Minimum ETH to make it

5000 ETH: you’ve already made it, GTFO my biz.

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Poor user here with 5 ether

500 ether bagger
>will make it
s-still waiting

Im too poor to buy such amounts. Tell me user, what should i buy that is less expensive and how many?

when is the last day when i HAVE to be at 500 eth to make it?
65eth pleb reporting in

1k chx suicide stack

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>5000 ETH: you’ve already made it, GTFO my biz.
if this place didn't have any of us early adopters here everybody would think link was a legitimate investment

i bought one for shit and giggles when it took a dive recently
unfortunately too poor to own more

Currently in 500-1000 ETH group, will likely be in 1000-5000 before EOY. Also 20 BTC. Will I make it?

you have more money invested then my current net worth. congrats frien

buy 1 more BTC

I just want to belong to the 100-500 group til eoy. Please stay below 200$ in 19

1 btc
32 eth
10,000 chx

Just keep at it user. I started trading in Dec 2017 with 2 ether and now I have 100

any tips?

this is true my 30 eth buy of CHX is now worth over 60 ETH.

Arbitrage shitcoin btc and eth pairings, but be ready to move into and out of a stable coin for bigger market moves.

Will 827 eth worth of link make it?

ah just like i was thinking, so trading semi low volume eth and btc paired shitcoins?

I have 1,300,000 ETH

Turned 18 ETH into 60+ with link. Was at 70+ at one point