Its over


i need to get out of this country ASAP

Come to eastern europe. We were born in debt, molded by it. Debt can no longer affect us.

dog, do you even MMT

Pretty much every day lf every month the debt has risen above [x] "for the first time" since the 90s. This is just fear mongering directed at double digit iq npcs who only took an interest in politics when Shillary Clintonstein got her flat as kicked by Blumpf

So modern theory suggests we just print infinite money until we hyperinflate like a socialist utopia?

Glow in the dark mossad niggers still think they can get the US into a war.

You'd now have 30 trillion debt. The Federal Reserve is a private bank and the Treasury has to borrow from them.

Oh noooo not fucking 22. What will we ever do now that it has passed 22. It truly is the end if days the 22 has come for us.

sorry 3rd wolrd shiteater you can't.
we short you first.

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