Why is nobody talking about LTC pumping as hard as my dick in a asian qt?

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I predicted this since charlie announced he's going to make LTC more fungible

Can anyone provide a non-retarded reason why LTC is pumping? Emphasis on "non-retarded", thanks.

> actually being used/adopted
> works with BTC, not against it
> highly secure
> one of the best brands
> halving
> privacy coming up
> highly unlikely to split into two major chains and lose network effects (like BCH did)
> has realistic goals/plans unlike most moonshot projects
> isn't highly dependant on a single person/entity

I could kms knowing I could have bought it at $20. Best now than never before it goes to $1000 (which by the way is realistic).

I bought 30 at 33 because Jow Forums reminded me that halvening was in August.

Looks like biz wasn't a faggot for once.

>”it’s the silver to the digital gold; Bitcoin”

>up 30% today
>Jow Forums still refuses to discuss it
This board has a pathological phobia of LTC, and it's going to cause you to miss out on some of the easiest gains in crypto

I think a lot of the hate directed towards ltc comes as a result of the bcash shills attacking it fiercely since it was the only competition on coinbase when that shitcoin fork pump and dump scamcoin got listed.


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CoinGate enabled Litecoin Lightning payments to there 5000 merchants, today.

>adoption / actual usecase instead pure grafic homepage related no usecase coin pumps with 700 tx per day.

i think its because LTC is a literal boomer coin that has no future because it brings nothing new to the table. Its chinese copy of BTC (literally) and only thing it does is "muh payments" ... that is so fucking 2017

LTC always pumps first and hardest

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It’s the monthly pump n dump. Seen this movie before.

Don't let me catch you FOMOing in after a 250% pump boyy

Could it be, that its a already working product, with no outage in the last 7 years, full secure without any attack vector tied to it.

Maybe just bc. Its on every exchange 1:1 with BTC.

Maybe just bc. It has a higher ecceptence then BTC/ETH.

When it comes to cheap / fast internet money, Litecoin is the only way to go.

>Why is nobody talking about LTC pumping as hard as my dick in a asian qt?
Because, like you OP, this pump also is more likely to end with a dick in the ass than in an asian qt

Cherlie Lee sold the top of his own shitcoin

>b-but I did it for you guys

fuck this piece of shit. >Bitcoin Silver lmfao what a scam. Fuck Charlie Lee

Well do you know what cryptoCURRENCY, especially the word currency mean?

Litecoin is a currency, its not built on any promis its built to be the „internet money“.

If you want fancy projects no one needs, built on pure hype and promis without any working product, well then Litecoin is boring.

No other coin has the combination of:
>widely used
>low transaction cost
>clear strategy/strong community/no drama
No other coin comes close. Sure, BCH tried to establish itself as "Satoshi's vision" but they were always a bunch of drama queens and trying to shit on bitcoin never works.


This will be my waifu when we hit $1000.

With or without a dick.

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This is exactly what I mean when I talk about the sort of irrational hatred that this board has for LTC. What Charlie did or did not do with his own, personal stack of LTC has absolutely nothing to do with the fundamentals of the coin itself, or the determination as to whether LTC is a good investment for people to make in 2019.

When will I be able to get back in

mfw I bought after red dildo feb.6...mfw..30% gains...mfw I only bought a tiny tiny bag of 10ltc cause to careful...mfw I have no face cause I ripped it off.

>He didn't LTC this second
>He didn't LTC this hour
>He didn't LTC today
>He didn't LTC this month
>He didn't LTC this year

Good question, when will you buy before missing out?

Nice try faggot I'm not buying the top of a pump