btc is shit tech,
when will it die?
first mover advantage doesnt mean anything if there is far better technology
how long before useful smart contracts take over the world
btc is shit tech,
when will it die?
first mover advantage doesnt mean anything if there is far better technology
how long before useful smart contracts take over the world
>first mover advantage doesnt mean anything if there is far better technology
I agree, this is why that old company, I think they were called "Apple" never sold a single one of their... what were they called? Eye phones? Yeah, they are a piece of shit. Never heard of them since then.
I wonder how deep into penny stock hell those retards are now. Kek, imagine buying AAPL 12 years ago like a retard.
BTC have better fundamentals, get fucked centralising chinkike.
first mover is a big advantage when we're talking about speculative bubbles
why would smart contracts ever take over? cryptos only use currently is for neets and dark money. eth and link is all hype, scammed by sir gay
yeah good analogy faggot way to choose the one out of a million that managed to make it by being first mover
>speculative bubbles
the term 'ponzi scheme' comes to mind
Well, I already gave you my example. Where's yours faggy? Not that it matters given that just one example proves that your "rule" is not a rule. Better tech does not necessarily trump first mover advantage. Those retards at apple proved that a long time ago.
apple is a company that continued to evolve and develope.
btc is PoC network.
BTC continues to evolve and develop. Your point?
how does it develope?
lightning network is just a centralized second layer solution?? theres fundemental problems with btc that arent solved and probably wont get solved
When eth scales
theres fundamental problems with the iPhone that aren't solved and probably won't get solved
Except that BTC will solve those "problems" assuming they are actually significant. Nothing bad has ever happened to BTC. It just keeps on giving.
>$50-100 dollar transaction fees at ATH
>nothing wrong with bitcoin
First mover advantage can be everything.
Same reason why Windows dominates despite MacOS being superior in every way, or why Colemak will never displace Qwerty despite being far better in every way.
>first mover advantage doesnt mean anything if there is far better technology
if another coin overtakes Bitcoin, a precedent is set. Then the dominant coin will always change as people will ALWAYS be looking for the next best crypto, which is not a good thing.
sure you gave me an example, but the point is apple is the fucking exception not the rule, just like how you don't expect niggers to all become the president just because one did
Is that Bart supposed to be you, NEET?
>Can transfer 1000000$ for a 100$ fee
>this is a problem
First mover advantage may not mean much outside crypto but having the longest running chain goes hand in hand with security. Good luck running a 51% attack on BTC, the same can't be said about other coins. Better tech won't mean shit if it is easily compromised.
The coin that is decentralized, near instant, with consistently low fees and fungible will win (the currency front of cryptos anyway). The last one seems to be the hardest to come by in this space at the moment.
You guys consistently fail to understand what makes a crypto valuable.
>hurr durr muh transaction fees
How much does it cost to transport gold from one place to another?
>hurr durr it's impractical to use bitcoin to buy things
Is it impractical to use gold to buy things?
>hurr durr because bitcoin is expensive to move and impractical to buy things it shouldn't have value
Explain gold.
>hurr durr a crypto with high supply, instant transactions, and very low speed should be the most valuable
Keep holding your XRP bags.
>hurr durr muh smart contracts
CryptoKitties ran on Ethereum when it was $1000 and CryptoKitties is still running on Ethereum when it's $100 -- what exactly is the value proposition for holding ETH?
very low fees*
btc has a good distribution, around forever, could adapt the shit tech of other shit coins but it's not necessary because literally everything that has been developed has no use cases at all.
I can't stand you faggots that don't understand that bitcoin is the greatest piece of tech we've seen in a long time.
if you think technology has anything to do with cryptocurrency then you have been mislead by people getting you to buy their bags.
when you understand the actual economics and value behind crypto, you'll have realized what a giant mistake you've made.
This and this
BTC is dying just accept it, it had its golden year in 2017 and its chance for main stream adoption but people are to comfy being cucked to banks to actually care about some internet coin.
Only if you are a retard that does not know what a Ponzi is. kys