Universal Basic Income fucking when?
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Machines need to take over McDonalds jobs first.
Wage Cuckin It
Lmao jokes on you my career at mcdonalds is Solid.
mandatory holdings in indices required
Gonna put my UBI into vanguards, inception of wealth
I-Is that Sergey on the right?
im from germany and we already have a powerful welfare state up and running
gf earns about 3ooo euro a month and pays more than 1000 in taxes
if youre unemployed, you get
- a flat
- paid health insurance
- 450 euro a month
so my gf is basically paying someone elses basic income
dont get me wrong, im not against social policy in general
in fact, id like to see universal basic income implemented in the following way
cut down ALL bureaucracy related to welfare spending, including
- job markets and government funded recruiters for the unemployed
- systems that determine whether youre entitled, or not
- child support and the above mentioned rate for the unemployed
- get rid of the minimum wage
calculate total cost of these factors, divide by population, pay everyone an equal amount
would come out at no more than 200 euro per person
there you go, your society prevents you from starvation. thats great, isnt it?
you're retarded ubi could work in western countries if they started deporting all the migrants, refugees and repatriating all the second and third generation immigrants.
then you would have ubi but if your iq is below 100 you get sterilized
>work hard keep half
More like work hard and you may or may not get 1% of the profits after tax
They already do where i live.
no need to insult me, i actually meant what i said
also no need to deport anyone, just make a system in which citizens receive, and non-citizens dont.
basically keep the system we have now but make UBI a right for everyone, not the unemployed, or those who just cant be bothered to work
let me quote the mother of an ex here, who lived in a house financed by the grandparents of her husband, who worked about 10 hours a day in elderly care to make their family make ends meet
"you know, i just cant be bothered to work 8 hours a day!"
fuck u dickhead
> citizen
some second generation indian or third generation Ukrainian is not german
>mfw wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
based and blackpilled
>your society prevents you from starvation.
the uk literally just kills disabled people.
there was a program last night on tv, in which it was explored how unemployed people are living now that they're not given any money. one couple had to go out hunting wild rabbits, the rest just resorted to stealing. ridiculous to expect people to just conjure money from the ether. a serious crime wave is imminent and it'll be more than just the poor suffering.
>muh austerity
>muh Tories
>muh brexit
>muh NHS
fuck off back to rebdit
Tbh if I was in my home country (Eastern Europe) and not the west, I wouldn’t mind a socialist economy
but what if you work in a based country without niggers?
Where? Britbong here, will need an exit plan when my village inevitably becomes engulfed by londonistan.
>watches tv
>thats great, isnt it?
only a below average person would think this.
nowhere near UBI. you have to visit the employment office on a regular basis and take the shittiest jobs they offer you, otherwise they cut the moneyflow.
This. Socialism can actually work - when it's Nationalist.
what's the problem kid? do you disagree, or are you just ranting? what is it you're trying to say?
there's nothing wrong with reddit by the way, it's just less saturated with children than this place.
whatever your squeaking was supposed to communicate i don't know. are you disputing that the poor are literally being killed off? perhaps you haven't considered that this has implications for literally everyone? shoplifting is up proportionally to the amount of money lost, so are street robberies and violence. whining "go back to blah" when you're mugged, won't stop you from being stabbed and having your wallet stolen.
fucking children man, your post means nothing, i don't know why you waste your time.
>there's nothing wrong with reddit by the way
Oh, should I be embarrassed?
Please furnish me with a list of sites sufficiently fashionable among your peers that I can avoid further humiliating myself?
Fuck off child.
>Listen 'ere, those fookin tories are killun us werking class folk. Right fookin basterds they are.
Nobody cares about your boring opinions. The UK is broke as our government wastes it's revenue on welfare, healthcare, wars and god knows what other socialist multicultural bullshit.
For every person suffering on welfare there are countless other lazy bastards who don't need it. Diverting more revenue to help said minority would just increase the proportion of said lazy bastards.
>shoplifting is up proportionally to the amount of money lost, so are street robberies and violence.
Thanks to single motherhood, the destruction of Christianity and traditional values, and most importantly because of all our new "friends".
Fact remains that the poorest in the UK are also the fattest, but I bet you thought I am David Blake was the best movie ever, tosser
Its funny because Im one of those people receiving money kek.
And taking it away is also having negative effects you dunce. What do you think will happen, leave 2 million people with nothing, and there will be no change? Everything will carry on as normal and you can get on with your day? The entire country is becoming perilous. People are hiring private security to stop burglaries.
>wastes revenue on welfare and healthcare
Fucking think for an actual, full second about what you're saying, because stomping around like a furious preteen asserting that everything should belong to you, and consider the implications for the entire fucking population.
