Ask me anything
Will off myself tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
how are you going to do it
Will you post a livestream link?
Can you do it in a cool way that makes the news?
how will you feel when you fail at that too?
whats been eating you the most
Have you tried giving up your current life and do something completely different.
Might as well call 1-800-273-TALK
Can you send me some bitcoin?
Why not just say screw it and go do something new? Anything that you've always wanted to do? It's not like this option won't still be there after. Go live before you die.
Dont user, life is hard sometimes but the hardest it is, greater is the happiness awaiting you when you done with the hardship.
Why don't you make yourself useful and take some scumbags with You? It's pretty selfish to commit suicide without even trying to make the world a better place in the process.
At LEAST livestream it.
What method?
the last thing you want to do is quit now user.
You don't understand suicidal people if you think they are capable to think like that. Suicidal people are too tired of life to do anything "new" or "crazy". They lack zero motivation other than to commit suicide.
No. Don't have energy for that.
It's not that I failed a lot of things in life. So I wouldn't mind.
25 and never had a girldfriend. All my younger friends do better. All I had was a few times sex with a girl from eastern europe. She even visited me back home. Since then I never experienced any love again and no girl from my home country showed interest in me. That was 2 years ago. And I can't stand this any longer. I feel like a subhuman after all those rejections who isn't enough for this world. Do have a degree and friends though. But it's all worthless when you don't experience love. I wish I would never experienced what it feels like
Friend, google Jordan Peterson on depression and then clean your room.
Don't do what you are planning to do. Your waifu is out there waiting for you, just keep looking.
You cant kill yourself with a knife you fucking retard. Not unless you know exactly what you are doing and have the balls to do it (you dont).
You are an attention seeking little faggot. Man up and do it right.
Fuck bitches, get money fren
Also killing yourself because thots dont like you L M A O. Jesus what a fucking pussy.
Here's a tip: jump from 4 stories or higher. You are dead for sure if you reach terminal velocity and hit pavement. Shotgun in mouth is another surefire bet. SHOTGUN not rifle or pistol.
If you absolutely insist on using your faggy knife then take some painkillers and run a bath, then open your veins in your forearms on both sides lengthwise up your arms and lay there till you go. The hit water keeps it from clotting up, so you will definitely bleed to death.
I often though about going to Russia and work in the agriculture field there with the first degree I have. But I wouldn't be good enough propaply. Still better than in CS though, wat I study right now and what I am even worse in.
Don't have any
I considered that quite often. I would like to see some parts of the world and do all this crazy stuff. I mean I don't have to lose anything anyway. But sadly I don't have money. And I wouldn't get joy out of it, when I will get rejected from women everywhere again. And in a profesional way: I don't know neither what to do. My CS degree programm makes me depressed as well.
Like I said. My problem is that I am not worthy of love, which drives me insane. I have days where I only cry and others on which I am filled with hate. Regarding your image: Would psychodelics help me?
>Ask me anything
Leave me your shit nigga
1000ug LSD brother, it is time for the hero dose
you will definitely be insane by the end of it
why not just say 1 mg LSD?
I've read and watched quite a lot from him.
This just made me realize how fucked I am.
He says purpose of life is to have a family.
I can't even have sex.
You are an imbecile. Nobody is born worthy of love. They have to make themselves worthy. You aren't unlovable, you just hate yourself and it shows.
Fucking angst ridden retard. Get off Jow Forums and go do it already. Stop whining and go kill yourself. You procrastinate on everything including the very last thing you will ever do. Fuck off.
op is so bluepilled i might have to kill myself as well jesus christ
Why did you post this on biz? Do you know that the "biz" in "biz" is short for "business"?
You're looking for /pityparty/
You’re way too young to be committing suicide.
At least wait till some bitch leaves you and takes the kids
What should I invest in?
How do I short your life?
Love and women are overrated.
What your feeling is societies pressure to make you believe it's all that.
There are a million things better to do with your life than worry about women and love.
Do you even love yourself? Cause if you can't then loving another is pointless cause you'll destroy it anyways.
Concentrate on fixing your life up first if you really feel you need to find love and all that jazz.
But at this moment your robbing ourself of the opportunity and chance. Your only 25. Your not even at the halfway mark and your giving up already?
Also as I said before hereIf your gonna do it at least leave me something I can do worth while with your memory. I wanna make it reich with investments. I'll donate my earnings in the future to some lonely losers support.
>He says purpose of life is to have a family.
>I can't even have sex.
Your robbing yourself the chance.
>What should I invest in?
>How do I short your life?
Someone needs to make this an industry.
Suicide rates just keep growing. This is an untapped resource to be capitalized on
Dam doing way better than me I'm a 27 kiss less virgin
I will too most likely. Scared of pussying out to be honest.
>Dam doing way better than me I'm a 27 kiss less virgin
You know when ever I read this lossless Virgin shit on Jow Forums I find it extremely hard to believe considering I've seen the most gayest losers in the world hook-up. You do know there are loser women out there too?
