What are your thoughts on this anons?
Equality vs Equity
Go to work and buy a ticket. Eleminate your inequity through contribution
flawed concept
height is the limiting factor here when in reality the limiting factor is often times just a persons willpower and drive. you cant force this
patrician post
"Inequity" underpins all life. Through evolution we are a product of this "unfairness" concept these kinds of faggots complain about. If life was fair we would still be microbes, maybe less than that.
Fast forward to now, if your society primarily appeals to and works in favor of the inferior, it will itself become inferior. Safety nets aren't necessarily bad, but a system that rewards inferiority while punishing achievement and superiority is doomed to fail ultimately, and the results will show it.
>often times
citation needed. i've found most incompetent people could try all they want and still be incompetent. working harder only means making more mistakes for them.
yeah but you can increase the gibmedats (2) or give gibmedats to everyone (3)
(3) only works as long as someone else pays
if the stadium doesn't make profit and instead has to pays huge amounts of money for it, it has no reason to be running a football game
i dont even know anymore how fucking retarded this world has become
Its fallacious to the max. Change it from watching the game to playing and the tall one is going to blow the other two right the fuck out. You can't remove biological barriers to success and most of life is competing with other people.
You can't remove the fact that there are going to be people smarter, stronger and more capable than they are. Systemic barriers can exist but the reality is there aren't many and its just a matter of two people competing directly and one being inferior.
> If life was fair we would
Wrong. Life is fair. You get what you get. Fair is reality, and nothing is more real than life.
This very much. Also these kids are stealing, the fence is there for the purpose of blocking access and vision for non paying customers.
To be clear the fence was there expressly for the purpose of keeping manlets and gremlins out.
I'm alluding to society's current interpretation of the concept of fairness. I agree, from an objective standpoint what happens happens. If humanity was enslaved by a superior alien civilization tomorrow that would be fair, because we are unable to alter that reality.
Yet the tall kid doesn't blow them the fuck out of life like he would have in cavemen days. They both would be his slaves and sucking his dick their whole life. Life is unfair right?
All three are violating the NAP by trespassing in every scenario, and I am well within my rights to let my pack of guard dogs chase them down and maul them to death.
I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment but freeloading off a baseball game was a bad example
None of you people ITT would actually be in favor of unfairness if you were getting the short end of it. Basically most of you are just selfish and that's it.
Stop trying to be /phil/, it's obvious you've never read a book in your life.
1000$ E O Y
I'm honestly not sure what point you are trying to make. Maybe you are just a salty manlet but the point I was getting at is that the image was illustrating a physical difference in height and by contrast ability to see over objects. That was just an example of how people are different and can lead to unequal outcomes. The differences in individual ability is innate and you can't remove the advantage that people have in direct competition with each other be it intelligence, strength or height and the subject be Astrophysics, weight lifting or dating.
The point that this type of post is complaining about is that outcomes are different for people of varying characteristics. Which is a pointless thing to bitch about because you are just complaining that your competition has an advantage over you.
I rarely engage in serious discussion on Jow Forums because most people are simply too stupid or not educated enough.
I'll just say this:
1. install equality by giving everyone 1 box (paid by taxes). This is EASY, not much thinking needed.
2. then strive for equity. this needs measuring. and developing models in order to understand nature & socioeconomic models. which is difficult and costs time and money. paid by taxes.
A gay fallacy that doesn't work IRL
>I'm honestly not sure what point you are trying to make.
Yeah, I can see that bro. My point is we actually HAVE removed a lot of that unfairness in current society compared to the cavemen might makes right bullshit and we should try to remove as much of it as we can.
As are the ones on "the short end of the stick". They want people to hold themselves back for their sake. Unironically, work harder. Work smarter. Utilize what you can do and try to figure it out. If you can't, on all accounts, you're genetically useless. Sorry.
>>you can't remove the advantage
True, because innate talents and characteristics can't and shouldn't be eliminated. But you can _lessen_ the disadvantage. Do you see those boxes?
Use. Box. To. Lessen. Disadvantage.
Use brain. Then use boxes.
>government should build bigger stadiums so people without money can sit in seats too
>Caveman might makes right bullshit
You realize that nothing has changed in that regard right? Might makes right eventually lead to both smart and strong people as if strength was equal intelligence won out. The world is still very much decided by might. It has just evolved from being able to punch things really hard.
now you are getting to the gist of it
humans are selfish
your argument works against you
>If you can't, on all accounts, you're genetically useless. Sorry.
If Tyrone breaks into your house at night and kills you deserve to die because you couldn't even defend yourself, you're genetically useless. Sorry.
We can play the psychopath game but that's taking the easy way out. But if we actually played that game you'd cry and moan for a change.
You shouldn't talk about smart either bro, you'd lose that game too.
these oversimplifications appeal to the dumbfucks of this world. they are terrible fucking analogies
The disadvantaged can even make the boxes themselves. Not ask someone else to do it for them.
Something that short/ugly/stupid people don't realize is that those with innate talent or advantages get lazy on that account. They don't work as hard, they don't work to improve or be dynamic. There's a reason why the richest men on the planet tend to be small and ugly: these were guys who used that understanding of disadvantage and the resulting butthurt to drive themselves to the skies while tall Chads contented themselves with mediocre lives.
