This board is unironically filled to the brim with ansolute retards, prove me wrong
This board is unironically filled to the brim with ansolute retards, prove me wrong
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Literally impossible to prove wrong.
>prove me wrong
No i agree with you
they're not retards they're ironic memers
2 + 2 = 4
no shit, look at all the bcash spam, the chainlink spam, the holo spam. it's full of pajeets and other pajeet-tier bagholders
Not even just the spam, people show no signs of brain function and are unable to form their own thoughts, instead you see Jow Forums’s version of reddit comment chains like ‘the ol switcheroo’ and retarded dog poems. Has this board always been like this and I’m just now noticing, or has it recently gotten worse? It’s fucking pathetic.
Ahem, that's "a" solute, not "an" solute.
Its unironically true.
More like
>don't prove me right
SV $10K EOY. Cap this.
I knew a milf who fucked retards. It was her hobby and she was open about it. She told me that it felt wonderful being able to provide romantic love and intimacy for people who struggled so hard to understand the world. The way she described it was like being fucked by an animal, since they operate on instinct when it comes to sex. Most are chronic masturbator and and desensitized to sustained contact, so retards fuck hard, long and are very selfish. She enjoyed seducing them, and the way they reacted when she let on that she was serious and wanted them to mount her. She told me that she never used condoms when she was fucking retards, not because she liked them, but because it was degrading and thrilling for such terribly mishaphen people to cum inside of her and get her pregnant. According to her, she had aborted 15 retard babies over the years. Think about that. Think about how much sex with retards she had to have been having to get knocked up woth downie spawn 15 times. She was hot as fuck even at 40 but after knowing that possibly a hundred or more 'tards had their way with her over the years, I couldnt bring myself to try and seduce her. She seemed really into me though, and I'm not really sure why.
Bitcoin is the only coin to hold value in and everything else is a shitcoin.
Proven wrong.
>She seemed really into me though, and I'm not really sure why.
Impressive. Very nice.
The smart people have already cashed out and left the board. This has happened at least twice. All that's left are the dredge of the sewers: late adopters who want to get in, eternal bagholders, and shills.
>she seemed really into me for some reason
>she fucked retards
So does this mean I’m officially not gonna make it? Even with my big stack of linkies?
yes, mostly russians, like sergey or vitalik
Link may be the last moon ticket before either:
1. Everything goes to shit
2. Technology advances so fast that crypto and blockchain as a whole become obsolete even before being born. Quantum computing is one of such technologies.
its always been shit, but it took a huge dive in summer '16, and then another huge dive a year later.
there are quite a few of us that have been around for a long time. just because we're now rich doesn't mean we suddenly stop visiting the website we've been using for years.
i also get sadistic enjoyment out of making fun of late adopters.
Can I get her number?
Its retarded bagholders trying to shill their losses to other retards.
how did you get that picture of me
>i also get sadistic enjoyment out of making fun of late adopters
> Bitcoin
> value
Have sex with tards should definitely be considered rape. Imagine genders reversed and it's a whole different story. Obviously men and women are biologically and psychologically different but if these thots want equality then we need to cut all double standards for them.
Everyone is bored waiting for the golden bull
I knew a milf who fucked Sergey. It was her hobby and she was open about it. She told me that it felt wonderful being able to provide romantic love and intimacy for people who struggled so hard to understand the world. The way she described it was like being fucked by an animal, since they operate on instinct when it comes to sex. Most are chronic masturbators and and desensitized to sustained contact, so retards fuck hard, long and are very selfish. She enjoyed seducing him, and the way he reacted when she let on that she was serious and wanted him to mount her. She told me that she never used condoms when she was fucking retards, not because she liked them, but because it was degrading and thrilling for such terribly mishaphen people to cum inside of her and get her pregnant. According to her, she had aborted 15 retard babies over the years. Think about that. Think about how much sex with retards she had to have been having to get knocked up woth downie spawn 15 times. She was hot as fuck even at 40 but after knowing that possibly a hundred or more retards had their way with her over the years, I couldnt bring myself to try and seduce her. She seemed really into me though, and I'm not really sure why..
You are proving my point
Kek gtfo
Yea but only 3 people on this board hodl BTC
Bitcoin maximalists deserve death
late adopters deserve death, Your 3 ETH is not going to change anything!
Mostly trolls and actual retards. Taking publicly available investment advice, by principal, is a bad idea.
advanced pattern recognition