Imagine holding a browser plugin token
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yeah idk how people buy that shit. some people just cant think practically.
I lost a whole $10 on it. I want a refund!
It's a good browser tho
loving every laugh
Of course its a good browser its an almost exact copy of chrome
Fair enough
>good browser
What a fucking faggot cuck bitch
Yeah when you realize it’s trackng your every move it becomes disgusting but performance-wise it’s ok. Brave, in purging every vestige of google from it, leaves a very lean and quick browser-plus unlike in firefox I can rearrange my bookmarks on mobile. Having them in chronological order added instead of “however the fuck I want to arrange them” always triggered me
>full disclosure, I am fucking autistic
Shut up man. I though it was a good buy. Nothing but great news for months and it just kept dumping. It's not fair! I'm done with this shit!
The lowest it's ever been is $.07 or so, the highest like $.80; don't sell now you dummy, this is based on a real product and business so it'll take time to hit its stride. I hodl u hodl bro
You guys are retarded. There was only 190 addresses in the ICO. You are getting whale dicked and you have no idea. I just feel bad for you.
Um, rude? Like omg wow!
>190 addresses
Pill me on this, what’s the comparative turnout for some other ICO’s?
Imagine thinking that a company called "brave" could take down arguably the largest company in the world in both terms of infrastructure and intellectual property.
> muh fag basher eich and le javascript
So you're telling me that a guy who got kicked out of his own company is going to do that?
I work in a marketing firm in Pasadena (with branches all over the country) and the manager of this branch set aside $50k over a year ago to buy BAT so that when the marketing industry is severely competed with he'll have a segue into the Brave ad marketplace. He met with someone working for Brave (not that eichen guy) and was told that BAT is going to also be able to be spent on premium content (hulu subscriptions, netflix, pay-per webcam...)
Don't sell unless you desperately need hard cash right now, and don't expect any increase in price for another few years
>take down
>doesn't realize businesses with opposing business models can simultaneously exist
imagine holding shares of a shitty website
>muh browser plugin token
imagine not seeing this on your browser
then stick to litecoin and bitcoin cash and all the valueless cryptos if you think they have the best future
Why is BTC valuable?
>bc its decentralized and has an immutable ledger
No but why does BTC have monetary value?
>bc people pay for it
Why do they pay for it?
>so they can spend it
So it's valuable because people buy it, and people buy it because they think its valuable?
>imagine not seeing this on your browser
meant to add this
That’s probably bullshit but I believe it because it’s exactly what I want to hear
Speaking of that, Brave blocks autoplay on fagbook by default which is great, I’m sure the other browsers can do that as well but I’m too fucking lazy to go out of my way for 45 seconds to get that done
>That’s probably bullshit
Nope I'm at work right now. If anyone gets mad at me for being on 4ch at work I'll just say I'm helping secure the company's investments
>kicked out of his own company
Nice non-sequitur, if it was a merit based termination that’d almost be a coherent statement
BAT threads are looking more like FUN and REQ threads every day. Love it!
Pic not from today, but great view here
Lol ya advertising and ad-block software is as important as casino chips without a casino....
> he doesn't realize that google could buy literally every lawyer and legislate them to death.
>merit based termination
fucking christ what corporate hell hole did you crawl out of
> synergize
You sound like you work at one of the big 4. Wouldn't be surprised if you did...
> tfw he has a business degree
Legislate them to death?
>A new bill has been passed that says nobody can compete with Google Ads, and no company that uses cryptocurrency is able to enter the advertising market
Technically Congress has the Commerce Clause power to do that but that'll never happen
The only thing Google could do is not allow BAT plugins on Chrome, not allow BAT on YouTube, and not allow Brave on the appstore
That's not how it works dum dum. Especially when Brin's company made billions from gov contracts. Tit for tat playa.
Sir what is your BAT price prediction for 2019?
>There are people dumb enough to bet against the power of the BBC (BigBrendnanCranium).
Stay poor.
2019? Probably somewhere between $0.09 and $0.15
I'm not up to date with what they're currently doing, but I know that it's still in its early software release life cycle. Last I checked, they were (and probably still are) communicating and dealing with 3rd parties, which can takes years to complete. This is a HODL token, not a get-rich-quick token. Other cryptos don't need to deal with 3rd parties so their live release dates are quick (and most are already live and aren't succeeding)
>That's not how it works dum dum
Yes Congress has the power to legislate, and judicial branch can't legislate from the court. If over 2/3 vote, President doesn't have to sign. If under 2/3 vote, President has to sign. Not sure what legislation you're talking about. This isn't some Bezos-UPS tax exemption racket
Honestly even if they did just what he said that’d be a potent maneuver. If Mcrosoft, Google and Apple all locked Brave out of their services it’d be a death blow unless the Brave devs are already considering that possibility and have some kind of contingency. However, m$ et al haven’t blacklisted adblock-capable browsers as far as I know so that could be a good sign they’re willing to play ball-but that’s still definitely something to look out for
7600 sat in a month
The bull run with BAT will happen after disclosure of all the people signed on to it. Nowhere near that time right now, but your post will be true in a year or two
mark my words
expected bat run before HOT, very dissapointed in them
>bagholder cope
Wut's HOT
Archived thread suggested that March 12 is when the fledgling ad network goes live. I wonder if we can expect any big promotional events preceding that, I'd like to see more interviews with Eich. I like the idea of voluntarily supporting websites and individuals you enjoy and I wonder how the company is going to try and meme that culture into reality, and also if censorship will have any place in the BAT network. Jow Forums itself for example has long been struggling to find a replacement for J-list and other sponsors because of controversial content, and hundreds of millions of people are equipped with ad blockers now. A big question is how much a user gets for viewing an ad and how that's decided and how that evolves over time.
>big promotional events
>interviews with Eich
>meme that culture into reality
For a browser and token whose purpose is advertisements, I'm sure they have something in the works
>A big question is how much a user gets for viewing an ad and how that's decided and how that evolves over time.
Not sure how they decide that. Most tokens are priced based solely on the most current ask price. If they're smart they'll advertise it close to launch, which is probably a while from now since they're still getting promoters and clients on board (like pewdipie and other youtubers, journalism/news websites, and twitter)
Looks like somebody doesn’t have the “attention” to understand the “basic” functions of this “token”. I guess you could say you have zero “basic attention token”. Get rekted FAG.
Lmao I love how these pajeets act like being natively built into a browser is a bad thing. Yet these same pajeets would nut their pants if Chrome or Firefox ever natively adopted their shitcoin of choice. Hypocrites make the worst fudders.
Apple wont, there are far too many coincidences.
This is the entirely true and can also be seen on Twitter where pathetic BTC maximalists cry to Brendan Eich over the use of BAT
It's like they want to discredit BAT, while at the same time trying to argue that their choice of shitcoin would have been a better BAT. Very sad doublethink from these pajeets.
BAT raised the most amount of money with the least amount of purchasing addresses because their ICO was a shit show.
>One guy
user I...That's unironically less than my shitcoin portfolio...
I wouldn't assume that's all he has, 50k could be a small fraction of his
legit kekd
bat is a PIECE OF SHIT
This is some of the weakest FUD in existence. Although it does trigger.
BATs under the graceful wings of the market manipulators. Profit is a given.
Apple Brave buy out incoming
>Former Mozilla CTO
>Current CEO of silk labs an AI & machine learning company purchased by Apple. Has clout within Apple.
>BAT was for the longest time the only erc20 apple verified virtual currency.