How do I become a better conversationalist?
How do I become a better conversationalist?
Other urls found in this thread:
have conversations
study literature and interesting facts faggot
Pretty much this.
Read 'the game/rules of the game' and any other faggot shit like that
I found (a very good) university really helped... It made me speak so much posher kek
Reading books about Traditionalist worldviews and criticism of modernity. Reading is key for a truely individualist an non conformist i.e. interesting attitude, interesting people have sth to talk about.
You are assuming the average normie is capable of having intellectual conversations lol
Dont talk to f*males
be like water. Water reflects the light shown from above but still moves under it's own force. You must reflect the sentiments of your conversation partner with questions and statements of your own, but you move under your own morals and agenda. You are not a mirror, but at the same time you are not a wall. You are free-flowing, shaped by your own will and the truth of reality.
You'll be talking to people of similar intelligence at your job. If not why haven't you got a better one?.... Maybe you're just a cringelord?
wtf guys? we not gonna talk about that brapper?
Post more hot butts and you become better naturally
It looks like Insta-Thot Sommer Ray
This is an underrated viewpoint on this subject.
Much easier to converse/be interesting as an actual individual.
Don't fall into the pseudo-intellectual trap, but make an effort to be educated, and be your own man.
You are assuming there's a correlation between intelligence and intellectuality are the same. Not every intelligent person is intellectual but every intellectual person is intelligent. An intelligent person has potential to become intellectual but they aren't curious enough to dig deep into questions and acquire more knowledge about complex subjects. More often than not, an intelligent person remains content with their lives and prefer to discuss mundane boring contents. The intellectual person on the other hand is curious and has thirst for more knowledge. He reads, discusses and seeks to reach the truth. He can't be bothered in wasting time discussing the mundane and boring topics that the intelligent person does.
So you see, just because someone is a doctor, engineer or a lawyer doesn't mean he will be able to discuss Kant with you. He probably doesn't even have time to read. And even if he did, he probably would just read more about topics regarding their profession, nothing more.
Start by learning to ask questions. Most women and nu-males love to talk about themselves and their stupid interests. You don't have to enjoy it, but you need to pretend to be captivated by what they say and every so often regurgitate some of it back to them enthusiastically. You asking the questions can also let you lead the conversations towards topics you find more interesting and can actually engage with.
If you find yourself trying to interject your life experience while talking to a normal STOP. They don't care about how you had a similar experience to them (even though you're just trying to relate). They just want you to acknowledge their story as important, laugh or agree how ccrrraaaazy it was and move on.
if you're the kind of guy who dont really talk about yourself and things you read or feel, start doing it.
People can *only* be social friends if they don't try to uostage or outsmart one another. Indeed, the classical art of conversation is to avoid any imbalance, as in Baldassare Castiglione's "Book of the Courtier": people need to be equal, at least for the purpose of conversation, otherwise it fails. It has to be hierarchy-free and equal in contribution.
You'd rather have dinner with your friends than with your professor, unless of course he understands 'the art' of conversation
For one, ask question like this on Jow Forums you autistic spaghetti eater.
These days my Newbie Guide would be this:
– Mystery Method. I prefer the seminar where he teaches it over the PDF eBook of it because I like Mystery’s passion for what he’s teaching, all the vids were on YouTube at some point but now there’s just scraps, here’s one of them to get you started:
Magic Bullets is an eBook that’s a more brief streamlined explanation of MM
– “The Tyler Digest”, google it and read it all
– watch Liam Mcrae’s Rapid Escalation video on YouTube
– watch Richard LaRuina Formula For Night Game on YouTube (specifically 27:00 to 50:00)
– RSDJulien’s SHIFT (internal game/mindsets/beliefs about women, yourself and getting this area handled, torrent it)
– and RSDJulien’s PIMP (external game aka actual technical shit to execute infield, torrent it)
– and if you just want overall social skills building rapport/comfort with people in general (which you can apply with girls or just socializing with everyone you meet and becoming that guy that people immediately feel like they’ve known for years) then check out the Juggler Method PDF
– and at some point give Practical Female Psychology a read, and the free PDF over at Manhood 101 as well, they cover just general over-arching male/female psychology stuff that you’ll want to know for life in general, VS just getting your dick wet ASAP lol
Remember that this is something you learn by gathering and internalizing reference experiences you collect infield. You can study a lot without going out, but you won’t be able to execute it without going out and actually trying to, fucking up, and trying again, until you get better at it. You can read all you want about riding a bike but the first time you get on it you’re gonna fall over or lose your balance or fuck up, and that’s okay. You just try again until you get the hang of it and down the road you’ll be riding with no hands on the handlebars barely thinking about it
Be more interesting and have more conversations. It is that easy, just takes time. Find hobbies/subjects you like and get into them. Talk to people about them when they come up in conversation. Ask those people about those hobbies/interests and learn from them to get better.
If someone sits down by the bar next to me and brings up anything about investing, nutrition, cooking, combat sports, lifting, domestic travel, ethinic food, firearms, woodworking, camping/hiking, etc I can talk at length about each one because those are my main interests/hobbies. I can usually find something tangentially related to one of these with everyone and talk about something we both like, which holds both our interest.
