>wagies compete to work here in order to avoid the wagecage
Wagies compete to work here in order to avoid the wagecage
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Lol @ wagecucks. I will be at a resort tomorrow morning with my girlfriend all day. Champagne all day, massages at noon, dinner at michellin star restaurant. Have fun in your cages tomorrow keks. Keep this thread alive and I’ll post pics tomorrow while you slaves toil away.
Looks a lot better than the alternative.
Yeah, not all of us can live off our parents' money.
Especially if they're Boomers intent on spending every fucking cent of the inheritance fucking shit goddamnit dad.
>i deserve the money my dad worked for and not him the post
i hope you realize what an entitled little shit you are when you grow up.
looks like my work station
Explain to me how to avoid the wageslave life?
And no being on welfare is not an answer for a normal well adjust person like me.
1. Live cheaply, earn a lot, save enough to retire in 10-15 years: mrmoneymustache.com
2. Inherit
3. Start your own business
4. Get rich off lottery tickets like crypto.
>you are allowed 2(TWO) personal effects in your WAGE BOX
>you may bring 1(ONE) snack to work and no more than a single(ONE) 20oz non-alcoholic drink.
>failure to comply with company regulations will result in employee being returned to WAGE CAGE duty for a period of no less than 1(ONE) week and no more than 3(THREE) weeks per infraction, based on severity.
I love my wage box. I love my wage box. I love my wage box. I love my wage box. I will comply. I will comply. I love my wage box. I love my job. I love my boss. I love my company. I will comply.
Not really. I'm in that box rn browsing 4ching at work with all the snacks and drinks of my choosing. Also a mini fridge, a bookshelf and a botany shelf.
As an office wagie with an oppressive open plan office layout I'd kill for the privacy of a wage cube.
Wage for 5-10 years, if are not making 120k starting @ 20. And start your own business, but try to learn all about it during those 5-10 years.
my cubicle wall only goes up to that first line
>waifu found out she's preggo
>$6k in bank acct
>live in shithole state
>earning $100k but it's like 70k takehome
>no emergency funds
honestly thinking about killing myself at this point tb qh
>about to have a child
>$6k in savings
>takes home $70k a year
Count your blessings you ungrateful retard. I would unironically kill people to make $70k a year, much less have a waifu to bear my children.
yeah i think i am a faggot... she told me yesterday noon and i wasn't too perked about this shit. i had just managed to settle all our personal finances and the only debt was the car loan. now with the kid coming my head is just all kinds of fucked up thinking about the costs
sry you had to read my blog
>6k bank
the hell
let's just say we were slammed with a ton of fucking expenses over the last 2 years
>lolyer fees for settling some shit in court
>had to relocate but wasn't company covered because of super short distance
>high cost of living (in CA, faggot state)
i had finally managed to climb out of shit tier status in sales that was only pullin 50k to something that was 110k gross 70k net w/o commission. started in november
I bet the kids is not even yours. lol
Why do anons tear each other down like this? Has the minority crab bucket mentality permeated through the youth culture alongside rap music and general haplessness?
it's all good my man, just good to vent shit. see, told you im a fag.
Congratulations, by the way. It's scary and exciting. Sex ed brainwashing basically equates pregnancy with an aids death sentence, so there's a lot of anxiety, but there's no high like holding your baby for the first time.
You'll be smiling like an idiot for months, and all of a sudden wiping shit with your bare hands is a task you approach with a laugh.
Inherited wealth has been the only way to transfer power for as long as civil society has existed.
Boomers grew up and contributed to a bull market that had nothing to do with their individual decision making.
While some boomers won't give their children anything, the ones that do will become the rulers of the next generation.