I graduate this summer with a mechanical engineering degree. No internship or relevant job experience. There’s no fucking way I’m gonna get an engineering job without ever having done any engineering work. I’m such a fucking retard, I wasted all that time being a depressed loser and now I’m going to have a worthless fucking degree on top of it. I’m considering dropping out and just working a shitty job right now to minimize the damage, there’s no point continuing on.
I’m never gonna get a job
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i have 2 years experience and i still can't get a job
you're fucked m8
starting salary for ME in 2019 is literally like 35-40k. my dad made graduated college with his ME degree in the 80s and his first job paid 45k.
there must be something wrong with you guys then. it's not your degrees. its you.
>hurr durr i spent tens of thousands on tuition and i graduate in 2 months but im gonna drop out XD
if real degree > no degree in every situation, ur just gonna struggle even more without a degree
Should I just drop out now?
I have a PhD in CS, publications, talks at conferences, 1.5 yrs of work experience, and have been unemployed for almost a year
the jobs they’re talking about on TV are fast food jobs. Women and Pajeets absolutely wrecked the job market. Considering becoming a welder, dead srs
Im also a ME too, but i don't have time for internships, i need 3 semesters to finish it if all goes well, i was thinking on learning big data in the side so i can add it to my resume and basically try to get into that bubble by using my degree just as a certification that im not a retard
>it's not your degrees. its you.
Keep in mind it depends greatly on where you live.
For myself I live not to far from Pittsburgh. Accounting major. Jobs are hard to get here with limited experience and combine that with most jobs are hired by people you know.
I graduated in 2012 and just last year I managed to get a 40k accountant position thanks to knowing someone.
nah, just finish your degree up. there's a lot of jobs out there that still require a Bachelor's even if your particular field of study is completely irrelevant. speaking from first hand experience.
Engineering is trendy right now and the entire industry is being oversaturated with tons of new graduates exactly like OP. The bottom 90% of the graduating workforce is going to get fucked as the 10% at the top continue to work at below average wages. GG no re OP.
I've been in 2-3 interviews where I was interviewing for a lower position, and they asked me "do you have your degree?" "no" "oh if you did I could have hired you on as manager or supervisor, the degree is a company requirement"
you might not necessarily get a job in ME, but it can open doors for you for other job opportunities. not saying you're going to be making 6 figures, but it could be the difference between $9/hr and $18/hr
I’m gonna fucking kill myself. Why the fuck did I even go to college
I graduated spring 2018
I got a lame sorta job field job then I got laid off.
I'm still looking for a job and it's been 8 months.
Just except you're never going to get your dream job unless you were a 4.0gpa student.
I just want a job. I don’t even know what my dream job would be, I just want a job semi related to engineering.
If that's the case then why could every boomer (including female) get a job back then? Job market is clearly shit right now if you've got 100s of people applying for a Mcdonalds position. If we're talking engineering, it's probably thousands across the country for 1 position.
ME degrees these days is pretty much just learning how to play with SolidWorks. We have techs and ME doing the same job in our company. ME is such a meme.
Why, dude? Just become a neet. Come, join us
ME coursework is hard as fuck though, very intensive math, more so than any other undergraduate degree.
trust me user, just finish up your degree. you're almost at the end. if you just started, i might tell you otherwise, but you're so close there is no reason for you to not finish.
Not harder than electrical, but obviously harder than civil. They're much less likely to use any of it though.
You should just finish anyway, they need fucking bachelors to work at Starbucks now. You wouldn't be doing yourself any favors by dropping out.
I should’ve just done an easier degree of a degree is all that’s required. I feel like such a retard, everyone around me told me engineering was an amazing degree, especially mech and electrical.
You can go join the military by OCS/get into ROTC since you are still in college possibl.
If you are in good shape and have a decent (>3.0GPA) you could fly planes man.
Sounds just like my high school friend. Went to a state uni for ME, graduated with nearly a 4.0 but made the mistake of never taking on any internships while there. Also had never worked a job in his life.
He spent a full year working in a lumber yard with me after school to acquire "job experience". Was submitting apps that entire time. Finally he landed a job doing motor assembly on a line for some robotics company in massachusetts. 13 bucks an hr or some shit. Kek.
also this was 1.5 years ago and he's still there doing glorified assembly work
>grown adult
honestly I'm amazed people haven't started dying over this yet
I’ve worked in a couple different factories. That’s my work experience. I’m so fucking fucked.
Modern man has fully internalized being a cuck. It's second nature now.
I work in public accounting. Recently passed my last section of the CPA exam.
oh wagie
I’ll likely be killing myself in the coming months. Oh well, some succeed some fail. I’ve got no future.
