Why aren't millennials buying houses, working high paying jobs, and having kids? They are like 40 now...
Why aren't millennials buying houses, working high paying jobs, and having kids? They are like 40 now
based dog
Too many millennials got tricked into thinking that memes were careers only to discover that their career was a meme. To be honest I don't know how to fix this unless the government has some kind of silent genocide method and starts just killing them off before they unironically elect a socialist president.
>unless the government has some kind of silent genocide method and starts just killing them off before they unironically elect a socialist president.
>Chainlink is going to make literal autistic nazis rich
user you best start believing.
I have kids, a high paying job, and a house.
And I'm only 36 you little fucking punk!
No, I'm sorry. Chainlink is a scam too.
>Why aren't millennials buying houses
Because everyone's waiting on the housing market to crash again
>working high paying jobs
Because those aren't exactly hugely available like they used to be back in the 70s. The kind of low-skill job back then that could support an entire family now would barely support two people living together. Wages didn't keep up with inflation at all
>and having kids?
Because they don't have the housing or job to support creating a family, plus having the traditional family isn't as 'in-style' now and people understand how much easier life would be financially if they never have kids
>3x my money
I don't think you understand how scams work.
Have you actually 3x'd your money though? By that I mean, have you cashed out already? Because if not then that 3x is as imaginary as your shitcoin's value.
I'm 24 and have perfected my pull out method even shit faced it's flawless
Couldn't even imagine having a kid and how much the would fucking suck
same. and i'm 28
fuck is you talkin bout OP?
oh man, imagine the smell if you were a dog
I cashed out initial plus a little bonus.
Ok so to be clear, you have cashed out and now do not hold any more LINK? If so why are you still shilling it?
Are you legitimately retarded or tired or something?
No, I'm trying to make you realized that you are bullshitting yourself. If you still hold any LINK, you have not cashed out, and you have not made 3x. But you'll be here telling me that you did 3x, then 4x, then 5x, then 10x, and then one day you will go check the value to see if your lambo is already here, and you will see 0x just as the "devs" market sold everything and fucked you over. And your little imaginary profit amounted to little more than bragging rights on an indonesian brap posting imageboard.
ready for a 4th industrial reich!
No you couldn't understand the simplest fucking sentence. English isn't even my first language you fucking retard.
The obvious solution to this is for the IRS to disclose employment status of recent graduates of that school's major the student wants to pursue. Too bad the USA is plagued with laws that prevent this from ever happening.
Fair enough. See you after the exit. Well, not that any of you faggots will have the balls to even show your faces after that. We probably won't even see any threads from the linkies admitting to losing their money.
Well, that would be good but it is not the solution. Those people are already here, they are an entire generation. When the boomers die off, the millenials will be the ones who choose presidents and other politicians. They will get a socialist president unless Trump commits silent genocide on them.
Bitconnect went 800x from ATL to ATH
Guess it wasn't a scam
hahaha fucking mouthbreather retards like you have been making money gambling on scams since boomers invented the stock market the good bet is you are confirmed to be spastic and will lose all of your imaginary gain due to greed and not enough luck to walk away until it is too late
children used to be an asset. now they are a liability. today they are a huge fucking liability.
Good point
Are you retarded as well. Do non of you understand what "cashed out initial with a little bonus" means?
With proper risk management its incredibly hard to lose money, making money is a different story but you wouldn't be able to grasp the concept.
>Are you retarded as well. Do non of you understand what "cashed out initial with a little bonus" means?
Unless that "little bonus" was 3x of your money, you have not 3x'd your money. Just because you have cashed out enough to cover your initial investment doesn't mean anything. Well, at least you won't regret it given that you got your money back but all you did was sell the scam coin to another retard.
>Thinks people brag about unrealized gains
I could have 4.2x but I leave a little bit because why not, the project does seem to have potential if a lot of IF's happen. Its no risk to me. You on the other hand seem extremely bitter about it.
You seem like a typical top buyer.
imagine having kids in 2019. the generation being born now is FUCKED. it’s the human battery generation. the wagie cagie memes will become real except worse.
>Thinks people brag about unrealized gains
First day in Jow Forums? Well, at least you already clarified that you did 3x for a real but that means you aren't a link marine so God fucking knows why you are shilling your scam coin so hard. Fuck off, all I said was on the mindset that you were a LINK marine.
>Not converting to Judaism (if your IQ is 135+) and making sure of your genetic survival.
Guess we can't all be winners.
I am still a link marine. Reread the post then focus really hard when you come to the part saying "I leave a little bit because why not"
You retard. The point of LINK marines is that they never sell. You are not a LINK marine. You are retarded and have shit tier reading comprehension, but at least you know how to deal with shitcoin investments.
All I said to you so far was thinking that you were a true LINK marine who was holding until autistic goals like 1$, 10$, 100$, 1000$. If you have already cashed out any LINk, you are not a marine. What you are is complicit on the scam. But good for you, I think we can both agree that any retards who believe in LINK deserve to have their money stolen.
>until autistic goals like 1$
It already reached that.
>you are not a marine
Pff please like every single marine follows orders exactly we are human beings not machine men!. I am just as much of a marine as any other marine who served.
Because Gen X is in their 40's still.
Hold till $0, the ultimate autistic goal
kek you zoomers are real faggots, not making money is the same as losing money you will hodl those shit bags into the pavement and cope with muh almost made money. let me tell you that anybody who knows what they're doing is holding real money waiting to buy undervalued assets from capitualted retards which will be you when this board has gone quiet from KYS themselves about LINK
It’s because everyone who grew up with the internet and vidya is essentially lobotomized.
It's called look at the ((("suicide"))) and ((("accidental"))) death rates over the years. See something funny?
>2015 "the market's going to crash"
>2016 "the market's going to crash"
>2017 "the market's going to crash"
>2018 "the market's going to crash"
>2019 "the market's going to crash"
>2020 "the market's going to crash"
Cannot fucking wait.
imagine being a nocoin boomer