Having some wit helps as well but I don't think you can learn this, it just happens or you have it or it doesn't and you don't.
Ha why is this on Jow Forums and not /fa/, /soc/, or Jow Forums? That's where I'd expect it.
>reading makes you a good conversationalist
Retarded if you believe this
take mdma
dead serious
you incel PUA's deserve the rope
Send me a message on telegram OP, I AM at university right now
that's one fluffy cowwey
find out what people like, tell them what you know about it and ask their opinions. pretend to be impressed or take their advice
99% of people are narcissists or deep down a rabbit hole of 1-3 topics and can't talk about anything else. That's why it's so easy for women to manipulate men, just listen and pretend to care about whatever they are obsessed over. Women aren't obsessed about anything, they turn into awkward goo when you turn around their shit-testing and value-testing on them
truer words are rarely spoken my dear friend
hmmph sniff snifffffff. Snnnniiiiiiiffffff
Be louder the louder you talk the more you will interest and keep there attention.
Drink onions products.
Based and ASDpilled
a good speaker that doesn't read can make boring shit seem interesting
a poor speaker that reads a lot can make interesting shit seem boring
Sniff big brappers
Here's the secret:
You need to be genuinely interested in what the other person is saying.
Work at a prison. You will be forced to learn how to build rapport with anybody
>be like water. Water reflects the light shown from above but still moves under it's own force. You must reflect the sentiments of your conversation partner with questions and statements of your own, but you move under your own morals and agenda. You are not a mirror, but at the same time you are not a wall. You are free-flowing, shaped by your own will and the truth of reality.
Well said.
grow up in the USA midwest, we can talk to anyone
>Not every intelligent person is intellectual but every intellectual person is intelligent.
There are shitloads of "intellectuals" who are fucking dumb. Like that economics Prof who said the internet would be no more impactful than the fax machine.
An intellectual is what you get when a talentless dumbass wants to live a life of the mind.
Learn how to fake your emotions and study how people react to your reactions. Start profiling people and gauging how they react to your reactions and mannerisms. Build a relate-able persona that is consistent enough between different audiences that gossip will not out you as fake.
Learn to tell stories and learn the right body language and intonations to be genuinely entertaining when talking about mundane things.
Bonus points if you are good enough at profiling people to understand their weaknesses and opportunities. If you are naturally gifted in this, you will be able to guide conversations toward or away from people's comfort zones and maybe let things slip to build rapport.
**Do not communicate with people in writing. Your "voice" will be difficult to modulate and astute people will think you are mentally ill.
Not true, Iowa here and super autist. Can't hold a conversation for shit.
Gonna sound gay as fuck, but I gained a shitload of conversational skills working in a phone queue this year. Slightly above ground level in Fortune 500 finance firm. Sucks but learned a shitload about finance and how to calm down assholes who can't touch their money.
Exposure therapy OP. Do a job that forces you to talk.
disagree, hierarchies occur naturally within every social, political, economical circle.
I have no problem with learning and looking towards a human being more in control of his passions and bad attitudes and more heroic an spiritualy advanced than me. Only a self interested faggot cant take to hang out with guys better then himself. In fact, i look for people better than me to hang out with.
fucks up your brain permanently, one hit is enough, studies showed this time and again, bad degenerate advcie.
What if you already have a job? Are there any volunteering or online stuff you can do to practice conversation?
Oh and PROTIP:
If you are all smart and shit and can't help but come off that way, put on a southern drawl. Makes you seem less intimidating/condescending. I talk like an uneducated dumbass, and crack jokes. People like that.
t. Ex-Chemist
Part time sales?
I dunno. Work at a soup kitchen. Greet people and ask them how they're doing. Make 30s of small talk with each person. Less if they're shutting you down, more if they open up.
this, intelectualism is a modern scam, these people are conformist liberal faggots
Read Conversationally Speaking by Alan Garner. Read it one chapter at a time. After each chapter go out and have a couple conversations while using what you learned in the last chapter you read. Rinse and repeat until you finish the book.
Did exactly this in college. Went from a stuttering sperg who couldn't even have small talk, to going on dates with girls and easily having multi-hour conversations without running out of things to say.
And this guy is absolutely correct. Couldn't describe it better. The conversation has a sort of feel and if you sway from this balance to extremes, where controlling and steering is obvious, the conversation goes to shit.
Bullshit, only repeated use with not enough time (one month or more) in between is risky.
Things are a bit different when you are speaking with a superior though.
Gotta kiss ass a bit, let them talk and feign interest in whatever mundane shit they're going off about
good goy, back to Joe Rogan with you
Ask questions and let them do the talking.
do not read gay shit like this
just be yourself and listen to people, be supportive in conversation and talk about your interests but dont hog conversation
map out convos like a tree also watch others communicate pick up body language facials expressions speak patterns mood etc
those are some nice milkers. Got any more?
some wn woman was commenting that to practice use interpals. There are always foreign europeans wanting to practice their english.
Nice, saved.
I've been looking for solid advice like this, I know it legit cause I remember magic bullets was the book I found most logical after reading a ton of this shit back in the day.
Listen and absorb before speaking.