>Acquires TownCrier
>Partners with Polkadot
>Partners with Celer
You guys still don’t get it, do you?
>Acquires TownCrier
>Partners with Polkadot
>Partners with Celer
You guys still don’t get it, do you?
~i get it
No. I sincerely don’t. I just read marines getting triggered that celer is filled with chinks
Get what?
Gwt wht
Someone give me a rundown on celer pls
About Celer Network:
Founded by four PhDs from MIT, Princeton, UC Berkeley and UIUC,Celer Networkis a leading layer 2 scaling platform that enables fast, easy and secure off-chain transactions for not only payment transactions, but also generalized off-chain smart contract. It enables everyone to quickly build, operate, and use highly scalable decentralized applications through innovations in off-chain scaling techniques and incentive-aligned cryptoeconomics. Celer Network is on a mission to fully unleash the power of blockchain and revolutionize how decentralized applications are built and used.
What is there to get? That they have a massive first mover advantage? Cause ye we all got that
Examples please
ALL of the posited use cases are now viable independent of gas costs and ethers ability to scale
Ethereum now literally exists to transfer chainlink
wtf is off-chain smart contract?
Erc721s still have a bright future ahead of them. Erc20s are all rendered useless (except maybe BAT in the short term)
What this means is that Chainlink isn’t just aiming to be an oracle platform. They’re aiming to be THE facilitator of chain to chain connectivity and off-chain computations (scalability) along with being THE provider of secure smart contract data feeds.
Adapters + Polkadot and TEEs + Celer are extremely powerful formulas. I wouldn’t be surprised if more partnerships relating to connectivity and scalability are announced in the future.
TLDR, we’re all going to make it
NO OP I DONT FUCKING GET IT. And everytime i ask people go "haha low IQ retard fag doesnt know hahah dur" IM ON THE SAME FUCKING TEAM please fucking tell me MY LIFE is invested in link god fucking damn it please tell me what it means
celery is gross
were all gonna make it frens
Sometimes when I look into the mirror I start to question myself. I've read so much about flat earthers, scientology, anti vaxxers and fake moon landings and felt sorry for these people that are trapped in a cult. From the outside it looks so obvious that they are clearly wrong, but what if I myself would fall victim to one of this delusions? Would I be able to see the obvious? Would I be able to break out?
When I connect the dots it all fits perfectly. It all makes sense. But the truth is we are still at 40cents. Then I read posts like this and start to connect even more dots.
Am I deluded or are we really going to make it? I can't even tell...
Fucking delete this you stupid fuck. Let the brainless rot
Whhyyyyyy Gooooodddd !!!???
Link $1k eoy
BORING. No hype. No community. No Twitter engagement. No YouTube. Leader is a slob and puts the crowd to sleep anytime he speaks. NEXT.
Come back when you have the juicy juice. (Never)
I get it. hehe
do you really expect a bunch of brainlets you understand anything technical about chainlink? talking to some plebs in TG will give you the full details of how stupid the average LINKY is, just undeniably, pathetically, faggot stupid. dont feed these morons anything. they dont deserve an ounce of knowledge.
t. nopants
fuck off faggot you dont deserve to know anything. you just want everyone to spoonfeed your dumbass. sell your stack so we can buy in lower.
Link will never partner with a big company
I'm not asshole like this user here so I will tell you what it means.
Okay frens so here we go.. It means.. $1000 EOY!
Not sure about polkadot. Is the idea that blockchains will become the new intranets and interoperability between intranets is to be the new internet and link + celer scaling + polkadot will make interoperability fast and low cost but secure by default due to the nature of blockchain?
lol and who are you? youre on the same boat as me lil bud. i know this means link has a scaling solution thats whats happening.
I still don't know what they paid for town crier. More importantly, what kind of payment it was. Was it equity in smartcontract.com?
If you get dubs I'll unironically spill the beans on this.
go on...
please sir
You’re deluded. Those are good analogies.
double dubs. I'm selling
Op is missing the most important piece of this puzzle
>Brave New Coin is providing data to the NASDAQ for Bitcoin and Ethereum indices
>Brave New Coin is using Chainlink oracles to provide this data
wew lads if you arent in LINK by now I dont know what to tell you.
NASDAQ blx elx though bnc/link has been officially confirmed. Screenshots were posted somewhere.
its such huge news yet the brainlets on this board somewhat ignored it. We had a couple lengthy threads and our excitement was through the roof, but anything related to chainlink no-linkers just ignore. The United States NASDAQ will be using chainlink oracles to pull data for BTC and ETH indices. "The one" is right in front of everyone face and its not holochain, its not quant, its not ELC, surprise surprise.... its Chainlink.
Dont say we didnt tell you so. Tick Tock time is running out.
Why is the price still do low then?
mainnet unironically in two weeks, good times to be alive
>there are people this deluded
There's still money to be made in crypto i guess if there are people like you
Ignored? Biz is literally a chainlink board. wtf?
Hur dur why price so low
Just bought 5k more.
Do you understand how early we are into this technology?
The only advertising Sergey does is giving speeches aimed at developers because he wants as much traffic on main net as possible.