When all the poor are dead, you get to be the new poor, and you'll be treated with the same fucking retarded attitude you're spewing now. I do not want to be forced to live in a rotting shithole of a country just because some braindead, middle class simpleton asserted that poor people are simply too wealthy, and that sick people should expect no help. Absolutely fucking hopelessly narrow-minded fucking cretin-tier.
>Thanks to single motherhood, the destruction of Christianity and traditional values, and most importantly because of all our new "friends".
Oh fuck off you galloping fucking cunt infection, the U.N knows better than some seething preteen sat in his mother's house:
Now fuck off, I really cannot be bothered with you reese-mog wannabe preteens.
stop being gay
I would say only one requirement. I would prefer it to be to have atleast european ethnicity in your genes but realistically it would be more like have a german citizenship other than that yes get these fuckers out of the job market we pay for them anyway as they dont earn enough at their bullshit job but with ubi we can atleast cut the payment to the leeches at the job center which are just highly paid bullshit jobs fuck them they are leeches just as much as their "customers"
the problem with national socialism is that it is, by default, still an ideology dependant on benevolent leaders working in the public's interest
it is another form of dictatorship and hence not much different than communism
I can't tell if this is a troll or not anymore
That's wrong dudes. Why would you prevent retards from starvation? why would you allow retards to keep breeding. You are building a weak nation, with weak men. You all deseve to die.
You have to pay for them anyway you retard and you know what without ubi you pay even more as you have all that burocracy overhead. How do retards like you even live if you cant even think a few steps further
If you gonna not pay at all weak cucks like you will be the first ones to get shanked rightly so i must say
people opposed to UBI try to apply it to the world of today. imagine everything being done by robots except self-employment jobs, that's the world for when UBI is for. you and i won't be alive but UBI makes sense then for a transitional period between people having jobs and everybody getting everything for free (because robots do everything and energy have no cost). again, remember that this is 100+ years into the future.
>100+ years into the into the future
Sure retard. I know why you love bsv haha
If everyone is paid $1000 a month
prices would rise, because people could afford to spend more, so the dollar would inflate to the point that the UBI was insufficient again
I never said there wouldn't be consequences for removing welfare, I never said that poor people won't suffer. You're using a strawman argument and trying to deliver an emotionally manipulative, effeminate attack on me.
You need to understand that there is no money, nil. The UK is financially bankrupt. After decades of reckless spending, wars, welfare, immigration, and the destruction of industry, the vast majority of people have been left with debt and/or little to their name.
There is no way out of this mess until the whole thing collapses.
You seem to think by throwing more 'money' (future debt) onto this financial bonfire, that you will magically help the poor. The poor don't need welfare, they need jobs, two parent households, and a culture that shames sexual promiscuity and reckless behaviour.
You are on the wrong website, and should probably fuck off back to re ddit.
I bet you're the typically snobby little leftist wanker I would see in university
you must be really excelling at your field to post this on 4channel
haven't you seen Wall-E?
More interestingly, what if everyone was forced to invest 10% of their income into index funds, which they couldn't touch the principal, but would receive the dividends from?
>The poor will suffer
Why do you think you will be safe? Nobody will protect your ass the police is already struggling and people like me would like to see someone like you drown in their blood.
Im neither poor nor leftist but i recognize the traitors the worst kind of traitors are bootlickers for the rich who imported the genetic nigger and muslim trash in our countries. You are nothing more than a casualty to happen for me.
No i prefer to live in reality and no job is safe over the span of the next 15 years and it will only get worse most jobs are already bullshit jobs we this is a development hapoening NOW. Acting like ahh it will be after us and we dont need to change anything makes you part of the problem its happening now and the third worlders that got imported into europe are a ticking timebomb on top of that
>nazi cringe post
I was 18 once too
26 going strong here. Your meme post wont save you from fate. Give it 10-20 years fuckers like you will get stomped into the dirt if not by right wing brothers then by muslims the ones you supported to import and i will be watching from a safe distance maybe even supplying the right with weapons would be a great idea wouldnt it? Metral did the ground work.
oh, you want UBI in your lifetime. sorry user, i don't think it will happen. maybe in some smaller countries in 50 years, USA will probably be among the last to implement UBI because of the whole mindset of the nation (capitalism, "work hard and you will succeed", american dream etc)
You get UBI no matter if you work or not, retard... this pic is dumb.
It doesnt matter what i want. You live in your own dreamworld were this aussie alcoholic is satoshi (what you want) where the problems are all kindly waiting until after you are dead(what you want) and you lie on the beach where everything is paid in bsv (what you want)
Reality is different you grow up or die
Unbelievable. kys
Also who cares about the usa a dirt country in decline that should ne wiped off the map anyway hope the chinese will win the trade war it will be a rough awakening for you genetic trash muttts
You are all wrong. As some of you said, automation will take jobs from humans. But do you think that will be just low income jobs? You are wrong. Everyone will be affected. Do you think in 15 years we wont have softwares to automate judges' decision making, for example? Accountants, lawyers, most jobs will be all take by robots. And who do you think will be the richest? The ones that have invested on digital money, the ones that control the production of robots and automation software, and the robots themselves.
