Been NEET for over a month

>been NEET for over a month
>wasted every day on mindless internet browsing
>have now given in and applied for various retail jobs, full time

On the one hand, I live with my parents and would be able to save so much money compared to my current bank balance.

On the other hand, not thriving as a NEET means that I am pathetic and can't even live as a free range human

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cool story bro

>be NEET for 9 years
>only played videogames and watched movies

that's a sign you're not autistic enough

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now you know your weakness, improve and try again

Masturbate at least three times per day.

put it into crypto, retire in 5 years

I'm an autistic aussie neet on the DSP (disability support pension).
Used to do the whole stimming thing, and have full on panic attacks whenever leaving the house (until put on meds). mum takes me to see a psychologist once a fortnight, and I'm slowly gaining the ability to use more than 3 words when replying to people.
Autism aint fun. Most of the people here claiming to have it are just being lazy antisocial shits.

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You idiot, you become NEET to long yourself with books and shit. You don't spiral downwards, you do your hours building yourself into a better and grander image you couldn't do because you were making someone else better and grander.

The most autistic thing I've done is telepathically tell a woman that I'm not a man. She was walking down the hallway towards the breakroom and I fixated on her and she stopped in her path without looking back and I telepathically told her that I wasn't a man for not making a move on her when she wanted me to. I then proceeded to leave my job on the spot.

kek. did you train for this ability?

It's the first time my thoughts/energy played out in realtime. No I hadn't done any real training prior. When I look back I have no fucking idea how she knew I was looking at her all while telepathically speaking to her.

at least apply for jobs in demolitions or landscaping or something that will make a man of you

Moving a big ball towards a building
planting flowers
Yeah, those are both surely "manly" jobs. The only activity that I have ever witnessed in my life to be "manly" would be boxing and only boxing.


that's pretty sad user. why don't you work on developing some healthy hobbies.

I've been neet for 2 years now. exercise like 3 hours a day, read for a good 4 or 5, play guitar for 4 hours. good life

God that sounds comfy as fuck.

user I'm happy you're at least trying to improve your situation, keep at it :)

Just die

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Wow A whole month huh? You are a real veteran then

>be neet for 6 months
>go hiking 5-15 miles everyday
I'm going to miss this time in the next few months when I have to get another job.