If you're going to sit back and ask for a handout because life isn't as easy for you, you deserve to rot desu. Necessity is the mother of innovation.
>flawed concept
>insists willpower and drive are limiting factors
whew lad
Did Mark Zuckerberg get to where he was because of willpower? Or stumbling upon the right idea at the right time?
Did Walt Disney's children have a comfy and successful life because of their willpower and drive? Or were they just born to the right person at the right time?
Or the young Trump kids? Are they are there station because they unilaterally decided on it beforehand?
Max Stirner wanted to kill all the spooks, but the last one he couldn't bring himself to finish was the spook of egoism.
Based and redpilled
So simple yet so Based
Wow, you really shifted that argument. I wasn't arguing for the breakdown of mutually benefitical social/community mores like not killing each other randomly. Insecure little faggot, you would think succeeding in life is about being psycho because you don't understand what success is nor do you care to attempt it. You want someone to hand you some boxes for free.
I want to bring my own popcorn and beer
people who can't succeed through willpower should be eliminated from the gene pool
No, I just showed how flawed your logic is and where it leads bro. But yea, impressive ad hominems you got there lol.
it is ccalled LOW I Q. and we give them gibmedat rewards for producing more genetically stupid offspring, many borderline retarded, and dumbfuck liberals want to give more gibmedats out so that we can fill the country with low IQ gibmedat takers who will vote for dumbfucks (liberals) such as that dumb bitch and her stupendously stupid green new deal.
You don't understand logic. If there were an epidemic of Tyrone's killing people in my community the natural reaction would be to either be prepared at home for an invading Tyrone, or actively go out and kill Tyrones to eliminate the threat. In older days yes, foreign and suspect people were immediately met with violence to prevent the exact scenario you're talking about. Among all strata of modern society we've agreed that killing each other wantonly doesn't make any sense and have dropped arms, that doesn't extend to every fucking aspect of life by default. Those arguing for the successful aren't arguing for the active pursuit and death of the unsuccessful no matter how much your paranoid mind seems to think so.
Are you truly consciously deciding that shitposting on Jow Forums is the best use of your time? Because I don't believe it is, you're probably just doing it because you don't have the willpower to do something more productive.
Far too many people are relying on this Will guy for power. What ever happened to good ole Jesus Christ Power?
Nah he's right and his argument is a valid counterargument to your argument. Maybe your conclusion can be argued to be correct, but you're not clever enough to do so and your response is mere feefees and butthurt.
I'm genetically well-endowed enough that I can waste 10 minutes of my time, yes
>Those arguing for the successful aren't arguing for the active pursuit and death of the unsuccessful no matter how much your paranoid mind seems to think so.
>If you can't, on all accounts, you're genetically useless. Sorry.
That is actually the end result you want. Again, stop talking about smart when you're this fucking stupid lol. You might be driven(maybe, doubt it) but don't confuse it with intelligence.
In real life the fence would be so high that the tallest boy couldn't see over the fence unless he had 1 box, but there were still only 3 boxes to distribute.
The best decision would be give the tallest boy 1 box and the middle boy 2. You distribute the resources so that the highest amount of people that can make it, do make it.
Pathetic people would give all the boxes to the shortest boy because they feel bad for him.
Our public schools would give 2 boxes to the shortest and 1 box to the middle, ensuring that they're all the same height, thus equal, while ensuring that no one has been given the tools to "make it".
True equality would mean giving everyone one box so that only the tallest boy would "make it".
This is if you consider the fence a natural and unmovable metaphor for obstacles in life.
Right, socialism wins because a black guy can kill me in my sleep. Awesome and compelling counterargument, the kind of caliber I'd expect from the welfare delegation. Thanks
Explain to me what the fundamental basis of power is in this world if it is not might?
>Working for what you can achieve in modern society is irrelevant because a nigger can kill me in my sleep
Again, you're doing a great job. I'm floored, sometimes I forget 16 year olds are on this site too.
You need to understand that he isn't arguing in favor of a position. He is arguing against your case for your position and showing you what the logical conclusion to your arguments are.
You screeching "communist" does nothing.
That isn't the logical conclusion. It's a fallacious analogy that ignores context. Were I to live in a society where Tyrone's were regularly killing people in their sleep and I didn't take active measures to prevent that then yes, that would be on me. For not having any foresight or judgement.
Perching your counterargument on an outlier phenomenon isn't very sound. But then again, as I said, I'm arguing with the exact kind of people who get offended by the fact that they're lazy and incompetent and deserve their lot in life.
The strangest part about this is that that isn't even the logical conclusion to his argument. The logical conclusion is that breeding is based on accomplishments and ability while those that lack achievement and are unable to generate value are sterilized or killed.
Tyrone never really comes into that equation anymore than a meteor does.
There should be a 4th panel where the stadium is empty with a big "OUT OF BUSINESS" sign with the 3 kids shooting up heroine leaning on the chain link fence.
Also any system that seeks anything else with priority to merit will find that over time they will get whatever [TREND QUALITY] they are prioritizing is at the expense of merit and will be over taken by competing systems that don't. This can be delayed by institutional support and nowadays the process of refinement is slower, but long term it is inevitable; what is better is better and slowly replaces everything else till it becomes the chaff to be burnt away.