For example, you can make 500k a year, but you will certainly waste at least 100k on useless things like food, rent, housing, car, or so. A software doesnt need any of this. Once the software is able to take decision by itself, what do you think it will do? It will buy or rent processing power, in order to become even more powerful, and hence making more money. So after a certain point in the future, there will be no limit to the amount of money a robot can make, but there is a limit for humans.
What do you think is going to happen afterwards? Do you think robots will keep feeding us, as babies, or they will just protect or merge with a small elite? Of course the most rich will have a plan to merge their lineage with the robots, while the poor will be left to rot. It's not that people will spoonfeed you for being poor. If you cant compete with the robots long enought you'll be left to starve. That is already happeing in a small scale. UBI wont save you from having your lineage stopped. The rich are already competing with one another, because they have already figured that out. It will be so exponential, that every second you waste not making money, there is a higher chance that everyone of your family members wont endure. Eveerything you did, or your parents did, will be for nothing. UBI might easy the burden a little, but it is useless after all.
Not exactly true.
What you say is the ideal economic truth. But our real system is loaded with inefficiency. People would use their $1000 to buy various things. Things that are not 100 percent random and hence not all subject to inflation.
typical english scum
surrender his land and women to shitskins
Relax man, we're all business men around here.
I don't live in USA either.
I dont know if scamming is a legitimate business. Also the craig bullshit shitting up this board is getting annoying especially if its something obvious like this. We now have 10+ link threads and almost the same bsv threads and i dont wanna deal with this anymore. The board is ruined.
Idk about the immigrant part but I’m very ok with sterilizing everyone under 100 IQ. I’d be willing to up that to 115 or 120 frankly.
user why are you gay
What's the scam in BSV?
Absolute load of shit. The people loved Hitler, and their country was much better while he was in power. NatSoc is the antithesis to communism.
Identity theft and pyramid scamming is ok for you? Its fraud per definition. But you also think it its ok to make 10 threads about that useless fucker so i dont know if i should continue arguing.
"Identity theft", if anything he is stealing a nickname. And the jury is out on that one.
As for the actual scam/fraud, what is it?
What's their end game?
Strange scammers if the scam is trying to deliver what they said they will deliver.
well you are not completely wrong but not completely right. the top 5 jobs in America are all low wage and primed for being replaced by automation. A lot of poor people are going to be out of the job really quick, I dont think the middle class will feel the effect nearly as fast. This makes UBI a good interim policy
And yeah, everybody knows we are just going to kill the masters and take our shit back eventually, its just about maximizing health/education/energy/intellect in the other classes in the meantime.
Here is the thing I want for the future:
Automated anarcho captialism:
No Taxes, you just keep everything you, and the things you own produce.
Human rights get abolished because you can just create 100 Humans from cells very cheaply, so there is no need to give them rights. Only property rights remain, and you have to defend your own property with your own automated weapons systems because there is no more police.
Fuck the state!
Fuck the people!
Hail the money, hail automation!
And hello genetically engineered catgirls!
What a glorious future awaits us!
You’re actually retarded
If you think that it's not actually going to be like this, then you have not been paying attention.
Well, to be honest, I could imagine nothing better.
It will be a truly free world.
You can do whatever the hell you want, it's like as if it's Christmas every single day.
It's the world I wish for, and the world I will fight for with everything I have. Because the future is worth saving.
honestly would help me out. But i'd still be working. I would just invest it into a business though.
You’re just razzing me right? I refuse to believe someone could be this autistic and actually believe that.
>when it's easier to hunt wild rabbits than getting a job cleaning the streets
Believe what exactly?
That it's going to happen? Or that it's a good thing?
Because it is going to happen, if you think that this is false, then you truly have no idea about human nature. This is the absolute best case scenario. In fact, it's really the only good scenario that is possible. In all other cases, the world will just descend into nihilism, everything will end.
But like that, people will FINALLY be free to actually archive their dreams. It will basically be like a Shonen Manga, except in the actual real world. What could possibly be better?
Oh, and if you think that "no one could be this cruel! What about the poor?" Well, fuck them, I could literally not care less. They are poor because they deserve to be poor, nothing more.
>It will basically be like a Shonen Manga
I knew you were autistic, thanks for confirming my suspicion
>rich people no longer need you alive
>they'll give you everything you want
Ignore me, thought you were some militant UBI enthusiast
Where did I say that rich people will give you everything you want?