>We have techs and ME doing the same job in our company. ME is such a meme.
Oh hey, that's my workplace too.
start your own business, this is me: if you are seriously considering killing yourself, might as well just take out a 20k personal loan to start a business first. not like it matters if you take it to the grave.
Also a reminder to everyone that the reason ME got this way is because of FIRST robotics.
I don’t have the skills or drive or understand necessary to run a business.
then what did you think faggot? you only had to get a Bachelor's and that was it? it's not the 50s anymore. yeah it sucks you got screwed on your degree, but you do have options. or was your plan to always be a wageslave for the entirety of your life?
You're a retard. Anything that an ME can make requires at least a few million in initial capital. Creating physical products is extremely expensive. How about you fuck off and try thinking of some realistic advice?
I graduated with an ME degree last summer
Still don't have a job haha
All my friends have jobs though, but they all had internships.
I didn't though
Become a CPA.
Mechanical Engineering is a total meme. Most are just glorified mechanics and fuck around in CAD.
Are internships really that hard to get?
>13 an hour with degree
holy fuck lmao
I make more than that at a warehouse with dropouts and people fresh out of prison wtf
>ME coursework is hard as fuck though, very intensive math, more so than any other undergraduate degree.
Keep telling yourself that while mechanically manipulating formulas with zero understanding.
>I should’ve just done an easier degree of a degree is all that’s required. I feel like such a retard, everyone around me told me engineering was an amazing degree, especially mech and electrical.
Most engineering is shit given the time put in and what you'll actually remember and use. CpE/EE is probably the top of the bunch though. CS BTFO of all of them. I don't care if it's a meme or it's not as demanding. Fuck it.
>Finally he landed a job doing motor assembly on a line for some robotics company in massachusetts. 13 bucks an hr or some shit. Kek.
Are ME majors absolute untermenschen? HAHAHA!
Honestly if you guys really want a job you just need to move to a place more remote or at least be ready to travel back n forth. I'm from Quebec and work on the railway.. not the most amazing job but the pay is insane. Get ready for no social life and fucked hours though
I've been there. You are lucky because you haven't done anything, so that means you can pass a background check for federal government.
This. You need money to go where the jobs are.
Did I make the right decision going to cc to get a tech degree instead
I would argue yes. What you get for what you put in is much better than the value offered by a four year degree. You won't be rich, but you won't be cucking yourself either.
so long as you make enough to live and can stomach the work.
how much does tech work pay anyway like 18-25?
Probably. If I would have to do it all over in 2002 I would have done computer science, HVAC, or nursing. That is knowing then what I know now. Tech is probably the best bet.
i got my bachelors in 2013 and only got calls from third party recruiters looking to fill shit positions. instead of going that route i decided to go to grad school. pissed away 5 years on a phd and now i'm in a shit job i can't stand where i'm learning jack shit.
engineering is an absolutely shit career choice, and mechanical engineering might possibly be the worst engineering major.
This pretty much seals it. I’m ending my life.
The worst part about all of this is the millions of delusional kids still pouring into ME thinking they'll make $250k starting, and when you try to talk some sense into them, they accuse you of being a fuckup and say that they'll do better than you. But absolutely worst of all is that I used to be one of those delsional kids who mocked the advice that was given to me.
fuck yes they are
internships are harder to get than real jobs. they are virtually purely given out based on connections. you won't accomplish anything in ~3 months so might as well give it to someone you know, or to someone who is vouched for by someone you know.
dude... just do drugs, escape depression, and become god
You're still young. You'll be fine if you GTFO from the STEM meme abd switch to something like business. The classes are piss-easy and it shouldn't add more than another year. With dual ME and business degrees you would be a very strong candidate.
just go to the casino with 10k and bet on black 7 times, better than wage slavery.
my biggest regret is actually not getting the bachelors, but going for the phd. whatever you do, and whatever retarded boomers tell you, don't double down by going for a grad degree unless you have an employer paying for it. by no means even spend a second consider going for a phd. it's the closest you can get to modern day slavery and it benefits you in no way.
with that said, i wish i went to OCS after the bachelors degree. military may not be amazing, but i'm certain it would have been better than the shit job i'm currently in. despite continuously applying elsewhere, i can't find another job.
It's really not though. A lot of ppl are what's called "underemployed".
They have a solidworks training course on udemy to become certified for 11.99. Maybe give that a try.
No, don't fall for this meme too OP. You will not get hired unless you have a CS degree. I know 6 programming languages, have a great portfolio, and did undergrad CS research, but absolutely could not get hired for software positions as an ME.
