimination laws

>ancap libertarian, physicist, autodidactic law and economics professor, scholar of historical amd ancient legal systems, pro-crypto

>former software engineer turned entrepreneur, promotes a free market for government, founder of seasteading institute, probably 40 years ahead of his time on every idea he comes up with