This thread is dedicated to posting our future wives. Go ahead and post yours.
$1000 by eoy meme it faggots
This thread is dedicated to posting our future wives. Go ahead and post yours.
$1000 by eoy meme it faggots
Mari Bambei is mine. Fuck off.
I'd get bored of that pussy pretty quickly but not a bad choice.
Bang her together at the link yacht party.
But she's canadian more than asian. Hyperroast basically.
somebody feed her some food
asian girls for white men
white women for black men
Just nutted 1k times
Its asain men for black men*
They're bred for it
>somebody feed her some food
It's more like every women for white men. Despite memes, white men are still more desirable.
not bad, but i literally just met a 10/10 japanese girl tonight and going to meet her next week
my life went from literal hell into heaven in the matter of about 10 minutes
the one in ur pic is a 7, 7.5 at best by my rating
Mari is a solid 9.
She has a terrible personality though. Probably a lifetime of being treated as a perfect little princess is to blame. Wish I could choke her with my dick.
tbqh preferring "thicc" women over thin women is low test
Sadly asians hate blacks (seen as lower class and smell horrible to asians generally) and worship the BWC.
White chicks much prefer white men as well.
>and smell horrible to asians generally
they smell horrible to everyone desu
Based thread for link marines
Based chinky princesses
Dreamers if you want to travel and hook up we need a biz asian hunter spot
is it ok if asian guys go for black women?
Is that the fucking OWN sign in the background?
Can she get surgery to fix her eyes tho
Fugg... how many btc to fugg her?
>inb4 she flakes
>and no bugs anywhere in the house
Dilraba Dilmurat
On the left.
Nice sag bags.
If biz ever makes it there is going to be tons of surpreme gentlemen babies
I really don't think giving her snot was necessary to get the point across
I like Asian women. Vina Sky is my favorite right now. They look fun to date but I wouldn't marry one.
>The intricate pixelated detail to that meme
Some white roastie had to be extremely mad to make this.
Guess the autor meant that the AF merely acts human, and is an empty shell underneath. The act of being nice to the clearly undesirable beta is so taxing, that regular, non-immediately-visible, body functions must stop operating to maintain the facade.
Seems accurate.
bro look at her eye and mouth they're nowhere near symmetrical a 10 is meant to be perfection and she is not one step away from that, honestly shes a 7 at best and I would wager below even that with no makeup on
She has no ass no tits. She's nowhere near a 9.
Nobody else is, so sure
Oh shit, gonna have to fap now
On the right
Emi Baby Lee
i remember her is she still alive and being shat on by arabs in dubai?
id rather have a whitoid gf
id rather have a doll
>white girl good, yellow girl bad
>less white people good
Post your future Elliot Rodger kid.
Based and doll pilled.
Go ahead, but your monkey's not allowed on the yacht. Only the highest quality Whites, Asian and Castiza women will be allowed.
>this trigger the nu-Jow Forumsraeli
You can actually see her difficult attitude.
I think it's cool you guys like to jerk off together to release the tension from going broke.
it was actually your future son