Graduated in 2018 in chemistry from top school, no experience or research, no job only phone interviews(have only been looking for 3 months though), smoked weed for 6 months. I have to say I have been so depressed since I started looking but this thread made me feel better than I have in months, thanks alot brothers
Kinda sucks that a lot of men feel this way.
You're not alone.
>Graduated in 2018 in chemistry from top school
What did you get your B.S. in and what did you get your PhD in?
STEM uprising when?
considered this too when young. You just get used to the suck and accept that a normal life is not for you. It's nobody's fault it's just something that happens to a group of people. Someone has to be on the tail end of a bell curve.
I assumed it was a useful science
You can get a CS degree from WGU online. I don't think it's expensive. Opportunities abounding.
Tips stp? My friend with EE degree was making barely 40k in Val dor....35k on some 1 year railway gig in Montreal. I hear about people making mad money up north but exactly how/where????
both in mechanical engineering. the work i did in the phd (experimental chemical kinetics) is closer to chemical than mechanical engineering.
Personally I've been cobsidering Georgia Tech's online master's in CS. It's like $6k for the whole thing.
I'm seeing some chemisty jobs on indeed. They mostly seem like laboratory stuffs for food processing.
I went the opposite way, I entered the workforce. Now I'm 29, make 45K, with essentially 0 chance to increase that. I have 2 bosses, both in their 40s, who have been with the company for decades. Basically they aren't going anywhere. And of course all of my experience is at the station level, I don't have any actual business/finance experience, so it's not as if there's any use for me at my corporate office. It's just as shitty, the entire system is rigged to make you miserable despite your best efforts.
We're all fucked.
I'm fucked.
At least we have the honesty to admit it.
Normies are fucked too.
The difference is...
They don't admit it.
They are either too stupid or prideful.
Yes you'll never have what your parents had.
Yes survival will always be a struggle.
Lol. Fag.
there's multiple retards at my company that are at least in their 60s. instead of fucking off and making way for a new generation of engineers they go part time and still work full time hours. not that they do shit half the time, but they refuse to fuck off and let others start their careers.
Yeah and labs and academia are soulsucking. I’m going to become a cop for 50k a year and retirement by 50, fuck the world
Graduated in 2015 with a business degree. Currently make a little over minimum wage in an office. Job can easily be learned without ever having had a job before or degree.
Got a similar situation with an organizational change. All the people 2 years from retirement are applying for the new department with few openings. The situation is they can't get fired from their current positions, but it's possibly the last opportunity for the younger employees.
The eternal boomer strikes again.
and when they leave the company doesn't open a new position because they weren't doing anything anyway
>labs and academia are soulsucking
>I’m going to become a cop
Highest I ever earned was $32K
But I have a rich family so i'll be ok.
Maybe their saving for their children's imheritance.
Hard working boomers are commendable.
You'd probably do the same in their shoes.
Wake me up inside, at least my dad made 4 mill during dotcom and isn’t stingy at all
one of them is legally blind. he wears thick spectacles and still squints all the time. i've seen that dipshit asleep at his desk, and talking on the phone with someone that has an office which shares a wall with his.
They won't lose their current high paying jobs. The pay for the new positions isn't higher, but has a potential for a marginal bump. Time value of money makes that meaningless to their savings.
im gonna kill myself for sure, god damn fuck how do i become a neet if I'm a healthy young man in america. I'm fucking over it i don't care if i don't get pussy cause I'm a neet i wasn't getting it anyway.
It is, if you want to manufacture LSD.
Get a CNC certification.
My buddy did 6 months HVAC school and now makes $40/hr working as a maintenance engineer for a casino on the strip and it's not even a union property. I broke into the casino industry last year as a housekeeper making $19/hr. I spent $350 on a 2 week bartender course. I make $200-500 a night in tips, at a shitty bar off the strip. I know girls who waitress who have to claim $100/hr on their taxes.
>TFW I only did a 6 year contract and in that contract I managed to squeeze out as much benefits, BAH, BAS, bonus pay as I can
>After the contract I had over 110k in the bank, good car, good benefits, no student loan debt, and EXTREMELY valuable job experience , experience if I didn't have I wouldn't have landed my sweet job I have right now.
Basically used my time in the Army and exaggerated everything, employers love it.
Consider rotc or ocs anons
I think I should just see a therapist. Thinking about this shit is making me suicidal. I guess I don’t know what the therapist can do for me. Life fucking sucks ass, it’s just now hitting me how important these years in college were and I was depressed during all of them and it’s going to cost me so much money and opportunities. I’m such a fucking loser.
Hello morgantownbro (?)