I fell for the build credit Jew. I'm 27. My credit score seems pretty good compared to a lot of people I know, but I feel like I fucked up by taking out so many loans and credit cards. I'm going to pay off my student loan debt in one lump sum within the next six months, so hopefully that will help somewhat.
Did I fuck up?
You're alright just don't use a lot of your available credit and make sure you never ever miss a payment.
T. 800+ club
>T. 800+ club
do I have to wait for these new accounts to fall off (two fucking years?!) before I can join the 800 club?
Hard for me to say, I don't really know all that much about these things. My timeline for collecting goy points for my goy score was basically this:
>at 17, open a student credit card with my parents cosigning, 500 dollar limit
>couple years later I asked for an increase on same credit card, now had 1500 limit
>2 years after that open a new credit card, 3k limit
>always pay CC bills on time
>never have any serious loans or anything like that
That's it. That's all I've done. I'm at like 810, my parents both have 830s. It will take time but just live your life keep doing what you're doing
>be me, NEET
>open up credit card
>buy a shit ton of ETH in 2017
>pay off credit card
>get a bunch more credit card offers
>open all of them
>now 7 credit cards
>buy a ton of ether
>pay them all off
guess I gotta wait for the next bull run heh
What service is that and does it cost money?
>What service is that and does it cost money?
it's offered by capital one, I have a capital one credit card
I have seen that, but never bothered to activate it. I guess I probably should see what it says my score is.
Am 29 .. never missed a payment in my entire life.. CC since 19. Multiple lines of credit, paid them all off years ago. Just did 5 year mortgage renewal last year.. had high 700's until a few weeks ago but then a huge jump out of nowhere to 843.
You have no idea how comfy things are
And I use credit carma for my score, forgot to mention
Literally good boy points given out by jews.
>had high 700's until a few weeks ago but then a huge jump out of nowhere to 843
What do you think was the catalyst?
Good goy points are a joke. Income is the most important factor in every loan application. But hey, at least with my 800+ credit score I could get a new flatscreen TV for .25% less interest than the normal consumer!
Paying over time is better for your credit score than prepaying. More debt and older accounts are "good" as long as you keep them current.
>Literally good boy points given out by jews.
yeah but I used them to buy crypto and they seem to be paying me for my trouble (1-5% cash back)
Imagine spending money you don't actually have and thinking you're making a good financial decision. Fucking Americans lmao.
Congratulations! What you do is why we have artificial boom/bust cycles that causes minor economic slowdowns to escalate into full blown depressions. You’ve done your small part to be a part of the whole financial system collapse, great job
Is it true that the J*ws will cancel my accounts if I don't carry a balance?
>Good goy points are a joke. Income is the most important factor in every loan application. But hey, at least with my 800+ credit score I could get a new flatscreen TV for .25% less interest than the normal consumer!
wait, what? can you really finance a TV?
In America, you can finance anything you want.
I don't think I've ever considered financing for an electronics purchase other than a phone, and I decided against that and just paid $800 outright
>Congratulations! What you do is why we have artificial boom/bust cycles that causes minor economic slowdowns to escalate into full blown depressions. You’ve done your small part to be a part of the whole financial system collapse, great job
>Imagine spending money you don't actually have and thinking you're making a good financial decision. Fucking Americans lmao.
but I made money by taking on that debt
You’re legitimately a clueless zoomer?Well you have time to live through a cycle and find out how painful deleveraging is
>You’re legitimately a clueless zoomer?Well you have time to live through a cycle and find out how painful deleveraging is
I was a NEET and lived under a rock. Please enlighten me.
>I heard he's sub 800
>he doesn't look like a nigger on the surface
Most brick and mortar retail chains here have restructured around this concept in the past decade.
>Most brick and mortar retail chains here have restructured around this concept in the past decade.
weird as fuck. I always deal hunt
I actually used my first credit card to price match a TV that was on clearance at one location for $200. They sent me a check in the mail and I got a 60" name brand TV and 5% cash back for my troubles
rubbity rub
wtf is this some kind of game in the us
This was me. You'll be 780 in less than two years don't worry. Also, call and see if any of your cards will increase your limit a bit without running an inquiry. $50,000 total credit might push your score up a bit.
what is the benefit of having an 800+ credit score?mine is 750
You're doing fine. Once a few of those new accounts get past the two year mark you'll be well over 750 and you'll qualify for the best rates.
why is mine higher than yours?
the new accounts thing must be wrecking my shit
do you have any student loans? I have about 20k but I'm gonna pay that off in March
Only 6k student loans but, i have a 15k car loan because im retarded.
>Only 6k student loans but, i have a 15k car loan because im retarded.
idk, stupid jews lol
congrats on your good boy points
Why would you ever borrow money like this?
>Why would you ever borrow money like this?
I bought crypto with it and immediately paid it off, now I'm just farming good boy points and using the cards for cash back and purchase protection. I recently disputed a charge heheh
Starve the beast, only buy things up front in full
you can just use the good boy card to buy it and pay it off immediately and you get additional protection and free money in return
Sorry, kid
How do you get that much credit?
also how old are you
I just turned 30. I simply apply for credit cards so I can get whatever cash bonus they offer. And I ask for credit increases regularly.
>I just turned 30. I simply apply for credit cards so I can get whatever cash bonus they offer. And I ask for credit increases regularly.
I've been doing that but I'm afraid to keep racking up new accounts. 170k is a shit ton. What's your average per card? One of mine is like 20k and the rest is spread between 6 other cards, heh...
I've been telling them my income is 30k so I guess I should start bumping that up a bit if I want the big bucks huh
these good goy points are a lot like the new social point system in chyna
forgot to ask, how often do you request an increase?
hopefully I see a boost after I pay off my student loans
My available credit is actually higher than what the report says.
BBT student card (my first) - $500
USAA #1 - $10,000
AMEX - $60,000
Capital One - $20,000
Chase #1 - $16,700
USAA #2 - $35,000
Big Lots - $2,000
Amazon- $8,500
Chase #2 - $16,700
Bank of America - $10,000
HSBC - $8,000
I used crypto gains to pay off my loans in January 2018. It boosted my score by 50+. You can ask for increases at your credit card's website. I usually ask once every couple of months.
>AMEX - $60,000
holy shit, clearly I need to hit amex up for some more credit heh
>I used crypto gains to pay off my loans in January 2018
shit, man, we're walking the same path, I'm just a couple of years behind you (28)
b-big brother
>Big Lots - $2,000
Never had a credit card. 33 yrs old. Nobody will give me any credit or loan because no history is even worse than bad history, apparently.
>Never had a credit card. 33 yrs old. Nobody will give me any credit or loan because no history is even worse than bad history, apparently.
my first card was a student card (not a student), I just listed my student email address from an old community college I went to like 5 years ago
You’re debt free!
Greedy cunts. I was going to buy furniture because of 0% interest and like 20% off for using the card. But then I visited Big Lots and realized that everything they sell is garbage.
Apply for a secured credit card. You likely won't get any perks but at least you can build credit with one.
>Greedy cunts. I was going to buy furniture because of 0% interest and like 20% off for using the card. But then I visited Big Lots and realized that everything they sell is garbage.
honestly I'd rather just buy the cheapest model of everything at Ikea and have a place that looks good until the next move, then chuck it all or craigslist it, rinse and repeat
really there's no difference between an ikea couch and the shit they sell at most other retailers anyway