What did they meant by this?
What did they meant by this?
Main net lunches on Thursday!
>What did they meant by this?
They're partnering with more partners to first mover the 4th French revolution and create mainnet oracle problems using Jason Parsers dapp program for smart contracting insurance linkpools.
Shhh... don't tell anyone else, but the announcement is that McDonald's is catering
The announcement is not going to be mainnet related...it is not Sergey or the Chainlink teams style to shill their project by announcing muh mainnet
Holy shit, just a coincidence, right?!
redpill me on this
This. Announcement of another Who Partnership
Meme Magic is real and we all gona make it. By we i mean those who own atleast 500k LINKs
google is taking over the project
So, then what is it?
They've never scheduled an exciting announcement before.
SeeIt's just going to be another partnership with a zero revenue eth based middleware company that sounds sophisticated on paper but doesn't an real world problems. It's like an entire ecosystem of never-will-be's, that only Jow Forums will ever care about, and they'll dry up and blow away after mainnet shows nobody will ever use any of it.
Is this the first time they are announcing an announcement? Are we, dare I say, in /bullish times/ ?
>Exciting announcement
"Basically we hred a new porject manager."
You are not in bullish times. You're a poor and sad loser on Jow Forums hoping an internet token will buy you a girlfriend someday.
This. Notice how Sergey isn't even mentioned. The team has abandoned him
It's probably just a partnership announcement between Chainlink and Celer.
how the fuck can i afford 500k
srsly scared now
you need at least one million link to make it otherwise the return on investment is minimal
Ah yes, every crypto project is waiting for Chainlink to go live. Revenue follows.
Without chainlink every smartcontract platform goes to zero. Get ready.
Every smart contract platform is going to zero regardless. They're open source. If a company requires any of the solutions they provide (they don't), they'll just build it inhouse with existing manpower and infrastructure.
Link is a religion at this point. Ever wonder why christfags freak out if you say there is no god? I mean why should it matter what you think? They should just assume you are going to hell and it shouldnt even bother them. But it does.
Its because you are directly challenging their delusion. Delusions are easier to believe in when they are shared delusions. You become a living reminder they are completely wasting their time on fake nonsense. It means there is no afterlife and they are going to die. Their tiny chimpanzee brain cant handle this and totally chimps out. Its the same with linkies.
They will never be successful because their bags are too small to win with BTC alone. So they have convinced themselves that link is some kind of miracle coin that will yield 1,000,000x returns. It doesnt even make sense, but the alternative is they kill themselves in a bathtub in a few years, and their simian brain freaks out. Its trying to hold onto whatever thin hope it can scrape together.
stfu kek is real
>in this moment i am euphoric
I do it because I care desu. I'd love for my bros to wake the fuck up, stop playing with pretend internet money, and start some businesses.
and you're butthurt because you know it's gonna happen.
Stay salty you misrable fuck
Calm down, just adelyn going through her public relations college course 101 text book.
Maybe the audits came back positive? Sergey mentioned a couple months ago that their smart contracts are in audit.
Bigmac for the mainnet lunch?
Same old speech
user, you accidentally put a âkâ after how many LINK you need to make it
They aren't going to the whitehouse...
> exciting announcement
This is what scamcoin projects do. Wtf