Will Cardano live up to the hype?
Will Cardano live up to the hype?
What hype?
> Most decentralized
> Most Scalable
> Most secure
You know, the same shit every coin claims.
Never heard anyone saying its the most decentralized
Fuck, this shit is why you don't see any booties like this in RL.
Anyway, no it won't, but Fleta will.
>Left: Powerlifting gains
>Right: Cardio bunny gains
>will a crypto with no decentralization protocol live up to the hype
I don’t you tell me op. Their failure of a leader Charles keeps pushing back their decentralization release for their system and keeps fooling his cult followers into believing he will release a product someday lol. Their wallet barely functions and I haven’t heard a single developer I know say they are crazy about working on the Cardano platform. I do however hear them excited for ethereum’s future so again you tell me op.
even the bottle looks more curvy on the left lmao
Not even close to powerlifting gains, she would have much thicker glutes/legs if that were the case. She's just out of shape.
I have some Cardano and I say no. Just another project that has been revealed to be based on nothing in this bear market. The rotund man enjoys travelling the world with the money he made though.
i cant believe i fell for the Jow Forums no cardio meme.
I can fap to either
Where can I find more before and after pics these are fascinating
Kill it with fire !
Everything is a lie.
pls post moar, I enjoy these
>will it
it's already over for cardano, and eos, and tezos, and all of the other ethereum wannabes. they're a year late and several billion dollars short
Then you haven't been listening.
>I haven’t heard a single developer I know say they are crazy about working on the Cardano platform.
This is important. Elaborate on this.
That is fucked up.
Wtf, she's a neanderthal.
Her weight just doubled.
Still hot.
yes user, POS (decentralization) is right around the corner. then comes smart contracts and multi-sig. then sharding (they have an actual plan for that as well). this is a multi-generational protocol that will handle hundreds of billions to trillions of dollars in value potentially. ...which is why they are being so goddamned methodical. what is the big rush though? a few months extra gonna kill anyone? not really.
went on a date with a girl like the pic on left who called herself 'athletic and fit' and she looked like pic on right when she showed up. i quit online dating after that. this was ages ago
It's been more than a few months though. Ethereum has had smart contracts since 2014.
where in that plan do they acquire any developers interested in their platform whatsoever?
and ETH has been working on POS longer than cardano and cardano is going to launch it first. again what is the rush? what can anyone do with smart contracts today on ETH that needs to scale AND diesn't require an external server running javascript? not much at all. try and launch the next uber on ETH and it would be slow and cost a fortune just to run it. so what is the rush? the ICO era is over. crypto is going to be with us for decades to hundreds of years. a few months wait is no big deal. their delays have all been clearly explained btw, there's no mystery there
there already are many interested devs, many who ran ICOs on ETH and are planning to move over to Cardano when smart contracts go live. if you listen tonthe cardano effect podcast you will hear about some of those. Solidity devs will be able to develop on Cardano if they wish using existing solidity code, or with minor changes to their code run their smart contracts on a more securely. if they can run smart contracts more securely and cheaply and faster on Cardano some will find that a compelling reason to develop on Cardano. I think the ballpark estimate TPS when smart contracts launch is expected to be 50-75ish... maybe 100, don't remember but 50 was the low end of the scale. that's before sharding.
yeah, so by your logic cardano is pointless because everybody is still just waiting on btc and eth to scale, and doesn't care what other alt platforms do.
$100 eoy
Is it Bitcoin? Is it doing something to provide any tangible value?
Lol what hype
Doesn't matter, there are already better finished products or close to. Cardano missed their chance.
i think you fail at logic fren. sorry you got triggered
such as?
lol, you late adopters are so desperate.
this is what COPE looks like
Zilliqa and Cosmos. Dfinity and Kadena soon. Also ETH post POS (even before state sharding).
we will just have to see. crypto is an ecosystem. Zil has never impressed me and the others i've never heard of. will be onterested to see how they perform. as to ETH... POS is coming to ETH in less than 2 years?
>Zil has never impressed me
Why? pretty refreshing project if you ask me, probably the only trustless high throughput blockchain running atm (well, in a month or 2) but people can't make the difference because their perception is deformed due to shitcoins/scams.
>and the others i've never heard of
You really should.
>POS is coming to ETH in less than 2 years?
I think 2019 or early 2020. But full implementation of State sharding (Part of ETH 2.0 plan) isn't possible before 2022 imo.
w00t w00t fr33 st00f pl0x
Business idea faggots!
Dating site free for thots
Guys pay
But the hook is specialize in making over uggos.
Fine print in terms of agreement give site sole rights to before after pics
Resell skin care and diet TV dinners to unhealthy land whales. All it takes is a few happy stories to build the reputation.
This is my idea no one copy it.
I'm available to negotiate if you want to partner or buy me out.
We already got the idea. What do we need you for now?
this makes me ill
one of the pizzas is fucking cheese
this one right is better
Tezos will be better.
How will Tezos be better? It's been out for months and no one is using it.