How do i generate passive income with 100k?
How do i generate passive income with 100k?
can someone answer me?
Compond interest from the bank if I can make 50 bucks per month with 20k you can make way more.
which bank? ally?
The easiest way I know without being accredited is just buy some rental homes.
invest it in chainlink, wait a few years, then youll really be able to get passive income
buy and sell at 5% moves. 5k every 3 or 4 months = about 20% annually. depends on your short term gains tax bracket though.
sell people ebooks and videos on how they too can make 100k passive income from the comfort of their own home
this. trust me, it's a proven formula. I would know.
Buy a shitty 2 bedroom apartment with a big closet and rent it out 1k a month, live in the closet
bumpin out of curiosity
Dividend stocks
Dividend aristocrats will only give you $3500 max on $100k, so unless someone is happy with $103500 in their account, I would not talk dividends. You want growth of your principal.
Something like QQQ or SPY
you talking 3500 annually?
Thats garbage. Why do people always preach dividends? Is it just a safe place for people with ass loads of cash?
Real estate
Yes. 3% compounding on a few million bucks is a middle class income to do nothing. Of course you need other revenue to beat inflation, but that's a pretty easy way to keep pace.
5% municipal bonds which are tax free. you're welcome
Detroit? I'm sure I will get my money back, one day, right guys?
Yes. Imagine that you have $1,000,000 in aristocrats. Guess what, you still can't live off the dividends. It's not until you get to the $5M mark that you have enough to put your money in autopilot
That should get you your first rental property
Jesus, im gonna be 75 before i have millions. Then what? i get to enjoy re-runs on my 80 inch 20k UHD television while my nurse wipes shit from my ass everyday?
run a script on or
The game is rigged. Short of growing your money exponentially, you're just a cog that will need to produce enough to live off passive income
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>how to get away with robbing banks
Dude, it's been like 6 months! Just put that in an index fund or s&p500. What is so hard about that? Literally fuck off, why do you keep making the same thread?
What about if you’re accredited?
Go all in a decent crypto and wait until 1mil?
Or buy rental properties, I get 100% annual from my investments because I borrowed to the hilt.