Americans are getting themselves into car debt that they can’t afford

>Americans are getting themselves into car debt that they can’t afford

When does it all fall?

Attached: 84B21C14-60D8-4218-8980-900DF67FCF7D.jpg (750x1069, 217K)

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Thanks, just bought 100k cars.

>need car to deliver boomer pizza
>30 minutes or boomer gets free pizza
>boomer never leaves a tip

burgers really are the dumbest of the world. idiots get new cars every 2-3 years and keep tacking on loans they cant afford. can we just fucking nuke the whole country.

Load up shorts on banks which give out a lot of car/student loans
I did some research into it earlier and Santander is very exposed to these specific loan types

>Chevy Financial, I'd like to see you come try and find me!

Attached: my new house.png (600x600, 175K)

It's funny. ~4 years ago when all of the fucking idiots in this faggot town I live in were buying up those Hyundai Elantra's I said that auto loans would be the next subprime crash.

How right I was.

Attached: img-1-600x263.jpg (600x263, 21K)

>The average amount financed for a car is $31,707 and the average loan length is 69.1 months, up from 61 in 2010.

Haha that's fucking priceless. Makes the fat bitches driving overpriced Wranglers even funnier.

did everyone really not understand all those shitskin 3rd world uber drivers driving 2019 vehicles had no feasible way to afford the car they are driving????

>Can't afford new car to look like a successful Goyim
>Lease a car you still can't afford
>Have to drive Uber AND Grubhub when third job at Taco Bell gets cut
>Burn through your lease miles paying for shitbox you didn't need in the first place