I recorded some amateur porn videos, where and How can I sell them?

I recorded some amateur porn videos, where and How can I sell them?

I am at graduation on my cellphone now.

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Such a needful chalk blackboard, sirs!

Its me real favelanon

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Oh yeah yeah, the Brazilian guy who fuck old ladies for cash. What's up broseph?

>Mallas de kirchhoff

post a screenshot, I might buy it

Oh yeah, Favela user. The pussy ass bitch who can't even beat junkies with kitchen knives. Get outta here

All Fine, I am feeling down, at graduation right now. Need find a way to make $$$ because bills are coming and my older jobs ended. Besides that all ok.Yes.
Send me a hi on telegram if you can, @favelanon
The only pussy is your mommy that is addicted to my anaconda cock, hue

Mobile internet sucks wtf

Algebra I ?

It’s best not to even reply to his threads. There’s no gf, there are no old ladies who paid his monkey ass to bang them, and now he’s sitting in some community college, LARPing as some graduate/scholar.

Put him in a zoo and I’ll pay to point and laugh, otherwise, there’s no more point to him.

If he was a dog, he would have been taken out back and shot a long time ago.

>still no whites in class

This. Fuck this street shitting fuck, he should just fucking neck himself already. A beta such as him will never make it.

I am no larp
Its my university ID
Just on the state one

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I posted my university ID fuck you both

monetize them on pornhub.

Will take a look, thanks!

Pay attention to your classes you shitskin

Loll how I am a beta you fucking crazy dude

post on touch.tube for VIT token

I just know this subject I do two graduations dude, just need to do that task and go home

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Noted, thanks!


>Electrical Engineering
>Calling that EM
Nice favela education going on there, though you have a nice handwritting.

We are into the second week fren, he have to give everyone a introduction

Everything overpriced

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>especial BJ
>triplo cheddar

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I bought the biggest its named monsterdog

Might be a namefag, the content might be awful, but at least it's original.

Yes, I am home with my little girl now

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post screenshots here or on some nsfw board you retard. there is so much amateur porn, you need to approach potential buyers, not the other way around.

Its the recorded amateur porns of francebro who travel around the world pataya Bangkok etc


He will be famous, you will see.

Is that your co-star in these amateur videos?

No, in the videos its francebro fucking gilrs in Tailand and other countries.

This Favelape is just sad.


Unless you have written consent of all parties involved, you'll end up in prison. Ten bucks says your just a creep that likes to spy on women.

You kidding right?

by just recording them and admitting to it you are already going to federal jail. Reported to the fbi

>Private college

Pick one.

I also study EE and I heard that studying abroad in Thailand is the easiest shit ever from people in higher semesters. Students can go on autopilot and live easily on little money while I have to do Calculus only with a very simple calculator. Reeee not fair.

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In Brazil rich people study at state/federal university for free while the poors pay private graduations.

I'm not kidding, there is like 3 state/federal universities in São Paulo and like 40 private ones.
Well,atleast you aint a prostitute like me.

Why are you responding like you're OP?

I am OP, my ID changes because the IP change on mobile internet, now I'm at home.