No, you will basically be a slave, or they will just kill you.
People's dreams never end!
Well, out of context that post actually reads that way, I give you that.
We got something close to it here, I'm glad the welfare money will be given on a state appointed bank account and the payments will be monitored so that if you use them to buy drugs or degenerate shit at some point you'll be discovered and the privilege of being a leech removed. I want to see how it unfolds.
Are you against genetically engineered catgirls?
Abolishing slavery was a mistake.
And human rights are a lie that can only exist right now in our current socio-economic context.
It didn't exist in the past.
And it will once again be obliterated in the future.
>one piece
Autistic manchild confirmed. I bet you created that scenario to be like all your heroes in your Japanese cartoons faggot.
That’s ridiculous. We’ll never replace lawyers, judges, or anyone who’s work is actually thinking of solutions and arguments. The jobs that will be automated are the ones where you don’t have to think, where everything can be achieved through an algorithm.
Even mundane office jobs aren’t going to be replaced because every work place is different, and the people who try and implement solutions have no idea what needs to happen to keep a facility actually doing its job.
you work for gypsyes or others
modern recurrent neural networks have the capability to create intuitive solutions.
modern genetic algorithms have the capability to create creative solutions.
Together they can intuitively create creative solutions.
The progress that is made there is completely insane.
You will see, there is literally nothing that will not be automated.
I say that fucking AI engineers have 30-40 years left max until they are replaced.
This is what's going to happen.
The only question here is if its a good thing. But it will happen 100%. The rich are already preparing for that scenario.
Pizza and literally loli Pizza(No, pedophilia will obviously become commonplace. I'm talking about literally eating a pizza with human flesh) will also become legal.
I bet there is even going to be a restaurant where they serve loli sashimi like with real-life cat girl lolis.
Like the frog sashimi here:
Just with human girls instead.
If you think anything is too insane, then you don't know what's going on.
UBI is just a joke. A sad pathetic joke.
It's like cows talking about if the hey is good at the slaughterhouse.
They don’t come up with intuitive solutions. They optimize outputs given inputs. They are making huge leaps deciphering inputs and optimizing algorithms, but they are never going to replace genuine human decision making. They’ll help us reach foregone conclusions faster, but you will never have a computer making a legal judgment about things like probable cause because the very concept is vague and open to interpretation.
I'm voting for Andrew Yang but "FREE MONEY FOR EVERYONE" is honestly the worst part of his sales pitch.
Dont you think judges will be replaced? Just make a software that takes decisions based on AI, and make a feedback in order for it to learn. Then compare to human judges' decisions relatively to which % of decisions get changed on higher instances. You actually dont know anything about law, do you? Most decisions are the same. Then the government will notice the AI get the right decisions most of the time, while humans are flawed. Also the AI can take millions of decisions in a day. Imagine the amount of money the government would spare. If you dont think that is going to happen, you dont know tech. Also, I'm a mechatronic engineer.
An AI will come up with a probability, like: The probability that person A did X is 97.8% given all data. That is will do, and that it will do better than any human possibly could.
And in fact, this will happen very soon.
An AI will also come up with a probability, like: If we sentence person X to sentence Y, then the probability for a repeated offense is 12.3%. An AI will also be able to judge how much the light sentence of a person is probably going to affect public morale because that is measurable. Therefore there sentencing is actually an optimization problem.
And the AI will absolutely excel there.
The only thing that people will debate over are things like: "what is the optimal confidence we need for sentencing", and there we get back to bare bones philosophical questions.
So the rich will set the bare bones philosophical position that the AI represents, and then the AI will execute this into reality.
And it WILL execute it - much better than any human ever could.
fomo round 9
Exactly. Thanks!
And also, it will do it way faster. Imagine such sofware, how much would it be worth? To be able to retire literally 100% of judges around the world? Now imagine this software is able to rent more processing power and invest all the gains back to itself.
You have a simple interpretation of what intuition means. Intuition and creativity are the outputs of a certain combination of inputs (life experience, data collected, etc). All of this can be automated. Ever heard of the conundrum that a monkey with a typewrighter and infinite resources will eventually recreate Shakespeare's works?
Yes. Indeed it wont. AI wont too, for now. But could you recreate also? But it is a fact that the AI can reinvest 100% back into itself. And I ask you, can you?
The rich would prefer a human judge and judges themselves would never let this happen. If by soon you meant 60+ years from now, maybe, but even then judges would lobby against being replaced and wouldn’t make it easy.
“We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.”
― Buckminster Fuller
exactly what p3d, and fomo3d is proporting to do
>work hard keep half
lol more like work hard keep 10%
“Good men, the last (fomo) wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green (divis) bay,
Wage, wage against the dying of the light.”