Minimum 1 BSV to make it
Bullish AF
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kek. Satoshi don't give a fuck about optics. No wonder I love that guy
based as fuck.
Wikileaks has been controlled by CIA glowniggers for a while now. Indeed bullish.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you--> then you win.
Will I really make it with 1 BSV, user? Thank you for the hopium.
so why is bsv the one bleeding the most?
Why would Wikileaks fall so low as to debunk some crypto shitcoin? I'm dissappoint
bc assange has been dead since oct 2016 and wl has operated as a limited hangout ever since.
waiting user, we're just waiting
for coinbase to unlock their bags for whales to gobble them
don't miss out
Will I make it?
Btc dying.
Checked and confirmed.
I have 120 and try to double as long as it's under 100$
Craig said he doesn't care if it goes to 0. He will bring all of crypto down so BSV takes over. If he's Satoshi and he gets the bitcoins back from Dave Kleiman's brother, it's over. He knows law so well he could win the lawsuit.
I have about 10 more BSV stuck at Bibox. Just waiting for them to enable fucking withdrawals finally
you will cry rivers of blood
i still dont get it how can you se this positively for sv
Whales aren't even gobbling what's available on the markets right now. There's a nice juicy 5k sell on binance right now waiting to be gobbled up.
Haha did you also sell ONG to buy BSV? I sold my Bsv transfered BTC to Binance to buy Bsv again.
Don't trust bibox.
holy hell the delusion
1 BSV = 500k within 4 years
the miners in it believe in it enough to mine at a huge monetary loss currently but wont (or can't) buy at these prices. They presumably believe the bsv price will be worth a good bit more than it is right now at some unknown time in the future.
Someone tell me
Is baby a hard fork? If you had bitcoin for ages do you get bsv too ?
also they are trying to configure their nodes to handle massive traffic so they don't get left behind. This means real world testing and spending money mining at a loss (aka investment) rather than having a bunch of weirdos theorizing on maybe someday scaling.
who do you think has that wall user
if you have unsplit utxos from prior to Aug 1 2017 then you have today an equal amount of BTC, BCH, BSV. If you bought BTC after that date you only have BTC
How do you do fellow chads?
Nah, just a bunch of -90% shit that I converted into BSV. I don't want to support economic activity on any other chain, that's why I'm still waiting..
>mfw digits
the clown posting is mocking craig
Should i convert my 2 btc into 130 bsv?
Yes. Or convert 50% now and slowly liqudate. I’m doing this with my link stack atm
completely worthless tweet, brings nothing new to the table. actually shows no independent verification at all.
Absolutely. BTC is doomed
We discuss metanet now
Always do the opposite of what biz says, for example buying bsv.
Assange btfo no wonder he is fudding satoshi
annnd that time has finally come.
> absolutely based. Textbook!
> Master Wright Satoshi
Why did btc bleed from $30 to $2? Moron. Because (((they))) wanted to surpress it. But Chad Satoshi Wright has kept his original vision alive, even though goys like (((you))) dont deserve it.
Stop fudding. 1 bsv will be $1 million easy.
This, Im all in because most of the fags here and on reddit are fudding it. Satoshi is doing something right to make that many people angry
And I try to transfer BTC from bibox to Binance and it's still fucking unconfirmed since half an hour
what kinda timeframe are we looking at for the coinbase dump here? 3 days?
No market on earth will allow this to happen.
You cannot have one dominant company rule a sector of industry. It undermines development and destroys competition.
Going to be very interesting to see how this plays out in the various jurisdictions around the world.
And i still don't get how you could let your mother get so fat in her body. Imagine the smell. Yikes!
bibox is a shit exchange, I've always had problems trying to get my shit off that exchange. You need to contact them in telegram to manually do it.
until further development and first implementations, the price is basically just a pissing contest between craig trying to pump it up (to lower mining cost) and ABC, random airdrop recipients dumping the shit out of it.
as a fork, most of its holders are airdrop recipients and therefor have barely any reason not to dump at the first instant.
They will probably list it within a month to dump their load. Would be a good time to accumulate during that time.
but sv hashrate keeps falling and btc hashrate keeps recovering this is not bullish for curry poo coin at all.
Bsv threads arent complete without you in them. Welcome
I agree csw lives in this faggots head rent free
The faketoshi of bcash Shiva Vishnu
Fixed it for ya
it's the highlight of my day when i get to push the curry back into the pajeets holes.
It was stuck in the unconfirmed transaction pool of cores shitcoin
It's not an industry lmao, it's the fucking wild west of scams and ponzis.
So was almost every area of human development in its infancy. There are at least handful of decent projects that should have the freedom to flourish.