

I turned 1 btc to 0.1 btc in 3 weeks on bitmex

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I dumped my bags on Jow Forums with the help of turtlecoin.

I sold link at 39c and fomo-ed back in at 45c.
forgive me

I have been hodling non stop for 3 years now. At this point I don’t think I will ever sell.

I held through the entire bull and bear market, only accumulating more with decent timing.

Sold 50,000 WTC at $10 the week before it pumped to $40

Did one of you here missed his chance to become a millionaire in late 2017

>had 150k in bcash in november
>didnt buy any of the subsequent moons in dec/jan

I fomo'd intro HYDRO near its peak and lost $600.

I gave away 1 btc to my cousin, he still thinks it's a scam

Held REQ all the way up from 5 cents to 1 dollar and back down to 2 cents.
Bought PAL at 0.05 cents. Sold at .004 cents.

I sold my first batch of chainlink at 13.8k sats to buy more rlc i feel like i betrayed sergey

Yes but I view it as more of a missed chance to suicide due to owing $300k in taxes from coin to coin transactions

Me, I bought 100$ of ARK when it was $0.13 and watched it go to $10 and then all the way back down.

If I had thrown my life savings into it I could have made ~1.5mil. Part of me wants to say that I missed out, but another part of me thinks I probably would have done the same thing only I would have watched millions of dollars evaporate instead of only a couple thousand.


Still made a bomb though, $500,000 - Nice

Lost 15 btc gambling on sports and dice

Thanks Rock. Everyone appreciates you dumping the hidden premine on us after all the pump and dumps.

im 90% down from initial investment

missed on most 2017 bull run gains but started accumulating stinkies since 22 cents, doing pretty good now.

Attached: LINKwillneverfail.gif (1109x1141, 3.44M)

All of you idiots still holding, once the panic sell off begins, you'll all be confessing that you should have been rich.

I cashed out btc at 8k on the way down and never looked back. Paid cap gains and bought a home

I bought skycoin at 30 dollars.

And I appreciate having to read your room temperature IQ shill posts. Your assblasting was thoroughly deserved.

I bought $10,000 in dogecoin when it was $0.002

fuck you, when SWIFT and co. decide to drop the bomb, I hope you will have already invested in some rope, so you can hang yourself from suffering hyper nolinker syndrome, fuck your whole lineage you cheese dick!

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I held through the bull and the bear. Who cares this is a one way road for me.

Guys, I have a python script that calls positions such that I theoretically make 0.2-1 % on every trade on average (price difference). Maybe 2-5 times a day. Occasional losses too of course. Is this profitable in the long run, or will fees make it a net 0 or loss? I also guess I need at least 1000 contracts so Im not loosing to rounding?

Didnt sell 31 LTC at 420$ on coinbase Dec '17..