Considering this if you are intact real you most be the gayest loser on earth.
Atleast OP had a fling.
dont do it user no matter how much money u lost.
everything about LINK is true and you will literally unironically make it with just a stack of 10,000 LINK
stick around user, we need all the shitposters we can get
Thanks for your kind words.
The point is, that I am fucking sure about the fact, that no matter what I will do, nobody will love me or wants to have sex with me. And I can't mute my feelings.
Except you've had sex. Stop being dumb thanks.
>I often though about going to Russia
Get a normal job asshole. Stop being so stupid.
>You do know there are loser women out there too?
lol, thats the ENTIRE userbase of Tinder and most online dating services and im not even memeing.
was super fat lost some and still losing
even though I'm a loser I don't want to be with one.
sorry to tell you this but love is gay and overrated
but if you must have it remember the global ratio is like 8 roasties to 1 man, lol @ 25
whats your average daily diet like, what time do you eat, how much do you sleep
whats worse I think is actually having sex with the girl of your dreams and realizing it's not even that great
Wait 10 years for AI please. None of this will matter.
Can i haz your stuff?
Why tonight?
Does it really matter that much? It's been years since I've had sex and I'm perfectly content with my hand.
Craving sex and such is like craving to drive a Ferrari. Sure it's fun but you honestly don't need it at all to function in life. Why can't you just have fun?
Do you even realise how much of a hassle women can be? Constant whinning or moaning or just doing some stupid mind games. No matter what all girls have some fustrating quirk that makes you wonder why do you even bother.
They literally create problems just cause they're bored and want drama. It's fucking bullshit.
Your feelings are shit. You don't have to drop them but put them on the back burner so you can concentrate on yourself.
What exactly do you have to even offer a women? There must be something wrong with you
>lol, thats the ENTIRE userbase of Tinder and most online dating services and im not even memeing.
Exactly there are pathetic women everywhere just begging for any man to give them the time of day.
>was super fat lost some and still losing
>even though I'm a loser I don't want to be with one.
Lol then get that stomach sorted.
Got really fat over 4 years and have spent the last year slimming down lost over 10kgs so far. You using keto? Or omad?
But he says to start with building yourself and then continue to expand, achieve goals, to become happy in order you create for yourself.
Give online dating a chance, man. Give yourself another chance. As cliche as this may sound, try writing down what makes you unhappy and then write down what you could do to fix those issues.
Stop wanking.
Quit sugar.
Quit refined carbs.
Quit booze.
Healthy diet.
Exercise 1 hour every day.
20 minutes meditation everyday
Go out walking.
8 hours sleep. Bed by midnight.
Don't stare at a screen for minimum 90 minutes before sleep.
Use Ashwagandha and Rhodiola.
Dont listen to the evil one, friend. Dont end the journey. Start by building a new one in this life. You never know what is right around the corner. Just keep building it'll be worth it
You miss the point of depression
No matter what you do, the chemical imbalance will tell you to kill yourself at night
Living your life to the fullest does help but it doesn't end the thoughts
really this simple
id just like to add a nice og kush or balanced marjiuana, see which strain is right for you
You should at least take DMT or LSD before you kill yourself. Kill your ego first, then see if it's still necessary to kill yourself. I mean if your going to kill yourself anyway, it's not like you have anything to lose.
Love is nice, for sure, but do you think that your happiness depend mostly on love? What percentage? There are many things in life that make me happy, and when I've felt like you, and trust me I have, I always think how unwise it is to let just one thing ruin my whole life. If there was a god and he came down to tell me I wasn't going to experience love or affection of any kind for the rest of my life, I could still life a rich and happy life. Love is very nice indeed, but definitely it's not all you need. The Beatles were wrong.
Fuck this gay earth and fuck everybody in it. Still I will never just kill myself. I would rather kill everybody else. Nuke the whole god damn thing. Ofc I would drag myself to the snowy mountains to snowboard for one last time.
Just killing yourself is the most pathetic thing a man can do. "Muh thots don love me :(((". Jesus christ just kys already.
Wrong. There is a lot you can do. You can change your brain physically and your brain chemistry. Neuro plasticity.
>Why can't you just have fun?
The problem is, I see all my younger friends, which get girls. One of them is even small and slightly fat. I am none of those. I get in touch with people quite easy if I want and can put on a perfect facade. And if I ask what my problem might be, nobody can tell me "I don't know neither user" is what I hear.
I just believe it is my fucking face and nobody wants to tell me.
Alright, I'll do that!
