Are there any specific policies which have led to it being this way or is it just random?
Why is this state so advanced/rich?
1970s manufacturing was at its height. Employment was plentiful. People wanted to do business with California. It was the New York of the west in terms of getting shit done.
Fast forward. Young people are leaving to other states for emoloyment, and old people want to retire here.
My guess is that it was settled later, so less baggage. I think of it as the America of America. Americans speak bitterly of Californians like Europeans talk of Americans. Hollywood brought in a lot of cash. The climate is good for productivity and attracting rich people.
>Young people are leaving to other states for emoloyment
Technically correct but very misleading. It's all the uneducated people leaving who can't compete, there's still net immigration taking place for bachelor's and above.
It is massively in debt and stealing water from other states. Its also slowly turning into Mexico.
but who is gonna mow your grass
It has major Pacific ports, so it's natural that manufacturing would spring up there. The climate is also pretty good for farming, and generally attractive for vacation-goers and people who want a holiday home. The tech stuff came from advanced manufacturing decades ago, and has built on that ever since. LA has Hollywood, which set itself up there instead of the East Coast for I think tax reasons or something along those lines.
Well to be clear now im speaking with friends who have their masters and doctorates and other skilled professionals. Their Leaving cuckafornia. I don’t have statistics as a whole, but that’s whats happening around me.
What subjects are their degrees in?
>wealth of natural resources (gold, oil, nat gas, agra)
>best college system
>best weather
get fucked hicks
The amount of literal shit in San Francisco's streets could rival some of the streets in India
old white people love to retire in Mexico. Their retirement bux stretch much further down there.
>downgrading to a third world shithole because that's all you can afford
>calling it retirement
NPC boomers are coping hard.
lmao i think a lot of the anti-california memes are pure cope but this one is undeniably true. i visited recently and made the mistake of walking from around the ferries and market street to near city hall. i've extensively traveled in the developing world and i don't think i've ever seen so much human shit in such a small period of time. literally turds on every block and their predecessors evidenced as flattened brown splotches all over the payment.
It's a combination of many factors and luck. California has always had people rushing to it for one reason or another. Starting from the gold rush where people from around the world came to try to strike it rich with gold. You also had a bunch of businessmen who understood that selling pickaxes and food to gold diggers was much more profitable. Then you had the hippie movement where a ton of US citizens from every part of the United States came over to do drugs, have sex, and of course protest SJW shit. Then you had the silicon valley tech boom which again, had people from both across the United States and all over the world move to California to be a part of the tech industry. Now you got a bunch of Chinese people moving their money over to buy up houses in California and don't even fucking live in them.
Basically, it's a combination of resources that it is sitting on, location, and the opportunities for employment that have propped up throughout California's history which has made California an attractive investment. But I honestly think shit has gotten way too expensive way too fast to, it's all fucked right now.
all revenue comes from movies, stadiums, and cartel drugs.
They are ranked 43 in fiscal health. They are broke. They have a trillion dollars in pension liabilities.
The profesional friends that have moved and are moving out of CA are: Pharmacy, psychology, law, and one accountant bro.
>Now you got a bunch of Chinese people moving their money over to buy up houses in California and don't even fucking live in them.
Exactly this. This should be somehow illegal.
Hollywood, major record labels, manufacturers, big tech, great for vacations, high quality of living, underground culture. Republitards blindly hate California (while some points justified from the more level headed republicans), California has a lot going for it.
>why is California so rich
Millions of bodies worth of cheap labor.
Doesn't seem like any of those are growth industries, especially not in California.
Alaska is the America of America
California isn't free enough to claim that status
It's the new Florida
Desu I refer you to your own post above which sparked our little dance
>Technically correct but very misleading. It's all the uneducated people leaving who can't compete, there's still net immigration taking place for bachelor's and above.
The fact that it’s educated and skilled people leaving California was our source of disagreement. Not whether or not these professions have a growing opportunity.
Tech workers are also leaving California, they stick around for three-four years then get the hell out. Its less noticeable since obviously there are new brains coming in to replace them
I don't see why anti-california memes are considered cope. There's a good reason why record amounts of people have been fleeing that state over the last few years, and I'm one of them. I used to get taxed over 33% of my income living in North Hollywood but now I enjoy
California is a deranged shithole.