He isn't advertising to investors.
Understanding LINK might seem easy to you if you browse this board where its talked about constantly but think of your average person who is invested into Bitcoin or into Ethereum. I guarantee 90%(generous percentage. I dare say over 95%) of people invested into either cannot properly explain how they operate or what is their function. If they cant even understand the Basics of this technology, what makes you think they have any understanding of some obscure project? One that does not market itself and one that you need to dig deep into to realize its usecase?
People like this are par for the course when it comes to new technology. Its the same when cars first started to replace horses. People fight change because they only see what the technology currently achieves. They lack the ability to see what this technology can achieve in the future.
Pic is literally you. If a statement like this can be made from a Nobel prize winning economist, what makes you think you are immune to doing the same?
I have 33% LINK 33% Stellar 33% RLC
Help me rebalance my portfolio. Currently I'm FOMOing the Chainlink+Celer meetup. I think something big is going to announced.
somewhat ignored yes. Look at OP's post, no mention of BNC anywhere despite it being the biggest news for chainlink thus far.
100% LINK, there's no other roads to making it.
i'm trying to transfer my measly 7k linkies off of Binance.
I initiated the transfer an hour ago.
It's still "processing."
Will I still make it boys?
It's always been 10k to make it so youre not that far off.
Just market sold entire stack. This shiftiest of shitcoin is going to Z E R O
Depeds what is your value in bitcoin, but I would dump Stellar for Link for sure
>where is the 1%?
Literally who
you need to click through the email they send to confirm withdrawal, then it should only be a matter of minutes
1k$ before Christmas
the "processing" message stays up for a long time, but if you check on etherscan the transfer should be completed in the first 5 minutes or so
93% Link 7% RLC. I'm gonna make it one way or the other.
Sorry user, funds are rapefu
Easily the worst name in crypto.
Celer was a chainlink hackathon project. Partnering with your own hackathon project is unironically shit.
t. marine who was genuinely hyped about the town crier acquisition
This is your true life.
Why isn't the aggregate story accepted on Pivotaltracker? I thought only 0.6 blocked it which got accepted today
Check em
Your a fucking disgrace. The fact you ask that question shows you the binomodal distribution of IQs within the link community. I’m sure you know where you lie.
>Sure they partnered with this product that does all these things and together they'll corner the offchain market
>But that product was specifically designed to make ChainLink better!
>So it means less
It means more you mong, ChainLink is the centerpoint that the service-providing, cost-cutting cryptoverse revolves around.
dubs. spill it
$1000 eoy screenshot this.
We're waiting for you to sell.
>damp eet
baked beans
Wrong. People at the hackathon used celer + Chainlink together. Celer has been in the works for a long time
People who keep saying why is price so low dont realize that $1 is the max one link could be worth. Sell your stack. Let the big boys do the staking.
>they are clearly wrong
you mean the normie who don't believe in all the theories because they are too afraid/have a NPC mentality?
It was worth a $1.20 at one point. You might want to change your fud to $2 to make it more effective.
oh fugg i forgot about this. It doesnt make sense for the link token to be worth more then a cup of coffee, it says it right in the whitepaper.
>Sell your stack. Let the big boys do the staking.
thats why it went back to under a dollar after, they found out it cant run properly over a dollar
>It's only going to reliably x2.5
FUD is so weird
Riddle user here. There's more to the picture than meets the eye. Shit at hardware level is being built FOR Chainlink as we speak. I know of two major projects, one building enclave hardware and another building a data structure related tech. Let me set your mindsets straight so you'll have the correct perspective to approach CL, Ethereum which is considered the bedrock for smartcontracts is literally just one out of hundreds of protocols complimenting THE GOD PROTOCOL called Chainlink.
>Hardware for ChainLink ?
RiddleAnon ... I am speechless but not surprised. Hot dang
I want to believe.
Bullshit. TEE research is a huge deal no one is building that shit FOR chainlink.
Guys, I just realised that Dan wasn't massaging Blythe Masters' feet, he was performing solestry. Solestry, similar to palmistry (hand reading), is a method of psychic divination through reading the lines on a person's feet. The announcement today is that Dan has seen the future in Blythe Masters' feet, and it says we're going to all be billionaires. Stay stinky my friends.
The team hasn’t even begun work on anything besides Ethereum you larping faggot. Linkies really are flat earther tier
Yes. Of course all TEE solutions can have very wide usability, but this one project is very closely tied to TC which was, to say the least, parallel with Chainlink from the get go. Also stuff going on in the operating systems side of things. Some interesting innovations coming up forming dlt and browsers, new functionality is needed. Same goes for Android phones. Not to spoonfeed the completely clueless crowd I'll leave you with an obvious riddle. L T is involved
Are you really this retarded, or just pretending.
Linkies are the crypto world flat earthers
>Brave new coin uses ChainLink
>ChainLink has no relation to Nasdaq at this time
It’s literally right in the archives. How do Linkies just make up so much BS.
>no one has gotten digits
what is kek trying to hide?
Go back to bed P Diddy, nobodys buying your ZAP snake oil.
To specify I'm talking servers too.
t. info-kike
unironically neck yourself