>meanwhile round 9 keeps growing
How is it going biz? It’s just ponzi right?
Meanwhile round 9 keeps growing
It literally is just a ponzi. What's your point? Ponzi apps are a 2018 thing dude. 2019 is the year we chase used microcaps and pump them to Saturn.
sorry to break it to you but that was 2017 user
bear continues until bitfinex exitscams for good... until then, it's dapps all the way (not fomo3d tho, NFTs)
Alright you mofos, how's your dividends coming along ?
for divs to be linearly growing the pot should go parabolic
as for me, made 20% of my initial back (got in 3 days ago)
I was with you guys on the issascam thing about this until I read the rules. This could go on for a very long time. Ill admit, I bought keys last night because these guys seem intent on driving this thing to ridiculous lengths.
good, now its all a matter of time anyway.
this thing has been gaining traction for a while so don't be surprised if the chinese hear about this and pump it to heaven.
>reading the rules
I salute you sir. Enlightenment is in the post along with your infinite divis.
Kek retard newfag serves you right, this dapp was huge in 2018 and this is just a restart of it, it's old and won't reach the heights it did first time
as long as you get money in the process and ROI why would that even matter ?
The timer keeps resetting I don’t think this will end anytime soon. Also looks like Asia isstarting to get in.
where did you get that about Asia ?
You won't, because not enough people will join
At first glance it looks as if you've delved into a neon pink used car salesman corner of the net..Once you understand the rules however, only the divs become relevant
I hear Craig Satoj is unironically devoloping poo in loo p3d script system. BSV is truth unironically and not team Just.
why does it keep going up
who is buying wtf...
What rules? This does not feels right isascam I am not sure of
did you guys unironically get into crypto the last few months?
round 1 went to 1k eth, then stalled until a china pump to 20k, then bots and attackers exploited ethereum blocks to win the pot
the "game" works in two ways:
- first stage, idiots think they can win the pot
- second stage, idiots think the rate of dividends they get now will continue forever
but as it is designed like a pyramid, the amount of eth required becomes exponential as your own share becomes diluted (and the beginning players who got 20k keys for 1 eth will keep getting paid, too)
eventually it crashes... the only choice here is whether you're early enough. and god forbid you reinvest, that's the ultimate trap for suckers. while you think you're compounding your gains, you're actually just sending money to the smart guy who got in under 10eth and collects profits
chances of a china pump coming to save your ass again are very low. chinks are happily gambling on TRX casinos, which weren't a thing when the first round of Fomo3D played out
Why didn't I buy this shit when it was 17 eth in the pot. hold my beer while I get my katana and commit seppuku.
checked, just bought another 5k keys
Also don't forget the only ones laughing are the developers with their 2% fixed fee on every single key purchased.
the publicity FOMO3D got due to round 1 is unprecedented.
Asians WILL come back to this especially if the pot gets higher than 700eth.
the chinx and pajeets will fight over every key
the chinese chatroom is poppin already, ETH is still king over trx
There is no doubt that Cancer ∞ is controlled by the alt- right, a cocktail of big pharma distribution.
Also we welcome a169z, on the board as our advisers, eternally grateful to CZB, our Master- Chain nodes are progressing and
non-profits earnings have shown promise.
this is nice.
which team did you guys pick ?
rumor is AOC is playing FOMO3D RIGHT NOW and basically YOU could be playing alongside her with JUST A FEW KEYS
This will go well into the summer. already at 8x. keys will never be cheaper
dude this thing is never going to end, people have already committed to guarding the clock. this round will last to proof of stake, then it'll be mainstream hype for infinity. keys will never be cheaper as you said. keys will grant divs forever.
The Chinese channel is blowing up on discord. Last time this happened divs went parabolic.