It is wealthy because they ruthlessly exploit their human capital while pretending this exploitation is a virtue.
Same shit happens in Vancouver and Toronto in Canada. It's insanely unfair that the average person in these places has to compete with the millionaires of the world - particularly because we are not given the same opportunity in reverse. They are extremely protectionist with their own countries while our politicians whore us out.
what else do you think may be just random?
I went to Oxford and if my friends went to America, they went to Cali way more often than anywhere else
Link before anyone asks
Those numbers speak truth senpai.
I often have that exact bitter disagreement with my normie family members. They somehow abhor the idea how expensive it is to get by in LA, yet they remain reluctant to entertain the idea that foreign capitol, are driving up the cost of living, and see that form of thinking as “racist”. I even try to explain to them that’s what Bernie Sanders, a leftist preacher, tried to argue against unfair trade between countries. But they remain stubborn with their ideas. It’s the most brainwashed retarded thing to encounter.
Try to write a coherent sentence first. What are you trying to say pajeet?
it's the neoliberal capital of the world.
advertise freedom of lifestyle while ruthlessly mining every last sense of dignity and structure for it's dollar value.
California is a great place to live if you can afford two houses, but if you can't, you'll eventually be pushed into the lower class.
That you're lying or retarded. Doesn't matter anyway, this is wrong.
Can't stand the non stop lying by Jow Forums drunptards
Yeah there are a lot of snooty fags with accents arriving all the time
I'll probably move to the midwest where things are cheap. Grow my business
Can you read? I am giving a personal observation. How is that lying or being retarded.
All I’m asking you is to clarify your position because it doesn’t make any coherent sense.
Look sweetie I'm not arguing with some 4channel virgin on my phone. My point is, the guy you replied to was correct and your reply was ancedotal meaningless crap which doesn't agree with reality
104,000 CA people with a bachelors is leaving CA.
76,000 non skilled CA are leaving CA
Thus, more “skilled” CA people are leaving than non skilled people.
>calls others retards
>doesn't know that non-stop is hyphenated
>actually thinks "drunptards" is a word
>t. middle school dropout
Same guy phone so changing up
He very, very clearly was talking about net immigration.... Net immigration for bachelor's and above is according to that chart is about 6k. Net immigration for below bachelor's is negative 85k
In conclusion, what he said was correct and you disagreed with him making you wrong. Educated people are immigrating to California from other states uneducated people are leaving to other states
Seriously why is it so hard to admit you were wrong? It's just pathetic trying to mislead people like this, I went to Oxford, graduated Val etc I'm obviously going to see straight through.
Same guy on phone
Why do 4channel virgins have to get so intimated whenever anyone successful arrives. Pointing out shit grammar when I'm on my phone and not exactly writing a essay. Lmao
>Same guy phone
>Same guy on phone
lmfao your salt is so entertaining; dance my puppet, dance
>Over 25
>Written by Cali Newspaper
>Basis of the article is just saying only uneducated hicks are leaving
Show me the under 25 and I will show you some bullshit journalism.
>It's all the uneducated people leaving who can't compete
This was the point i was refuting. The idea that only the uneducated cant compete is meaningless. It propagates the notion that neo liberal policies are working just fine for everyone in society, when in reality it has come with deeply inherent flaws that most are unwilling and unable to grapple with.
>I went to oxford, etc. etc.
You think you're a special snowflake? I went to UC Berkeley. There's no point of swinging your dick if you have illogical arguments.
Go to college and learn how to reference
The "basis of the article" isn't the newspaper, it's the us census. So many retards here
>It's insanely unfair that the average person in these places has to compete with the millionaires of the world
World-class cities are going to attract rich people. Make way for people who can afford rising costs of living. It's the basic rule that's been true for all of history- it's great to be rich; it hurts to be poor.
>particularly because we are not given the same opportunity in reverse
Why? Are you thinking about investing in Chinese real estate?
>they remain reluctant to entertain the idea that foreign capitol, are driving up the cost of living, and see that form of thinking as “racist”.