Thanks to the other anons for the input. You gave me some motivation and kind of hope again
The worst part is propaply really the fact, that all my friends have more success with girls than I do
>The worst part is propaply really the fact, that all my friends have more success with girls than I do
Wait... You're offing yourself for what now!?
literally this
also try shrooms dude. it will change ur life
>be me
>Jow Forumsommando and Jow Forumslack who's tired of off topic shit posts, an hero threads and constant nigger, kike and other epiphets
>Hmm maybe a board about finance and business will have the intelligent discourse I so desperately crave
>this is the first thread I see
I agree. It's just I don't get any love at all. My mum died already years ago and my father doesn't really care.
And since I experienced how good I feel with a bit of love and appreciation, I miss it even more. I wouldn't feel that bad if I had never experienced the love of a beautiful girl, like that eastern european.
And maybe things wouldn't be that bad when all my friends wouldn't do better. That shit eats me up from the inside. Seeing myself unworthy of love, compared to them. I fucking travelled to over a dozen countries, lived abroad for 8 months. Did some cool and crazy stuff, have a lot to tell, friends in mamy countries. People say I'm funny. And nothing of that shit matters. I even digged quite deep into PickUp and approached a shitload of girls. But all it did to me was, making me even more depressed, seeing myself getting rejected sooner or later again.
This comparsion is what fucks really bad with me
if you hold any link post your private keys before you do it
> Jow Forumslack
>intelligent discourse
Don't kid yourself brainlet. Intelligent people don't go on /pol because they see it for what it really is
fuck dmt and lsd eat a bunch of field shrooms
user your problem isn't that you aren't able to be loved. your problem is that you think having a gf will solve your overwhelming insecurity and lack of perspective. you've put relationships with others on a pedestal and completely ignored the most important relationship which is the one you have with yourself. taking psychedelics might reveal that to you, or you might have a weird experience. you've told yourself a lot of bullshit that doesn't have to be true, ultimately you are in control of who you want to be for the most part.
good luck though user, i hope you don't kill yourself because you are in for a bad time if you do.
You're exactly the same as them. You're pants-on-fucking-head retarded. We all are. You're just maybe not as racist.
>I just believe it is my fucking face and nobody wants to tel
take a pic and post it, you are most likely average and its all in your head.
Jow Forums has a special brand of batshit insane schizos that I've never seen anywhere else on the internet
Wise words user, you might be on the right path with that. Thanks for that!
I won't kill myself. Thanks to the good input from the good anons in here.
But I will get my hands on shrooms and try those. If I have a worthwile result, I will post here again with the same image
Post pic faggot
fucking wise words user.
thank u so much for that.
isolation can completely fucking kill your spirit or if you use it to focus on yourself and growth it can turn your life around. forgive yourself for all of your dumb fucking decisions, all of your bullshit lies you've told yourself about how you aren't good enough, forgive yourself for the shit you can't change. go forward from that point with your life in your control, and never go back to being a slave to your emotions. contrary to what all of the dark incels on Jow Forums think, you can change your perspective. if you can change your perspective you are ultimately in control because you choose how to react to the world around you, one step at a time. there is always someone more poor, ugly, unhappy, abused, lonely, etc, that have pulled themselves from this materialistic shithole mentality our generation is plagued with to see the bigger picture. only when you can love yourself, can you be loved someone else.
good luck you faggots.
Give me your linkies, then I'll off myself and give it to another user. This is the new ponzi
OP, don't do it. quickly read at least the first few chapters of this book:
it discusses cognitive therapy which is used today to help people cope with depression and is as effective as antidepressants. the idea is that your distorted, negative thoughts are causing you to feel bad. once you realize and identify that your thoughts are faulty ("i am incapable of being loved" -- which is silly, everyone can be loved and you even stated that you had a semi-girlfriend before) you will realize the irrationality behind your depression.
give it a shot. it's not a 'self-help' book. it's written by a stanford psychologist who discusses the process and how to implement it to feel better.
OP definitely don’t kill yourself. Go experience shrooms, acid, dmt, whatever you can get. It’ll probably save your life. It lets you see his world is an illusion and to not worry about shit
Donkey, get the camera.
I'm a 28 year old incel, come at me normalfaggot
>I'm a 28 year old incel, come at me normalfaggot
What? You want me to suck your cock?
Safed that! Thanks again!
Will do that. Thanks fren.
Thanks a lot /biz once again! Thanks for the input, and thanks for helping myself getting a clear sight again.
I really need to get ridd of those extreme downs.
Good luck, user!
Dude believe me, when you get a bit older you'll stop giving a fuck about all that.
But if you do continue to care for a while, just remember that if someone has had sex with you and been attracted to you, so will others. Virtually guaranteed. There's a lot of guys out there who don't even have that once.
Just don't start being desperate, because that puts women off and turns into a downward cycle of desperation and rejection. Man up, march to the beat of your own drum, and don't worry about that shit. When they come, they come.
Don't take rejection personally either. Women are wired to do it. It's an instinctive evolutionary response to filter out weak men so they mate with stronger men which provides genetically better offspring. That's why guys who don't give a fuck tend to get the most women.