All in!
All in!
Literally who?
Do you know how much celery people buy? This is yuge.
why are they partnering with a basement?
If chinks wanna run their scam on THE fully decentralized oracle solution, that's not our problem. $2500 EOY
So if it get this correctly celer allows off chain contracts that only need to revert to on chain to
Resolve state disputes
Post hashes for job completion/asset transfer
So for the vast majority of recurring operations this makes smart contracts independent of eth/gas while still allowing link to provide data triggers and payments?
Basically who the fuck cares when eth scales now cos we have a workable end to end solution for all the gen 1 smart contracts use cases...
>michale Zhou
uhhh that's the same last name as Adelyn?
>mo dong
top fucking kek
This. But retards scream ,literally who chink team‘
This is so bad. I want to cry
2 of the hackathon projects from a few months ago were using both together, like the micro subscription service
Celery coin?
These motherfuckers are phds from mit uiuc princeton and berkeley
Big swinging dongs
Watch this video
How do i invest in this shit?
This also makes a fuckton more sense as to why money skelly is pissed at money belly
Guarantee skelly knew belly decided his network was the weak link in 2017/2018 and built so that he didnt have to wait for eth to scale
Eth is going to exist as the link transfer network from here on out
This makes so much more sense
All the openlaw shit with payroll payments etc would never work over a formal network like eth maybe even with 100x scaling
Would definitely work if what celer is claiming is true
Fuck im gonna have to spend a day reading a whitepaper now
top kek
Nice damage control tiger mommy, we know ur paid shills techniques, it's clear celer is a bunch of nobodies
Also if you say that celer is needed to scale for chainlink then linkies are absolutely fucked because celer won't release until 2020
Checked we r making it lol
You are beyond fucking clueless brainlet.
Another ignorant post.
wtf hppened to her face ew
What the fuck is this shit, holy fuck Gomoku? Are you fucking kidding me? It's not even good gomoku play, it's a fucking asian game at least show good play of your own game jesus
Why so many chinks. Fucking scary
Those phd's are all fake
You realize it’s 2019, right?
fuders getting increasingly erratic and desperate.
that's ignant
wtf happened to "his" legs
Anyone dissing on ivy league Chinks is absolutely adorable.
protip: Chinks suffer the most from affirmative action when it comes to high-profile university enrolment.
Those fuckers worked twice as hard as even the white kids.
Holy fuck, stinkys will defend this.
Checked and redpilled
Check the ceo and see you can find his dissertation. If they have PhDs then their works from university must be online. Especially since they are American institutions.
Top kek
Yes twice as hard to scam people newfag. give me ONE chink company that has survived? OH WAIT THERE ISNT EVEN ONE.
>How do i invest in this shit?
Checked. You already have.
Cope harder.
v0.6 has been accepted on pivotal
Clearly, Comedy Gold. These people are obviously frauds, just like Ari Juels, Gavin Woods, Tom Gonser ...etc,etc,etc. Hilarious.
my nigga skipped leg day his entire life
Don't talk to me or my Dr. Dong EVER again
Their advisor Dr Zhang is dead ! No kidding. Google for yourself. Very scammy.
why all the chinks have Dr as first name?
Their advisor has passed and they haven’t even updated their website or put out a single tweet ?
Today ethereum became a service network for link
Screencap this shit
Are we all trying to cope that Chinks went to American schools and are now working with our beloved ChainLink team
Asians are hardworking but there’s a reason whites are making all the great innovative companies. The Asian culture is to stay in line and do as you’re told. Schools see this, and frankly they want future innovators over good worker bees
If this is true, why do you need Ethereum? Why not post the hash to Bitcoin, let it be the only chain anyone uses, and call it good? If you’re not making contracts in Ethereum base layer, what do you need Ethereum for that any other distributed ledger couldn’t do?
>req gets seafood and fish partnership
>down 98 %
>link gets produce and celery partnership
>down ?? %
All you'll be able to afford will be extra salty tuna salad, the extra salt being from your "it was all a great big fat nothingburger" tears.
>Chinks go to American schools
Only to steal research and lesson plans.
Remind me what erc677 is?
Spoiler. Big announcement today at the meetup is that celer is being acquired by chainlink. $1000 eoy.
>announce that we already announced the announcement
This user gets it
Ah so Ethereum will survive because it hosts and secures tokens that operate with some child networks reporting back to the the parent chain. It keeps demand coming through token creation, and therefore offloads all the heavy lifting to the child networks. Ok, got it. Ethereum gonna flip Bitcoin within a couple years
>stealing lesson plans
one of the more noble things in this world to steal desu.
Is ETH and LINK the god tier portfolio?
Eth can now anticipate far less network usage from smart contracts
This is not bullish for eth
those are probably mechanic legs
At least he didn't die in India
Do you not think ETH in the future will exist as a sort of tokenized stock for the company?
>Fudding link
You are literally a monkey
holy shit. i actually got a hard on from the dude talking in that video.
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