/smg/ - Stock Market General

cup and handle edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

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Attached: smgcup.png (582x876, 434K)

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pic related is dumb pathetic bears

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shut up

cant believe i fell for the sqqq meme again

Today is red as shit. Dow and SYP is still in the red man.

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comfy rkg op image edition

reminder the market is still red and that this is still a bear market.

Reminder that you shorted the bottom

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Got Cheapies?

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>6 weeks in a row of net green
>can still make it 7 today
>bear market

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no this cant be happening. what the fuck bros

first for snap put losses

not cheap enough for me to add, everything i wanted only dropped a dollar or two and quickly recovered

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>the bottom

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dont know whats up with bears lately, they massively incompetent ever since new year

whenever they do manage for crash price, its been very sloppy dumping which makes it very easy for buy into
its like all the real bears got rich in October and are on vacation

uhhh heres me favorite video on interday cup and handle, this probably what talking a bout


its not really about fake cup and handle, but kinda explain price action behind c&p and helps you identify them

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Look how cute the bears are while defending their playmate

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please, keep shorting
Fuel my bull

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nervous, overly optimistic, detached from reality

confident, healthily pessimistic, firmly planted in and embracing of reality


Natty gas is on steep discount at the moment.

Be honest. How much more do you need to recover your october losses?


they are literally just burning it off like trash due to the fracking

if there was a way to get all the excess to market NG would be like .50

Bearfaggot butthurt from getting shit on for over a month straight

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Bears need just a few days of absolute justing to wipe out bulls' pathetic gains.

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Research Frontiers has 500 current patents on SmartGlass SPD technology;

02/01/2019 Research Frontiers and Gauzy CEOs to ring NASDAQ market opening bell to news announcement:


02/01/2019 NASDAQ Market Bell Announcement:


02/01/19 Behind the Bell sitdown interview with Gauzy CEO and Research Frontiers CEO:


Q3' 2018 Research Frontiers call in conference:


SPD Smartglass General Technology Demonstration:


SPD Smartglass Car Technology Demonstration:


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Redpill me on rare metals.

Even so, it's hovering around the 2017 lows right now.

Imagine thinking people are so one dimensional they only play one side (like you)
Who is seriously taking long positions here?


Imagine shorting in the middle of the golden bull market
>playing both sides
you mean taking on unnecessary risk?

I bought SPY puts this morning, sold them, got calls and just sold those.


Cobalt has the most potential due to half of the entire supply being mined in Congo alone thus political instability + concerns of artisinal mining.

I'm not short. I just don't believe in a single bounce recovery because it basically never happens without a retest.
>unnecessary risk
It's actually risk management.

don't buy gold

>he doesnt know about the breadth thrust
Its only risk management if your hedging, which bear fags are not

But dont worry, no one here not even the seasoned traders know shit about the SP500 apparently

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100 day MA next

Honestly fuck UNH - it is fucking me raw

I can think the market will decline soon and still have long positions. Wtf
Some people buy options for reasons other than gambling, you know

no more than 5% of portfolio, use as a hedge only


yeah thats kind of what I said, hedging

I guess thats why youre posting bear shit, because youre long

I think we're going to SPX 2400 but I'm not going to sell my dividend payers. But I want to profit from that movement. I think it is a bad idea to expand longs here. It isn't that complicated
Like I said stop being so one dimensional. Not playing 4D chess with you user.

Natgas legging up

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Tried being a bear today, it wasn't for me

Lost $3.48 on TVIX


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Thanks for saving the market today!

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do etfs actually pay out dividends like a regular stock or does it work differently. yahoo finance has no div dates for the vanguard ones

this is actually a lot like the correction in dec but you guys don't realize it because you only really started feeling the affect of it near the very end of the month which has changed your memory on it

I'm up 10% on one of my trades. When do you usually take profit? I'm new at this and haven't sold any stock yet so I'm nervous about getting out.

When it stops rising

>Based BIG BOI GPRO the only thing saving my account today
I owe that degenerate a thank you.

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Biomeme lottery ticket or Boeing?

Awwww yeah.


works pretty much the same, what vanguard fund are you looking up. you may need to go to vangaurd's website for it


tfw doing nofap

Keep for divvies. Sell a few shs if you must

Slap a stop loss on to protect some of your profits. I have no set percentage for profit taking. It varies for each individual stock.

yeah i dont think they publish the dates far in advance if that's what you were after, but their respective pages will have the info.. or you can use etfdb



sold most, itll double now

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wow thanks! another noob question. when they refer to fees is that coming out of the stock price or am i going to get a bill in the mail

you'll get a fax

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I used to trade Natty a lot years ago, Sundays had really big gaps, so thinking this one could be the Big Bull

No problem
Didn't want to buy back into VTGN right now after I took ~19% profits, so I decided to use the money to add to GALT on this dip
My entire portfolio is GALT now

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They don't fax the bills anymore you fucking mong.

They send them out quarterly in the mail. Depending upon the fund it'll be mailed the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of March, June, Sept, and December unless there is a holiday. The full details can be found in the prospectus.

Didn't you say you had 3k invested in galt?

Based Nokia

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I never said that at all
I said in response to an user's question that if I was given 20k to do whatever I wanted with, I would put 10k in a savings account, 5k in consumer staple and utility stocks, 3k in GALT, and 2k in other biotech stocks

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KDP is fucking unstoppable.

Feels good holding this elite beverage company of the future rather than some washed up boomer shitstock like KO.

My bad

It's fine, everyone misremembers things

>Depending upon the fund it'll be mailed the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday of March, June, Sept, and December unless there is a holiday. The full details can be found in the prospectus.

Wut? Management fees come out of the NAV. You don't directly pay them.


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oh come on you can't let us have fun with the new fag.

If you're a contestant on Jeopardy and you finish the game in the red, you have to pay Alex Trebek that amount.

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buy another share
don't buy

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>mfw GALT is going to $1

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I knew you could do it Alcoa!

If you're a contestant on Wheel of Fortune and you buy vowels but don't end up winning any money, you owe Pat Sajak a blowie

time for a backtest!

no you just don't get to participate in final jeopardy.


vice GAINS

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based Aluminum user

I'm holding SQQQ calls. I think the fall will be a lot more violent in the next two weeks


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Disney absolutely mooning

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>le bump the close
>opens red monday
every time lmao.

SGMO is going to $1 too

Bears BTFO again

sad, they didn't buy the generational low

Bears: when will they learn?

Okay but i'm only 6'1".

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Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm down .5%, I'm legitimately a retard. I had a little accident while groggily setting limit sells and accidentally bought almost 10k of SPXL instead of SPXS and then triggered my stop loss. On the plus side my job interview went well! Today's Romano's is in Saudi Arabia again!

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true Mnuchin minute