It's a factor, but to latch onto that like it's the only factor and rave about big bad government selling out Americans is typical ignorant populist drivel.
The basis of the article is to push a specific viewpoint using incomplete information intentionally. You can be an intellectually dishonest faggot if you want to but I’m done with this since it’s clear what you are doing.
If you don't think the US government and most Western governments have been selling out their citizens for decades you are either a shill or a fucking moron.
Well I was unaware you wanted a treatise. But yes. To be clear I agree, It’s a factor of many other circumstances that are being discussed throughout this thread.
>1 college graduate leaves
>9999999 college graduates enter
>I-i-its not just the educated who can't compete
You are clearly talking about educated people leaving California, when on average educated people are immigrating to California. You're wrong and rephrasing shit over and over again
The facts
>Educated people are immigrating
>Uneducated people are leaving
>The guy you replied to was correct
I posted a graph retard. Didn't mention a thing from the article. Go to college and learn how to reference. U can probs learn just with the internet. There obviously won't be a better source of info then the us census
$1,500+ A month for a 20 year old 1 bedroom apartment on the city limits in random shithole CA. Fuck you dumb faggots.
>It's all the uneducated people leaving who can't compete
Why would they leave if they couldn't compete?
If both educated and uneducated were leaving you'd have a point but that's not the case. Same thing happens in london with ibchads and mcucks.
>Educated people are immigrating
>Uneducated people are leaving
>The guy you replied to was correct
Conclusory statement.
Educated CA people are leaving. That's all I've been asserting.
But then guess what happens to the new CA immigrants...
>Tech workers are also leaving California, they stick around for three-four years then get the hell out. It's less noticeable since obviously there are new brains coming in to replace them.
Have you lived in SF or LA? If you socialize around folk this is a common trend. I don't see why you're getting so upset over a common fact that's happening in Cuckfornia.
If you're making $150k in LA or SF you are not successful.
you are clearly mistaken. It was another user who made the argument:
>it's all uneducated people leaving who can't compete
Do new immigrants come to replenish the sea and give it a stab? sure, but then they end up living in Riverside or Bakersfield. Kek
dont understand why you anons are being so triggered by this
Ahem yes very advanced
Same old victim-complex and the confirmation-bias-induced delusions of big bad government narrative that had constant presence since mass media.
Have fun spending your entire life being mad at the system.
>Educated CA people are leaving. That's all I've been asserting.
Obviously. This happens in every country, every city, absolutely everywhere on earth so why even state it? You weren't talking about this or you wouldn't have mentioned statistics in your reply, cause obviously at least 1 college educated person leaves a year.
The facts are, more educated people are arriving than leaving. Opposite for uneducated people. Legit can't stand this denial shit.
This applies to every single state.... Why mention something so obvious? Going to have to agree with the other guy you do sound like a retard
ya'll gotta stop talking without hard numbers to reference.
higher education people are coming, but more people overall are leaving:
>The facts are, more educated people are arriving than leaving.
>Why mention something so obvious?
You newfags failed reading comprehension.
Its already been posted the guys a retard
Why did you mention it then? Every single person in the thread is aware people move between states. No reason to mention something everyone already knows.
the argument was not whether people move across state lines or not. Or else idiots like you would have mentioned highly skilled vikings immigrating to different countries.
again. read. this isn't reddit.
You're an absolute retard....
Congratulations on saying nothing but trying to take the high ground through shaming, straw manning and assumptions.
Really showed me how weak and incompetent I am and how your views are correct. You totally won't end up being gunned down one day.
Native Californian here, place is turning into a dirty shit hole. California is a bubble.
You’re a fucktard. You obviously have no idea what’s going on in California. Everybody is fucking leaving. The only ones coming in are illegals and Indians.
>Although California has had net out-migration among most demographic groups, it has gained among those with higher incomes ($110,000 per year or more) and higher levels of education (graduate degrees). This can be seen in the three graphics below, which display migration between California and other states broken out by income, age, and education. Orange indicates net out-migration from California to the other state, while blue indicates net in-migration to California. Brighter colors indicate higher amounts of migration.
So if you can understand basic reading comprehension and logic: follow the bouncing ball.
>highly skilled people leave CA
>More highly skilled people move into CA
Ok great. But the question is for how long do they stay and for what reasons do they leave? (reasons that have been discussed by some anons) the cost of living for a +100k year job in SV is fucking joke. Hence they get used, whored for 3-4 years, pump up their resume and decide to leave. The cycle repeats itself with a fresh new pool. It's not rocket science. If you've ever lived in SF, this is very damn common.
This user obviously knows how the cycle works.
>Tech workers are also leaving California, they stick around for three-four years then get the hell out. It's less noticeable since obviously there are new brains coming in to replace them.
what started this dance, IF YOU FUCKING READ, was
>It's all the uneducated people leaving who can't compete
That's a half baked picture of the situation of california, that some of you retards wish to intentionally ignore and throw ad-hominem around.
You can't assume this shit, you have to have facts to back it up.
i give up. thought this would be an interesting thread but loooooooooooooool.
absolutely, we can wait 2-4 years for some hard data to give us the 2019 state of affairs in CA, which may be skewed by a certain agenda. or as anons, we can all comment (shitpost) on the CURRENT situation of our surroundings and hypothesize wtf is going on in our "advanced" civilization.
No you can't.... You'd have been taught this at Berkeley.
lmao have you ever been there, nothing could be further from the truth
Climate and geography that attracts people from all over the world to pay a premium to live there. It benefited greatly from its geography, which is why Hollywood became the film capital of the world--every type of location or terrain needed for a set was within a few hours' drive.
that's exactly what's completely fucked of our society, we give deference to those people from high institutions, who come up with data that's been peer reviewed for a certain idea, to fit their narrative, and to lead the population. Hence we have politicians from the local and state level who get to their positions by swallowing, taking, ((bribed)) certain economic and political policies that have made california a place to flee instead of adopting long term viable policies to make CA an actual golden state for innovation. California is one of the worst places to do business, completely opposite from 30 years prior.
All this kvetching from Califags proves their insecurities about this shithole. It is turning into Florida except instead of filling with old New York Jews it's filling with 3rd world brown pieces of shit. Garbage everywhere, no manners, bad odors, fees on top of taxes. Here for a few more years filling my coffers and getting vested in CalPERS then taking every penny out along with those pension checks and back to flyover where I don't have to deal with Manuel or Pajeet or Chang and can buy two houses for $200k and $400 annual property tax.
With some of you fucks it's almost like the State branded you as a child to defend this cumstained place no matter how much of a low quality of life joke it actually is.
Way to be a brainwashed retard
You're a child if you were expecting a serious response to
>you are either a shill or a fucking moron
Found the chink
Don't be fooled when people tell you it's a rich state
Cali defence force out in force today I see. Ok Australian so I know how it feels to be overpriced and have everyone hate you but fuck man, stop whining
u must not be paying attention. tons of tech companies are actually leaving the state in favor of other more sane states.
>commiefornia will be bankrupt and a failed 3rd world state within the next 20 years
>LA has Hollywood, which set itself up there instead of the East Coast for I think tax reasons or something along those lines.
It was actually to avoid patent enforcement by Edison and his goons.
As a califag, I can vouch for this.
Many ppl are moving from North to East coast as well. Ohio, Michigan for example.
california is going to default on its retardedly high debt when gavin newsom tries his universal healthcare plan. fuck this shit hole of a state. im leaving immediately after i get my degree
> Constantly rated as having one of the lowest qualities of life in the country
> Advanced/Rich
No, the few rich people there are just really rich, and really full of themselves.
Showden was like a movie.
How are ppl like you alive? Like breeding and stuff. Ffs.
I was born and raised in California and now have a post-grad degree in a non-useless field.
Every single one of my friends from highschool either moved out of state or still lives with their parents. California is retarded expensive and their professional certifications are absolutely fucked. Teaching credentials from out of state don’t apply to CA (even though they are literally bottom 5 in education across the US); bar passage rates hover around 25-30% (significantly lower than the UBE and other states) etc... all of the zoomers moved to Colorado and Washington, which is part of the reason why Seattle and Denver are gigantic liberal hubs now
electoral votes user, and also it is the test state for the nation